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Everything posted by TriStateBassin106

  1. Not even bro, no ice = Fishing, We had a 55 degree streak in Mid January and I was catching them deadsticking ned trds and finesse jigs, one of the best things about now and until April is nobody is on the water, if you're like me who fishes smaller bodies of water from the bank all the annoying bobber kids who catch bluegills and the karens who feed the ducks are long gone from summertime. when I was little and in my teen years (Early 20s now) I used to hold this very stupid belief that my fishing began on the opening day for trout and ended on labor day.... I've had a great fall so far chasing them. if anything my September was waaay better than august. October fishing has been fair so far. I usually don't catch my first quality bass until April or Early May, this year I hope I can get something bigger than half a lb in the winter months.
  2. Would a junebug trailer work if I was throwing it in dirty water?
  3. In terms of bite detection line is the number 1 factor but from using tungsten for awhile now I've noticed that the tap tap bites I usually get when dragging stuff on the bottom is much more sensitive than using lead, there's no difference really when the fish bite on the initial fall or start swimming with it but sometimes I can literally feel the fish pecking at it and my line doesn't twitch or bounce, if I was using lead I would've missed fish in those situations.
  4. Because Smallmouth are much more moody fish and can only be found in certain regions/climate and specific types of waterbodies. When I say smallmouth are moody I mean this because they react harder to sudden weather temps/changes but one thing i've noticed about smallies is once you find them especially in river holes there's a million of em and the fight they put up is amazing.
  5. 1. Zako 2. Rage menace 3. Paddletail upside down.
  6. Tungsten is a much more compact and heavier metal, a 1/4oz tungsten weight is soo much smaller than a lead weight in the same size, obviously if you're new to our sport you're better off with lead for now. It's still effective in bite detection and will save you money, I started using Tungsten this year made by the guys at WOO! Tungsten and I'm sold on em, the sensitivity thing isn't a myth, I've had better bite detection with tungsten and can easily feel what's a rock, grass, or wood underwater. Definitely many times where lead wouldn't have been able to be that sensitive. Plus tungsten is better for the environment!
  7. What about the weather conditions? Do the fish see it better when it's sunny or overcast?
  8. So I picked up a bunch of PB&J jigs and stickbaits I plan on trying soon. But the only problem is most of my lakes I fish are heavily stained from algae blooms and runoff.. My favorite lake only has a couple inches of visibility, would this color work in this water clarity and if it does would it work better on sunny or overcast days?
  9. Rapala used to sell the 25lb scales with the clamp, the 6 size model I believe. I can't find that setup anymore anywhere so I just ordered the size 6 from Bass pro a few days ago. Dicks sporting goods used to sell the combos a lot couple years back.
  10. I have a clamp coming in the mail.
  11. You do realize you're supposed to slide it in through the gills and it doesn't hurt the fish.. You actually think i'm "stabbing" the fish....
  12. Had a fun time catching em on the ned rig lately! Had a good time sunday with a buddy of mine caught a couple nice ones biggest being 2.3lbs! Best part was we shouldn't have caught anything because the conditions sucked but we were persistent!
  13. Biggest this year was this monster 3.9lb monster I got on a black brush hog. (First pic) My PB was caught in 2012 and weighed somewhere between 4.4 and 4.6lbs which was caught on a black n blue senko wacky style (second pic)
  14. That's literally what he does to casual guys who go after anything. he'll have small talk to the other Europeans there but he wouldn't have the stamina to watch me slowly drag a jig for 1 bass an hour.... literally the only reason why this altercation happened was because there was a family fishing for catfish next to me which he was already bothering and he saw me with a bigger fish than the one's they were catching, literally a vulture in human form...
  15. Every year my bigger lake has a public tournament which our bass club sponsors, many property owners bring their annoying pleasure boats and use either coolers or the horrible livewells that are in the pontoons, last year this one family came in to weigh in and they had at least a 4lb bass and multiple pickerel which were all nice size, none of them survived but were still weighed, I was heartbroken seeing this beautiful healthy bass now dead floating at the boat launch. We talked to the property owners association about this and they have now banned boats without functional livewells from partaking in the tournaments.
  16. Oh believe me he's not poor, him and his wife always leave in a nice car. It's not a hunger thing, he's just bored with himself and doesn't know how we do things in America. I've already seen one lake get overfished by foreigners keeping way more than the legal limit. Especially with Trout. If I'm approached again by this man and there's a good chance I will be because he's a vulture, I'm calling the police and taking pictures of the fish in his bag to report to fish and game.
  17. It's apart of multiple public park ponds that has trails and it spans into a huge creek system, he's an old man that looks seemingly innocent who walks with a cane, but trying to ****** a 2lb fish out of my hands was beyond stupid. I've spoken to the Wildlife officials who work there and apparently i'm not the only one who's complained, him and his wife like to walk the trails and ask the trout anglers in creeks for fish. He has no intention of fishing or even cares, he's just looking for handouts.
  18. Drop shot is my kryptonite, I can't catch a fish on one except little bluegills pecking at it, one of my 2021 goals is to finally catch one on a drop shot. The Ned rig on the other hand is my baby and I love her ❤❤
  19. So this is a rather interesting story. Yesterday me and my good friend were fishing at one of our spots, bite was slow but we managed to get a couple bass on the ned rig, biggest being 2.3lbs. So everything is going fine right, then all of a sudden this older russian guy comes along and starts harassing us for fish, he talks to us in his native tounge and we don't understand him, he'll usually point at himself and try to ask us for fish. We say stuff like "what?" Because we don't speak his language. Everytime I fish at this pond he is always walking around with a cane and a bag looking for handouts from anglers, these other eastern european folks who fish here always give him shiners and bluegill to keep, i've seen this guy leave some days with bags filled with shiners bluegill and baby crappie. That's not the worst part of this story, I had to literally almost fight this guy away from taking this beautiful 2.3lber I caught yesterday. As I was taking the hook out he came up and started asking me to give him the fish in his native tounge, me being the idiot I am I tried explaining to him the water is treated with chemicals and the fish aren't safe to eat. (either way I was not going to give a 2lb bass to anyone. I firmly believe in catch and release and hate the idea of people eating bass, you have your opinion on it.. I have mine) Anyway so after trying to explain to him about the water and the chemicals I tried to walk away with the bass to release and get pics but this stubborn old man yelled at me in his tounge and tried grabbing the bass! By the grace of god another fella was there I guess a family member or something and took him away and he started yelling at the old guy in his tounge. This altercation could've went a different way if this man had not intervened. If I'm bothered by this guy again I'm calling the police. I'm not gonna be harassed on the water. There's a game and wildlife office in the park and the sheriff constantly patrol it. Here's the fish this guy tried robbing from me...
  20. Finally got on some fish! Crankbaits and jigs have been doing the job lately!
  21. Don't trailers like that make for a faster fall rate? I always thought having your tails flap and go crazy impacts the weight of the fall by 50%?
  22. My water temps are at 63 degrees right now, when would you recommend to start changing out to subtle trailers?
  23. With the falling temps I've been having a blast fishing jigs, my favorite so far being the Terminator Pro series casting jigs and the boss football jigs. My trailer of choice has been the Strike King Rage Menance, while I've gotten results with this I feel like there's better options on the table with trailers than can provide more thump and action in the heavily stained water I fish. What trailers would you guys recommend?
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