So this is a rather interesting story. Yesterday me and my good friend were fishing at one of our spots, bite was slow but we managed to get a couple bass on the ned rig, biggest being 2.3lbs.
So everything is going fine right, then all of a sudden this older russian guy comes along and starts harassing us for fish, he talks to us in his native tounge and we don't understand him, he'll usually point at himself and try to ask us for fish. We say stuff like "what?" Because we don't speak his language. Everytime I fish at this pond he is always walking around with a cane and a bag looking for handouts from anglers, these other eastern european folks who fish here always give him shiners and bluegill to keep, i've seen this guy leave some days with bags filled with shiners bluegill and baby crappie. That's not the worst part of this story, I had to literally almost fight this guy away from taking this beautiful 2.3lber I caught yesterday. As I was taking the hook out he came up and started asking me to give him the fish in his native tounge, me being the idiot I am I tried explaining to him the water is treated with chemicals and the fish aren't safe to eat. (either way I was not going to give a 2lb bass to anyone. I firmly believe in catch and release and hate the idea of people eating bass, you have your opinion on it.. I have mine)
Anyway so after trying to explain to him about the water and the chemicals I tried to walk away with the bass to release and get pics but this stubborn old man yelled at me in his tounge and tried grabbing the bass! By the grace of god another fella was there I guess a family member or something and took him away and he started yelling at the old guy in his tounge.
This altercation could've went a different way if this man had not intervened. If I'm bothered by this guy again I'm calling the police. I'm not gonna be harassed on the water. There's a game and wildlife office in the park and the sheriff constantly patrol it.
Here's the fish this guy tried robbing from me...