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Everything posted by TriStateBassin106

  1. Yes. Usually for me a fish that doesn't jump as much and pulls a good amount of drag after the hookset is usually a good fish. (1.8lbs to 3lbs) anything below is either jumping a lot or just being dragged in with no resistance.
  2. Got my boat today! Bass pro had a new stock of the brand new NXT 10E models in! Very excited for this new chapter of my fishing experience.
  3. Finally got on some fish the past 2 days, these being the biggest. Ned rig and texas rigs have been clutch. I believe these were all females, all loaded with eggs probably.
  4. Chatterbait has been on my list since July 2019, best decision ever to pick a few OGs up back then. Now all I throw is jackhamners.
  5. So I'm getting my 10E this Friday, we're going to bass pro and picking it up with a pickup truck, will we get pulled over for having the boat in the bed? Also how do we secure it? I'm guessing some kind of straps/wires?
  6. What are some tips/baits for fishing the late pre spawn in ponds/smaller lakes? I've started to see early beds here in NJ but there's no bass on them yet. Fishing the actual spawn is pretty self explanatory so I'm not asking for tips for that. Average water temps are 56 to 58 degrees and it seems the earlier feeding binge period has ended. I'm guessing the bass are now in mating mode instead of feeding. How do I target them while they're preparing to get on beds like this?
  7. Another jersey guy! Welcome to Bassresource!
  8. That's actually awesome haha.
  9. My apologies for not being specific, by older I mean people in the 60s+ range. Many who probably can't stand for very long periods of time like they used too, there's always exceptions like you mentioned. I have a friend who's 25 and is a big couch potato when it comes to fishing hahaha.
  10. If you're an older person I would recommend sitting down. There's an old timer who fishes a pond here for bass and he always brings his lawn chair lol. Personally I like standing.
  11. Went to my pond today, water temps are finally in the lower 50s and I began my outing by throwing a lipless crank, after an hour I switched to a jerkbait and got no bites, then finally before I left I decided to throw a jig. While fishing, some bread someone left that was meant for birds somehow got in the water and the bank bluegill went crazy. This is the only time I saw some action as every once and awhile a bass would swipe at a bluegill or two, I'm pretty excited for the fish to finally be shallow. During this I dropped my jig near the feeding fish and a nice bass swiped at the jig, but other than that no bites for the rest of the day What can I throw in my pond at the moment to get bass like these to bite? I was thinking about maybe burning lures in schools of bluegill but that didn't seem to work.
  12. New update by Jimmy Himself.
  13. All the bluegill around here except for my lake bluegill have this color to them or something similar at the moment (pic below). It's pretty cool to see the purple come out on them but what are some good baits/colors I can throw to match the hatch with this? My intial guess would be some kind of green pumpkin with maybe purple/gold?
  14. This is gut wrenching considering the effect Jimmy, Bill and others had on me growing up watching their shows on the outdoors channel. I'm in my early 20s now and recently lost my grandmother to COVID-19 this past November. Possibly losing someone in this type of manner and not knowing what type of condition they're in is disturbing and nobody should have to go through it, definitely keeping Jimmy in my prayers and thoughts. He doesn't deserve this.
  15. Chatterbait: Black and Blue Spinnerbait: Chartreuse White mix. It's that simple to be honest.
  16. If there's water beneath this stuff I would definitely recommend either punching/topwater frogs.
  17. I love the thrill and excitement of catching a 3lb+ fish but I will gladly take a day of catching 1.5lbs to 2lbs if needed, I don't have the luxury to chase big fish all the time but it definitely looks fun and I admire all the trophy bass hunters on this forum @A-Jay is probably my favorite because he goes out of his way to catch really huge Brown Bass on his boat.
  18. My favorite spinnerbait for ponds/small lakes. I'm actually gonna throw one tomorrow when I go fishing after work. My favorite colors are Mouse and sungill. Great little search bait and the mouse color looks like my bluegill/shiners perfectly. I would recommend pairing these guys with a size one trailer hook I use gamakatsu.
  19. Which one do you have the most luck on in ponds/small lakes? If I had to go with one I would prefer a texas rig only because I can easily change the weight size and it could be a smaller profile than a jig for finicky fish, jigs will always produce bigger fish for me though. What about you guys?
  20. I found a guy off Facebook Marketplace who's gonna sell me a 10E with upgraded seats and a hummingbird fish finder/trolling motor for 800$ best part about it is it's one town over for me. I'm going this evening to take a look at it.
  21. I've only kissed 1 or 2 bass and they were both over 3lbs.
  22. A size 1 mustad EWG hook was the only one I used for senkos years ago. Until 2016 this was pretty much the only bass lure I threw lol.
  23. I'm going trout fishing tomorrow and the weather is supoosed to be a high of 45 degrees... hopefully the creek will still be warm. It seems like what ever is left of winter is making its last stand. Temps all next week are supposed to be back in the mid 60s. Bass are definitely up shallow in my neck of the woods. I saw a few nice 2 to 3lbers cruising shallow the other day at my pond. Easily spooked though.
  24. I was worried for a second aswell, I hope it wasn't anything serious like a website hack or something. Hopefully Glenn or the other mods will explain what happened, glad the forums seem to be working again though!
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