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Everything posted by TriStateBassin106

  1. yoga pants california craw and coppertruse all work great for me. I even use junebug in dirty water.
  2. Ya I seem to do really well in the middle or later half of august. we had one weekend here last month where it got really cool with overcast rainy/windy conditions and the fish went crazy, I probably caught like a 11lb bag if we were fishing in a tournament, the water was warmer than the air and the fish turned on.
  3. I am ready for fall, like others have said in here the summer heat can get to you after awhile. Peak summer fishing for me was June to July. Not hating on august because I had some great days this past August but up here in the North East peak fall bass fishing is from Mid September to mid october. I am looking forward to those prime cool air spinnerbait conditions in october.
  4. This weekend was epic. Plenty of big fish including this 4.5LBS hog. Made my weekend and most fish were caught on a mixture of black ribbontails by Berkley and swimjigs.
  5. If I'm fishing ponds at night or during the day usually 2 or 3 hours. If I'm on my boat I'm out there 4 or 5 maybe even 6 if the bites hot.
  6. These two weight sizes are my go to for texas rigs. I throw tungsten not lead but I find myself constantly switching between the two at times. I don't use 3/8oz or bigger weights because I don't have extremely heavy cover in my neck of the woods. Do you guys use 1/4oz or 3/16oz more for your texas rigs and do the fish really notice a difference between the two?
  7. Did you rig the grass pig upside down or did you have the paddletail correctly placed like a swimjig
  8. How many of you guys throw paddletails on bladed jigs? I used to cut off a swimin dinger or swim senko and hooked it upside down so the bait wouldn't rise. Compared to the traditional zako style trailers I noticed the action is much more erratic and the bait darts more. Does that have a overall effect on getting more bites or is it nonsense?
  9. Some of my recent adventures, first two fish are from my old pond that suffered a fish kill 3 years ago but got restocked recently. Fish aren't the biggest but are growing fast!
  10. Berkley power worms in Green Pumpkin Black and the color "blue flek"
  11. I fish a series of park ponds that are treated with chemicals to prevent algae blooms and the water ends up being a inch of visibility, my bass also look like a sliverish color. I think it has something to do with water clarity.
  12. Here in New Jersey we've had constant 95+ days of air temps which are expected to cool down back to the mid 80s during this weekend. During this period we've also had pop up severe thunderstorms that have been appearing later in the day. I plan on boat fishing this weekend on my 350 acre lake with the break in temps. How do the bass react after these heatwaves? To be more specific does the bite pick up or turn off after a few days of blistering temps? Any tips for this situation?
  13. Yup, just last week I had a nasty backlash on my bottom contact setup.. accidentally hit a branch mid cast... took me about 25 minutes to get it out and ended up losing 15% of my line.
  14. Yeah I'm probably gonna downsize like some other guys recommended in here. It's pretty tough though without that fountain. I think the middle and deep strategy will probably do well, I heard that those smaller grubs do pretty well right about now.
  15. So on my 350 acre lake I fish I can't seem to get a good pattern going when it's cloudy, I don't have a fish finder on my 10ft boat yet so fishing the bank with all the cover like docks and trees/wood work well when it's sunny out and the fish are tight to cover. But when it's cloudy I just can't seem to figure them out. Anyone have any good strategies for overcast days this time of year?
  16. Yeah the pond is a fish bowl. Yesterday I caught one on a baby texas rig out deep
  17. Yes it needs to be replaced, the fishing used to be good around the spot the fountain was located but now they're scattered all around the pond.
  18. Max is 7 feet deep and yes the fountain wires got chewed by some animals. This pond hasn't had its fountain since june, they don't know if they want to add a bigger fountain or a second one. There's little to no vegetation because it's treated to kill that stuff off. We were expecting a fish kill the minute it happened but surprisingly the bass still bite and there's plenty of bluegill everywhere.
  19. What are some tips for fishing ponds during the dog days. At my 2acre park pond it seems like I can only get a bite right now by fishing ultra finesse or small texas rigs. They won't bite any moving baits. What do you pond guys throw now during this time? The fishing at my pond has been tough lately because the fountain broke and the park people are in the process of replacing it. Does this also effect the bite?
  20. So a 2acre pond I fish quite frequently had it's fountain break around 2 months ago a new fountain hasn't been replaced yet because the county park people are waiting for the township to get back to them, since then the fishing has been much slower for bass. No fish kill here because there's still plenty of bluegill and other fish swimming around and we are still catching bass but not as many as we would like or were used too. how does this effect the bass and what are some techniques we could do to catch them in this situation? My pond is a max of 7 feet deep and has water clarity of 6inches, we think their metabolism has slowed down because of the fountain being gone.
  21. Struck gold this weekend and caught some nice fish, including this nearing 3lb football, also caught another 2.6lber on a powerworm and he dragged me through the lilly pads.
  22. Some more pics from the weekend
  23. Another good weekend of lake fishing. Caught a 2.4lber on a jackhammer sunday morning and the evening before the bite was on fire, caught 3 back to back out of 7 bass while fishing a section of low hanging trees and docks. Ended the weekend sunday afternoon flipping a powerbait power worm around docks and bagged two nice size Largemouth.
  24. those two creature baits are definitely in my lineup aswell, also the reaction innovations sweet beaver is up there.
  25. Does anyone have any chair ideas for the raider? Both my aluminum brackets that hold my seats are starting to bend down and soon won't be able to fit in the roller on the boat. I'm a big guy at 6'1 and 305 and I heard other big guys had this problem in the past but I don't know what they did to fix it.
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