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Everything posted by Oledog

  1. No it is the old style round reel. I do appreciate the fact that you replied. Thank you.
  2. Thanks it is brand new. She is asking $ 50 . I might just let it go .
  3. I have a chance to pick an older Pflueger reel . It has never been used. The price is fifty dollars . I was wondering if anyone has any experience with it. Also I was wondering if I should do any mods to it ? I will be using it for small mouth and occasional trout fishing on cape cod .
  4. Hey , Bass slayer I live in Dennis area on the cape . Your correct about the temps , they have been on the cool side . If you do decide to take a trip down here I would suggest hitting West Reservoir. It is located in Harwich off of Bells Neck road . I have pulled many a nice bass out of there back when I used to kayak.
  5. My personal best was about 12years ago . It on the trinity river in Northern California. I caught a 12 pound brown trout on a hares ear nymph , while fly fishing . I had seen him chasing steel head out of the pool of water earlier in the summer. I chased him all summer, just about gave up catching him.when I finally got him he put a great fight , once I landed him I returned him to the river.
  6. I also grew up in western mass , and like yourself,I have returned after living in in Northern Ca . for over thirty years. Something about the pioneer valley that seems to call us back . Anyways I just want to welcome you . I thing you find yourself self right at home here . Lots of good people.
  7. Thank you for sending you for pointing out the right place for me to post . Very much appreciated.
  8. I getting ready to purchase a new rod . Looking at the Ark Invoker pro series. Wondering if anybody has used them and what your thoughts are about their rods . Thanks
  9. I do I a lot of frogging in June.
  10. I am over in the mid cape area . You might consider this area . We are loaded ponds full small mouth and large mouth .
  11. I am considering purchasing an invocker pro rod ,from Ark rods , I was wondering if any one has used them ? If so you’re thoughts on them .
  12. Man I think you just sold me me on purchasing an Ark rod .
  13. Interesting. I am in the market for a new rod . I might Check it out . Been looking real hard at Ark rods also.
  14. Same with my family. All the males are into fishing mostly trout , me mostly bass either small mouth or large mouth for me . Doesn’t matter which.
  15. I am getting ready to pickup a Penn fathom 15 for striper fishing on Cape Cod . It will be mostly used on the beaches for plugging and some occasional jigging . I was wondering if somebody might be able to recommend a casting rod between 10’ and 11’ for under $300.
  16. I think I am going to go ahead and add a split ring. I have concerns though that it will up the the prop. I guess I'll find out change it when I do it .
  17. I have been scouring the internet , trying to find a post on changing the rear treble hooks on the pompadour Jr . So far no success. Has any one here done it ? If so , did you use a snap ring ? What were the results .
  18. I would suggest just any pond on cape cod . Before making a trip here though I would do a google search to make to check if any pond you pick needs a permit to park at.
  19. Not sure if this helps or not . I purchased a MH mojo bass rod from ST Croix which I use as my all around rod. It is rated 3/8 to 1oz . I have casted as light as a 8" weightless a trick worm . The distance hasn't been as far as when I cast a jig but I was happy with it. It may be different for you since I fish out of a kayak.
  20. I just picked up a st croix mojo, 2 piece, rod from tackle warehouse. On sale it was $113 . I love it, it is a great rod with a lot of back bone. You might want to concider it.
  21. Tell you what , I think might just buy another it is really well made . I bought a 2 piece Mojo bass rod from St. croix bass rod , from Tackle Warehouse. It was $118.00 with overnight shipping. Because of the 4 th of july I won't get until Friday.
  22. T Thank you . It is an outstanding group .
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