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Everything posted by JediAmoeba

  1. Milliken was in 3 days - Fujita was 4. Very similar per day weights. My problem with BASS and Fujita is not have a translator present. It is very clear he doesn't know English and it would be nice to hear some of his explanations
  2. The tolerances on spinning reels are so tight with modern ones they can be a PITA. The only parts that can be tricky are the bails and the springs in them.
  3. Oh, I have a floating net and all that stuff. It doesn't stop me from doing dumb stuff.
  4. Yinz haven't lived until you flip an angry Pickerel into your kayak with a vision 110 hanging out of its mouth and it hooks you in the thigh through 3 layers and the hand through your gloves. The level of fun is nigh impossible to express.
  5. Whatever is cheapest - the only thing I would stress on cheap spinnerbaits is to check the crimp on the area where the blades attach to the arm. Sometimes it isn't closed all the way and you will quickly lose the top blade.
  6. I have played with all sorts of bearings and some of the "best" bearings were the cheap bearings. Some of the worst bearings were the cheap ones. Lol The most consistent ones, at least from Daiwa and Shimano, are their stock ones in the mid to high end reels. Out of the box the boca, spoolspeed, fasteddy are without a doubt the best. BUT, when stock bearings in those mid to high end reela are flushed and properly oiled they compare to the more expensive bearings. After having played with bearings for years in my reels and tearing them down I am amazed so many people push to change out all your bearings to high end. In fact, many places, like the worm gear, imo, should not have bearings. It's a low load application and doesn't see high end speeds that even warrant an abec7 or 9 ball bearing - bushings serve the best purpose here, can be hydrophobic and won't corrode. Last year I cut out some bushings on a lathe to replace the drive gear bearing on a couple of my reels and the results were very satisfactory. I tried out some rods of UHMW.
  7. He won using it but you can't really compare the 2 tours because all bass, big and small count in MLF again. FFS is one of those things I wish it was never invented so no one knew what they didn't have - now that its here it will never go away but I feel it will heavily impact tournament fishing. Especially at the club levels.
  8. Are you looking for a spinner bait or a swim bait? I just want to clarify before answering. If you are looking for swimbaits, hard or soft?
  9. The worst part to me is the fact the winner didn't even have a casting rod on his deck... heck, if I am using a spinning rod I am having a really bad day. I have about 50 baitcasters and only 3 spinning rods...
  10. It more than helps. FFS is the most dominating piece of fishing technology in the past 20 years. It's a young man's game now and it is pushing the oldheads out.
  11. But Fujita has caught all his fish on FFS and its not going to be close. FFS will dominate all the tournaments unless it's bed fishing which is an evil all of its own. I think having a screen as big as Fujita really has to help scoping.
  12. 99 now
  13. And that money comes from the fans and anglers supporting the business. Small as it is, without the fans the whole professional bass fishing industry probably comes to a screeching halt.
  14. Schlapper out here saying unless you are scoping, you're gonna lose. Basically chatterbaits and stuff are fun but pointless in competitions. He hasn't been casting much, trolling around looking for fish and casting to those. Idk how I feel about that
  15. Yeah, that's some bullcrap right there. The fans and anglers are the ones keeping these guys employed - on a stage like this it should be expected we get to see everything.
  16. I just ordered 10 of these jigs and I can't wait to throw my 7" craws on these puppies! This is gonna be rad! #heroorzero
  17. They work well. I have a few and if I didn't have 100 visions, would probably get more
  18. You would have had to submit this a while ago - it was a class action that has been settled.
  19. Check your email if you were part of the TW data breach. I just got my gift card for $111. The bait monkey appreciates this so you should definitely throw another 100 it's way!
  20. The KO's but you need to buy a few because the QC is off on them. If you want painted ones look for the Rick Clunn ones from Luck-e-Strike
  21. Yinz just don't know the pleasure I get when I want one color but get 12. For me it's just a storage thing. I already have around 90 plano boxes full of stuff. When I fish I go through everything and load up 2 3600 deeps and whatever plastics I need into my tackle backpack with the days needs. I mostly fish out of a yak or on the back of others boats so this is what works for me. If I had a boat, it may be a bit different. Maybe someday...
  22. I can fit about 85 visions in 1- 3700 deep.
  23. Looking at it I think it is so you can snell the hook and then feed a soft plastic up the hook and twist it on the keeper so there is no knot in front of the hook to snag on things. Totally unnecessary if that's the case.
  24. You have so much room in those boxes for more lures. If I did that I would need to buy another 300 plano boxes. At last count I had ~90 that are packed full.
  25. We really shouldn't mock the LTB, MTB and Monster Bass boxes. I imagine they got a lot of kids interested in fishing and also got people to try new lures they otherwise never would have tried. I always thought the concept was cool but I have more than enough lures to keep me busy.
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