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Everything posted by JediAmoeba

  1. According to the eletrofishing survey they performed last year on the lake, golden shiners appear to be the number one forage. This opens the door to pretty much any colors. https://pfbc.pa.gov/bioreports/bio2018/4x06-15-LakeJean.pdf
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  3. https://www.rapala.com/eu-en/rapala/lures/freshwater-casting/x-rap-peto/X-Rap+Peto+EU.html It's on their EU page, not the US page.
  4. Its fantastic and I am lucky (cursed?) to live 5 miles from it. Lou runs a sale every spring that everything is 15% off. The place is packed and everyone is dropping hundreds, if not thousands of dollars.
  5. Thanks for the suggestions - Managed to defend my title but was almost overtaken for the largest bass. I still hate fishing this water...its the most frustrating place ever. 5 bass at a whopping 8.3 pounds with my biggest only being 2.5 lbs. Lol
  6. I recently caught this overzealous guy on a jerkbait.
  7. Where are you fishing? It sounds like a lot of the places I fish here in eastern pa. The key with pickerel is heavier line, moving baits and quick hooksets. Also, retie after just about every single pickerel catch or hit. It's one of the biggest reasons I use fluoro leaders because they hold up better to pickerel teeth.
  8. Supply and demand probably- how many anglers and videos link to tacklewarehouse? How many times have you looked at an item on tacklewarehouse and it was sold out? I see more tacklewarehouse shirts, hats, gear and stickers than just about any company other than Cabelas/BPS. They have all the exposure they need and probably realize with their volume compared to out of stocks they can raise prices to increase their profit margin. It also allows them to do more promotions, coupons and sales. I do most of my business at a local shop (Wacky Worm) anyway and never really complain about the prices because it's great having the convenience of a local tackle shop that has everything I would ever truly need and advice from an angler. If it's too expensive I just don't buy it.
  9. I threw mine into the Delaware river a few weeks ago. It was in my bag and I pulled the pliers put and somehow it came flying out like a rocket right into the river. You can literally see the fall transition occur...weeds and grass die off and it starts becoming dislodged and you get a lot of free-floating debris. The fry start schooling up around the largest clusters and most dense areas of grass and vegetation remaining.
  10. What I meant was it doesn't produce for me. I have 5 or 6 megabass visions. A few regular 110' and a few 110 jr's. The past spring they were horrible for me, not producing a single fish despite countless times and many hours using them. When I would switch to pointers, I would catch a lot of fish. I even caught quite a few on Rapalas. To me, megabass jerkbaits are not worth anywhere near 25 bucks...
  11. I wanted to like the vision 110's but overall I don't like them for this reason plus, I despise the hooks and it just doesn't produce. When it comes to jerkbaits I will stick with Lucky Craft as the best, out of the box jerkbait.
  12. Sounds great in theory until I am getting skunked fishing bait x and someone else is fishing bait y and is slaying them...
  13. It's a 1/4 ounce smiling fred in Molting Craw color
  14. I live in eastern pa and I don't have any shad either in a lot of waters I fish. This one has been doing pretty well for me...
  15. Not only did you kill the fish, you littered a lure that something else may ingest.
  16. A better question would be: Are more fish inadvertently harmed/killed from live bait or artificial bait? This is one of the biggest reasons I advocate against live bait use for casual fisherman.
  17. I think most anglers these days learn to fish for bass on this setup since most entry level combos come in with this variation.
  18. But today I caught 18 trout in 45 minutes with my 4 year old son reeling them in. I was using an inline spinner. He lost 6 fish in that time frame. There is no way a person with live bait could have out fished me then and there...but there are days when they won't touch a spinner.
  19. Depends on the day. Overall a person can cover more water with artificial baits so those warrant more fish...but once you find schooled up fish it is hard to beat THE RIGHT live bait thrown into their mix...
  20. Rage Shads cost over a dollar a piece which is crazy to me since a lot of them don't even catch one fish. And a lot of times, for me, that 1 fish is a 12 inch pickerel that rips it in half..
  21. I would go with an underspin. It works easily and the configuration allows for an easy transition to a spinning reel. As far as rods go, something 5' to 5'6" long. Any cheaper medium light rod will do. As a kid I know I was pretty rough on the rods...I wouldn't want to drop 100 bucks on a rod for a kid.
  22. I see it in an 85mm. Maybe they made smaller ones too? Looks like they are discontinued
  23. This?
  24. I use.an equal amount of 3/8 and 1/2 oz chatterbaits. I don't think I have any 1/4 oz.
  25. Depends on the wind, the current and the trailer. Swim bait trailers seem to get down further where as crawfish and beaver style will come up toward the surface better. Most of the ones I use are 1/4 ounce.
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