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Everything posted by JediAmoeba

  1. I had to go find this... at about the 4:45 mark... Also, I might add, F@#$ the Flyers! Let's go Pens!
  2. Is this a product of all those workout videos you post? I think you need more cardio and pump less iron!
  3. It's already illegal in Pa.
  4. And also if you will be fishing from a boat, shore and maybe even your experience level. The more information, the better.
  5. Get a fuego. Same tatula reelcwithout the t-wing.
  6. When it comes to swimbaits, $50 is cheap. I would say the common price is 100-120 bucks. Depending on the paint scheme and size it can cost a lot more.
  7. You are bringing up flashbacks when walking into any store around christmas, 20 years ago. Agggghh
  8. How about robotic replicas that look and feel like the real thing? A whole lake of Dotties swimming around... And they will all be fueled by a vegetarian diet so they cant eat all those baby shad, sunfish and other forage fish they would normally consume. We will have lakes of trophy feeder fish swimming around that live forever and grow indefinitely.
  9. It has nice pickerel! I was only there the one time and caught a few small bass but a bunch of pickerel. If it fishes pretty close to the way the water where I live fishes - during the day getting a bite is really tough. Being there isn't a lot of cover and it is shallow they bury themselves during the day and unless you hit them on the nose don't bite much. But early morning, evening, during rain and night bites can be fire!
  10. A good majority of the lakes here are like that for some reason - really shallow and weed choked private "lakes". I guess they were easier to make... The upside is, I have gotten pretty good fishing in this manner of water.
  11. Are you fishing at Lake Harmony? I was there last year once.
  12. My PB was caught on a white 1/2 oz Jackhammer Chatterbait with a gold blade and a Zako Green Pumpkin White laminate trailer.
  13. How were you measuring them?
  14. I have had a lot of problems with this though - a lot of people don't buy licenses in Pa. Especially out of staters. Our fish commission knows it's a big problem and I have been on contact with them (had a senator call me about it) but they don't have the resources to enforce such things
  15. I use fishbrain but I don't upload everything. I also put them up as collages for the day because I don't want to post 10 1lb fish all the time...
  16. An artist's interpretation...kind of like when they turn a book into a movie - the idea is there but it's not the same thing.
  17. These will help me catch MORE little fish? Sign me up, I am the foremost expert in targeting little fish.
  18. What is wrong with you? Why did I click on this thread? Why didnt I know suspending lipless cranks existed? Why don't I have any suspending lipless crankbaits???
  19. Living in Eastern Pa, skin mounts are far from the problem - a lot of the people fishing here keep everything to eat. And by everything, I mean everything. There are a few guys I run into that only live bait fish and last June (when it is illegal to keep any bass in Pa) they had a bucket with 12 bass, a bunch of perch, all sizes of sunfish, a dozen or more trout, a few bullheads and numerous small pickerel. They don't care what they catch, they keep them all. I have found these same guys with buckets of 2-3" sunfish and bluegill they keep to eat. Usually they have 10-15 poles cast out, all with sabiki rigs using various live baits. This is my concern, not keeping a few fish. Also, large fish sometimes die when you catch them...may as well get it mounted if it's a great catch.
  20. That jig reeled all the way to the eye is giving me a heart attack. Please don't do that! Lol
  21. Most people have a lot of trouble catching fish out of here and claim there are no fish - this is what spawned this whole thing really. I caught a 6 pounder out of here 3 years ago but 2 dudes ice fishing kept all the big ones last winter - they had tip ups out all night with lice bait. I talked to them as.they were.coming off the ice and they had at least 20 bass in their bucket which is illegal. Nothing you can do about that...
  22. What are yinz most embarrassing moments fishing? 1st - Trout fishing some years ago I was using a brand new small inline bucktail. The trout were slamming it...and I kept losing them. I lost at least 15...a few times they would hit it, I would continue reeling and they would hit it again. Frustrated, I snipped it off and grabbed it...I noticed I didnt feel any hooks and looked at it. It didnt have one. It had a split ring but no hook. I put a hook on but the feeding frenzy had died down and I only caught one. 2nd - About 15 years ago I bought a new spinner bait and it had long skirt that covered the hook, which seemed pretty cool to me at the time. I consider myself a pretty good spinnerbait fisherman and have great confidence with them. I was fishing with a friend and we were throwing around pads and thick stuff. My second cast I had a huge hit and tried to set the hook and it came flying out of its mouth and smacked the side of the aluminum boat. I figured the bass must have engulfed the blades. A few casts later and I missed another one. Over the next 30 minutes or so I missed 5 more as my frustration level and use of creative metaphors increased. I wasn't using a trailer hook because of the thick vegetation but decided I needed to anyway...reached into the tackle bag and grabbed one. As I went to put it on the hook i discovered the hook had a clear plastic tube covering the hook point. My friend never let me live that down.
  23. Spinnerbaits with double colorado blades, Dark Chatterbaits, Crankbaits... Also, wake baits- ms slammer or rat!
  24. 500 Bass. 500 Boulder Bass to be exact. Last year after talking to someone and making a friendly bet, I made it a personal goal to catch 500 bass in 2019 out of our local community lake, Boulder lake(I call it a pond). As a personal aside I wanted to catch a bass on as many different types of lures as I could. I really didnt think it would be too hard. All bass were caught on artificial lures and all the bass were released. This little lake is highly pressured - from May through September you are hard pressed not to see at minimum 5 people fishing. Since it is stocked with Trout, on opening day you will see 75-100 people lined up and in canoes. So fishing pressure is extreme. Boulder lake is small at ~8 acres but is the deepest water of 5 in the community where I live - it's deepest part is about 20 feet. It has a volume of approximately 25 million gallons. By comparison we have our main lake which is about 40 acres and its deepest part is only 9 feet with the lake holding about 32.5 million gallons of water. April and May were hot as I would go out and land 10-20 bass per trip with the best day being 24 at the end of april on a jerkbait. By the end of June I had caught 335 bass. Things really slowed down with all the fishing pressure, the heat and the fact there just isn't any large bass. At the end of July I hit 400...then it got tough. I only caught 64 bass in August. I stopped fishing at Boulder for a few weeks and managed to hit 500 bass on September 30th. Now the details of 500 bass out of little Boulder. Obviously, I probably caught some bass multiple times but the most shocking thing to me is there are no large bass. Only 4 bass caught were over 2 pounds. I caught 2 over 3 pounds with the biggest being 3.25 pounds. It seems to me our community needs to add some forage baits like Golden Shiners or something that can breed. Overall it was very disappointing to not catch any big bass. Adding more regulations probably wouldnt have an effect since most people don't follow the current regulations and Pa is really low on enforcement. Notable catches besides the bass; a 26 inch, 6 pound 8 ounce pickerel and a 26 inch Walleye(no one knew any walleye were in this little pond). I ended the year with a total of 552 bass and will never attempt this again. Lol
  25. I use 65# braid because I have a lot of it. I fish for Muskie and use 65 and 80 # braid a lot - so it is what I use for frogs and other large baits. A 3# bass seems to be monster in eastern pa.
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