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Everything posted by JediAmoeba

  1. My local shop has a huge selection if Slider jigheads amd hooks. I see people buying them all the time- I don't think I have ever used them.
  2. Just my opinion: Daiwa are better for beginners- a good choice to get your feet wet would be a Fuego. If you can find an gently used, older Tatula SV this would be the best choice. Beginners often have trouble on the back end of the cast - Daiwa's braking system retards the spool a bit and helps not get overruns.
  3. I use a 21 zillion and a Salamandura 70 (just an Asian market Tatula SV 70). On Ali Express you can get the Salamandura 70 for cheaper than a Tatula 100 in the states...
  4. The weight went up a little bit over the Tatula LT, probably because they added a bearing but I agree they look very similar. Quite a price jump though. Tatula Elite - $299.99 retail TATUEL3000D-CXH Bearings: 8BB + 1RB Ratio: 6.2:1 Line per handle turn: 36.8" Weight: 6.3 Line Capacity: MONO: 10/280, 12/220 J-BRAID: 15/250, 20/220 Tatula LT - $199.99 retail TALT3000D-CXH Bearings: 6 (1CRBB, 5BB, 1RB) Ratio: 6.2:1 Line per handle turn: 36.8" Weight: 6.2 Line Capacity: MONO: 10/280, 12/220 J-BRAID: 15/250, 20/220 Tatula MQ - $199.99 retail TTUMQLT3000D-CXH Bearings: 8BB+1 Ratio: 6.2:1 Line per handle turn: 36.8" Weight: 7.1 Line Capacity: MONO: 10/280, 12/220 J-BRAID: 15/250, 20/220 I have 2 of the LT's and it's a little shocking the direction they went here. The Tatula LT is a great reel.
  5. They should make a swing up north before the fish are on beds. I want to see the elites battle some freezing guides and lethargic fish! Lol Seriously, I hate the elite series when they are targeting big females on beds. That's worse than any other part of the sport.
  6. It's still horrible in mobile. The search engine stinks. And there are so many categories but I can't find the thing I am looking for. I don't like it - the old site was easy to navigate and other sites just do it better.
  7. My favorite jerkbait rods I have ever landed on are the Daiwa 6'9" Seth Feider rods. They are pretty amazing for anything from a megabass vision 110 Jr or a Lucky Craft Pointer 78 up to Megabass vision 110 +1's. My jerkbait rods get used hard and these have been up to the task.
  8. I have the former and current Feider's as well as a Megabass Jerkbait Special. I throw all my visions except for the +2's on the Feiders. The rod also doubles as a fantastic small top water rod. Many people think it doesn't have enough power to fish the jerkbaits well but I think those people are overpowering them. Jerkbaits have tiny hooks and they bend/break easily.
  9. Gonna be a hell of a time throwing ned rigs on my swimbait rod.
  10. If seeing 4-6 transducers, 22" screens and 6-8 monitors on the boats doesn't make a person at least balk at its absurdity , I don't even know what to say. But what restrictions should be placed without disrupting the money flow from sponsors?
  11. I just read a recent question asking about Terminator and remembered I asked this question years ago. Seems they have been on a long phase out...
  12. If BASS wants to start I think the answer is at the High School, College levels and moving up. High Schoolers should only have access to a depth finder. At that level your parents or captain shouldn't be your advantage. College and qualifiers - maybe limit it to 1 at the console, 1 at the bow. We already see it at the club level - we had a guy win our club in his 2nd year ever of fishing just by utilizing FFS. Since then everyone has it and if you don't, you're gonna lose. In the last 2 years just about every single club tournament has been dominated by FFS. Makes fishing as a co a PITA.
  13. The young guys have had it the whole time. They aren't conditioned into a pattern and history at these lakes. All the bug names in the last 20 years are POWER fishermen. They make more casts per hour than these young kids make in a tournament. That's always been their way, present your lure to as many fish as possible to get the most bites. FFS has drastically changed that on these Fisheries and the old dogs are having a hard time adjusting. They have the tools but can't stick to it because of their history. KVD saw what was coming and rightfully bowed out. I saw more backlashes this week than I have ever seen - and you are telling me these young guys can hang power fishing? I don't think so. To be fair, I don't think it should go away either. But restrictions of some sort should be put in place IMO. This is an outdoor sport full of mystery - technology shouldn't be the all deciding factor.
  14. So, the PGA should allow any golf ball and all equipment regardless of its ability? Racecar sanctioning bodies shouldn't restrict the cars? Give Mcguire and Bonds back all their accomplishments? Reinstate Lance Armstrong? Should MLB allow metal bats? Allow PED's in all sports because we want to see the best? There have to be some restrictions - the sport already does it by not allowing certain hulls, your motor has to be so big but not too big. Your rod can't be over 10 feet. You can't use A-Rigs. You can't use live bait. You can only use so many hooks. You can't troll. They already do it. I don't know where I stand but we are not showcasing something that anyone can learn. A young kid going out and fishing from a john boat without electronics isn't even in the same realm as these guys as far as learning how to compete in fishing. You give a kid a basketball or soccer ball, they have all the tools they need to learn and compete in the sport should it be their desire.
  15. If livescope wasn't in the event, I believe, 9 out of the 10 top wouldn't be there. Ben Milliken would still be, because he is the most well rounded angler out of the bunch.
  16. Dude has the cleanest deck - 4 rods. Everyone else has a disaster.
  17. Did Cooper Gallant stop fishing?
  18. This morning listening to the oldheads was a little disappointing- basically old men yelling with a raised fist for the kids to stay out of their yard.
  19. That's going out there for a dedicated ned rig setup. Jesus H!
  20. Yes. Gamma is my favorite line. Edit: Lol. Resurrect the dead! I hit the last arrow instead of the next arrow...didn't realize it. Oooops
  21. I am just excited for glide bait season, i.e. prespawn. I will go out all day throwing glides in the spring for that 1 bite. Sure, throw a spinnerbait for numbers but I just want that one. The right bite.
  22. Anyone see Takus baits on deck? Looked like a sea urchin and what looked like a skate or something on a weedless wacky hook?
  23. This one right here. I have wanted it for years....
  24. You mostly fish bodies of water you know, have had success on in the past, someone directed you there or you stumbled upon. A lot of the fish move slowly so you wait for schools to swim by - some days are better than others. With FFS and 360 they have been absolutely hammering them - drill down in an area and you can see all around you- count off the steps and drill a hole there. Drop your bait down = success. There used to be a lot of mystery to ice fishing and it was a lot of fun. I had so many fun days on the ice as a kid.
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