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Everything posted by JediAmoeba

  1. I started using braid when I first got a baitcaster, when I was 15. The original spiderwire braid in 30 pound test. I never had a problem and was able to dig out backlashes. The first time I tried mono on a baitcaster was a total nightmare and I never went back... I think you will be fine if you take your time and dial it in correctly. I feel braid is far more forgiving than any other lines.
  2. Amazing! I didnt even know spinnerbaits had been around that long. Was this a bait typically trolled back in those days? I don't know but the knots I was tying at 15 years old didn't hold up very well. Oof.
  3. I wrap the line around my oar or paddle or something I have and yank it as hard as possible. I have never had a problem getting it free - the key is getting that shock. I can break 80# free this way. It usually breaks at the hook or the hook bends out really bad and you get it all back.
  4. Spot on!
  5. I was sorting some tackle and was looking at a bunch of lures I would probably never throw again. I have these old bass lures that I originally got because they worked on Muskies and thought they would work on a smaller scale for bass. I am sure some of you have some much cooler old lures. I used to have a lot that I inherited from my grandpa and dad but I lost a lot of those on the way. Lol
  6. What size swimbaits are you looking to throw? I have a silver max but wouldn't throw anything over an ounce on it.
  7. I went out yesterday in NE Pa in shorts and a long sleeve tshirt. I didn't know 50 was cold.
  8. Those are waaaayyyy too clean. Mine are dirty and so cloudy you can barely see through them anymore
  9. The only reason I didnt suggest the shellcracker is they are hard to get...
  10. S waver 168, Savage Gear Line through swimbait, spro bbz 1 rat (30 size). GANTAREL JR. That will cover just about all 8", 18 dollars. 6", 14 dollars. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Savage_Gear_4D_Pulse_Tail_Trout_Line-Thru_Swimbait/descpage-SGPTSB.html 32 dollars. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Jackall_Gantarel_Jr_Swimbaits/descpage-JGANJR.html 19 dollars. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/River2Sea_S-Waver/descpage-R2SW.html 30 size, 23 dollars. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Spro_BBZ-1_Rat/descpage-SBBZR.html
  11. Have you oiled all the bearings? I sticky bearing will cause this. You may want to tear it down or send it to someone to thoroughly clean it and lube it up.
  12. I agree. And without the proper equipment those lures will mostly sit in the box or end up on the bottom of the lake. That's why I would give them a jitterbug or popper - more the jitterbug because it just lazily comes along.
  13. I agree on the jigs but on the same note a xara puppy is a nightmare for a newbie. I would go with a jitterbug or a popper.
  14. A picture would help, but I have a few questions: What kind of reel? How heavy of a lure? Have you checked the guides? Have you checked the line guide to make sure it is free, clean and clear? What kind of line? How tight is the spool tension?
  15. I have had 25 fish days that were mediocre. Fun, but mediocre. And if you think I am kidding, go fish the Delaware river. You will catch lots of fish...2 pounders are hard to come by a lot of days. @Quarry Man. I caught this just through the woods from you.
  16. I haven't fished too much but here in Pa I have caught 11. The weather hasn't been great but there have been a few windows of opportunity for the jerkbait bite.
  17. When I was younger my father and grandfather hired a guide in Canada to catch Walleye and Pike. In 8 hours on the water we caught 1 dink... at the time I thought that was a colossal waste - but now looking back and remembering the conversations it wasn't a waste if time at all because the guide imparted wisdom about the waters that would take a long time to scout by yourself. I don't necessarily think being a guide is being the best fisherman but being able to communicate the behaviour of the fish, the way the fish migrate in the target body of water and more importantly where the forage baits are located. You need to be able to successfully put newbies and veterans on fish and make sure you entertain them. They are paying not just to catch fish but your company. I think the difference between a good guide and a bad one is exactly the difference between a good teacher and a poor one. When the person leaves they should have a lasting and memorable experience imprinted in their mind.
  18. Usually on spin cast reels the abrasion comes from the line pick up in the reel. The nose cone is usually smooth like a guide and will not cause this - in short, the angle here should not matter at all.
  19. I caught my first respectable bass of the year today on a Storm Arashi Glide in Green Gill.
  20. I finally caught a decent fish - 6.3 lbs. Pretty amazing for me in Pa.
  21. There is no way I am buying replacement hooks for my baits and then smashing down the barbs.
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