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Everything posted by JediAmoeba

  1. I throw a t-rig less than any single setup. It catches fish but I find myself using different techniques - I throw wacky more often.
  2. They are looking at Lucky Craft, Megabass, Jackall and others prices and realize they CAN charge more...
  3. This. Always keeps your knot out of the danger zone
  4. I hate the fairy wands and go to great lengths not to use them...more often than not they just tick me off. But sometimes, there just isn't a better option.
  5. Been there...One time, I caught 5 in one day on cranks. Also caught one at night on a buzz bait. So Snakeheads are on my bucket list this year - we don't have any *yet* up here in the Poconos. What's a reliable place to target them in Eastern Pa?
  6. Spinnerbait seems pretty obvious to me...
  7. The KO jerkbait order...plus a few extras.
  8. I would imagine an Owner Beast Hook in 4/0 or 6/0 would be good. I haven't used them but they look like a normal boottail swimbait
  9. I use small snaps on jerkbaits and remove the split rings. This doesn't affect the action of the bait and it allows me to change baits and easily retie all the time... On almost all other baits I tie direct. A snap is ok to use for most moving baits but using a swivel with the snap really adds a lot of weight and changes the action drastically. Look into some smaller snaps and forgo the swivels.
  10. Pickerel in the Poconos are nasty and seem to dominate the food chain in these little higher elevation shallow waters.
  11. Last year I caught more pickerel on top water than bass...
  12. I dont know where you fish but it sounds like the place I fish...you are always going to catch 4 to 1 more pickerel up until the bass get active. Pickerel start spawning before 50 degrees... Later in the year the pickerel hunker down and the bite will flip around. If the pickerel are really active this means the bass have not quite hit prespawn. Fyi: where are you fishing?
  13. When it come to wacky rigging with an exposed hook I am in the Medium Power, Moderate action camp... I usually keep it fluttering and this gives me the best action.
  14. https://www.jannsnetcraft.com/crankbait-bodies/tmb-110-jerkbait-body.aspx https://www.jannsnetcraft.com/crankbait-bodies/tmb-90-jerkbait-body.aspx
  15. Update: In my search I found these baits that come without hooks and hardware. They look similar with some ok paint jobs compared to the Vision 110's and they cost...wait for it..... $3.15 per bait. I pulled them out and gave them the rundown: Weight: 12 grams without hardware Width at gills: .566 inches Max Width behind gills: .548 Length: 4.326 Lip Width: .468 Max Height: .705 I don't know.how they fish but for you value hunters out there - this is a good option of jerkbait probably. Oh, and they also come in a smaller version...
  16. What if you get the regular flash pointer 100s and shave some of the bill off?
  17. Spraying boxes - haven't heard of such things... and we still order Chinese once a week. ?‍♂️ Anyway, I wanted to check out this red bite and realized I didnt have anything. Headed on down to wacky worm and fixed that problem. Also got some blue keitechs to pair with the bladed jigs I got from C&C custom baits!
  18. So far the pickerel are dominating my year...3 to 1 in their favor. Only caught a few ok bass...
  19. The problem with any of the powers is how deep the rod flexes too. Those parabolic whipping sticks and their powers are baffling.
  20. Sportsmansoutfitters...I lovehardbaits... All legit and all EVIL.
  21. Red gets you ahead
  22. I went fishing today and was using 4" zoom lizards... I caught 3 Eastern Newts that were trying to get it on with my bait. Each time I had to untangle them from my bait... Apparently I had the wrong bait for fish.
  24. I took these pictures to show the correct way...spool engaged and disengaged.
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