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Everything posted by JediAmoeba

  1. For an older reel they hold up pretty well against new tech.
  2. I don't own any but have used a bunch- I noticed very little difference between a 600 dollar reel and a 250-300 dollar reel. Casting performance isn't an upgrade so I don't see the appeal.
  3. Well, not that old... but back in the 1997 when i was just 17-18 a friend and I really started fishing hard and I was using a baitcaster I had bought from KMart - A daiwa TriForce. I loved that reel on my 6' ugly stick and I fished for everything from catfish and bass to Muskie and Bowfin. That puppy would throw 3 oz Muskie lures or 1/4 oz baits. One rod, one reel except for my little Shakespeare panfish combo to catch live bait. I always watched the fishing shows and read about tournaments in magazines. I lived on my own and I decided I wanted my first expensive reel, so I settled on a Tram Daiwa-X and mailordered over the phone from Bass Pro. I remember the reel was over $200 which was insane for me at the time - I lived alone and only made $9 an hour so it took a while to make this. I also ordered a 6' pistol grip Fenwick to put it on because those were all the rage. Back then I used straight spiderwire for everything because that stuff was amazing and lasted me forever. Anyway, I loved that reel - it always cast great and I could put a bait wherever I wanted. I rebuilt a few times, even wearing out at least 2 line guide pawls and breaking a handle. I was always able to call and get the parts I needed. 5 years ago I still used that reel, however it was on a different rod since that Fenwick had come and gone. Someone stole all my rods/reels(except one in the car) in the spring when I was spooling them up for the year. It was the middle of the day, I leaned them up against the garage behind the house and went in to feed my kids. I came outside 45.minutes later and they were gone. The only one that really crushed me was losing that Team-X. I told a buddy of mine last year about it and he got me one at a Flea Market but it needed a lot of TLC. This winter I got the bearings, cleaned it up and it's back and ready to roll. Well, I went to my local tackle store to inquire about a good old pistol grip rod - he told me to hold on, went in the back and came out with a 5'6" G Loomis pistol grip and told me to keep it. I am really excited about this and immediately went home, put the reel on the rod and tied on a spinnerbait. It feels like a piece of my bass fishing past is a part of me again...
  4. They claim 15%. I have a Seth Feider JB rod on the way.
  5. Daiwa has made their offerings really confusing for the unabashed Daiwa user. They are still running the Lexa series, they have their Korean models made in the doyo factory and they swap out frames and other parts between series'. The older 100 model Tatula is the same size reel that is now a 150 size. They have two sizes of Tatula SV's...their marketing team needs to do better.
  6. Yeah - but the bass mafia ones come in 6 and 7". Being a swimbait guy I liked Zaldain but when he went to the googan squad, I lost a lot of respect for him. I dont like the googan squad or what they represent - but i also understand why he did it and I would have probably done the same.
  7. Ragecraw Ragebug in the large size Yamamoto 6" senko Gajo Spirit Shad Berkley Gillies - small ones
  8. But 2 for $14. I like the magdrafts and just bought a bunch of the Zaldaingerous ones...
  9. Nah, get him a steez on a Loomis NRX... Seriously, get him whatever superhero rod he wants. He will love it
  10. Me too - that's mostly why I have 80# braid
  11. Depends on the type of Lilly pads...as light as 40#, 4 carrier, up to 80# 8 carrier. I find a 4 carrier will cut through some of the lighter pads and the 8 carrier smoothly go through the pads. Try a few straight braid setups and see what's best for you.
  12. No matter what organization I start with ends like this...
  13. If I had that I would ? fish it. Awesome reel- I remember seeing one in a magazine
  14. The old floating Minnow from Rapala in a size 7 or 9.
  15. Gliders and Jerkbaits.
  16. I know - he's a great fisherman. But he is also a marketing guy for 6th sense and his seld, if you watch all of his videos you will see the ones where he is obviously just plugging for 6th sense. It's his job, anyone bright would do it but it's also for clicks and views - I know I would.
  17. Watch Milliken - he will sell little baits while filming a video and trying to pass off dinks as monsters when he clearly isn't all that enthusiastic about it. But he's catching fish and for a lot of people, that's all they want.
  18. That's a poor analogy - should we be allowing all athletes to take HgH? Steroids? Those are advances in medicine so it's all good, right? They don't allow live bait - there are restrictions to the sport but most of them seem to be rules that directly benefit the pockets of companies...
  19. I would also like to add - the guy that won the club I fish in last year has only been fishing a year and a half. He beat all the guys that have been fishing the lake for 20-25 years using livescope. I would consider it more important to have a FSS and a trolling motor than a big outboard.
  20. I hardly think dudes going 80 mph through narrow channels is a restriction. If anything they keep the laymen out of the sport. Should we limit basketball to only dudes 6'0 and above in height? Not let goalies in hockey be over 6'0? Why don't they allow live bait? If they did, lure sales would probably take a big hit... I am someone that coangles - I want to get a boat but who knows if the stars will align and that will happen but if it did, I wouldn't get one without FFS. I have fished with enough guys to know if you don't have it, you are going to lose 95% of the time.
  21. Not here in Pa - we had warming trends and fish were moving up. Now we are back to 3rd winter.
  22. When sales start to dip because the technology had hit a wall, or the latest technology released isn't a huge upgrade to what is currently available. Every sporting event limits the use of things and puts restrictions in place - except bass fishing. Imagine showing up to a nascar race with an f1 car. Putting lead in your boxing gloves? Right now I think it's OK for the top Pros but the local derbies? Nah
  23. For most techniques, yes. There are some exceptions to the rule though - I am known to fish swimbaits over the rods weight because I don't bomb them - for anything you are loading up to cast a mile, absolutely stay within the weight range.
  24. It's too powerful in tournaments. Should the top Pros be using it - probably. I am torn if all this technology is good for sport in the long run, but I don't think it is. The part I hate the most is seeing new to the sport kids winning and beating people that have spent years honing in their skills. Time on the water doesn't really mean anything anymore and that is a detriment, imo, to people sticking around very long. People will go do other sports that aren't so cost prohibitive.
  25. If you spool up your reel incorrectly you will have digging...do it right, with a lot of tension, and you won't have those problems.
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