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About eyesnskis

  • Birthday September 21

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    Rothschild, WI
  • Favorite Bass
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    Eau Pleine flowage

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  • About Me

    Fishing for all fish, specifically target walleyes mostly.

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  1. Best suggestion would be to stop in at a big sports store like Gander or BPS/Cabelas and play around with the ones they have on display. They display units from all 3 big manufacturers and generally have enough on display to represent all features and sizes available. I am partial to my Humminbird units because they are super simple to use, but I wouldn’t be able to compare them to Garmin as I haven’t used any of the newer Garmin units. I had an Elite 9 and Hook 7 on my boat when I bought it and had to switch because the Lowrance units were so clumsy and difficult to navigate.
  2. What kind of unit? What kind of GPS receiver(Internal in unit or external antenna)? The number of satellites your unit is connected to will determine your accuracy. The GPS diagnostic page on Humminbird units will tell you your possible position error distance(accuracy). Depending on reception for your antenna, your unit can give you a location but have an accuracy distance off by a couple hundred feet. The best I've seen is typically around 12-16 ft accuracy. This applies to every time you try to hit that waypoint, along with the very first time when you marked the waypoint. If this is the case, the only way to fix it is to wait a little longer in one spot to allow for your unit to connect to more satellites for a more accurate position, or reposition your GPS Antenna.
  3. I would agree with @Tim Kelly that the difference what you see on each side is due to the transducer install location. Would you be able to snap a picture of the back of the boat so we can see where the transducer is installed? Could you take a picture of what it looks like on the screen too? It's more than likely that the transducer is installed at the stern if you are viewing your unit on the console. If indeed the transducer was installed on the trolling motor, a SI transducer will be installed with large hose clamps on the motor assembly of the trolling motor. Your Ultrex is only available with a US2(standard sonar) or Mega Down Imaging transducer built in, not SI.
  4. Based on the power output of your battery pack and what you were told the hub uses for power, you should be fine going that route. Does your boat have a 12v outlet that you could just plug right into? Where are you mounting the hub? Is it closer to your power panel up front or at the console? Unless you're just "tossing it in a compartment" to get by for the weekend, most logical mounting locations would be close to a panel. It only takes few seconds to crimp a couple blade terminals on to the power cable and plug it into a fused panel.
  5. This is only happening on the one view? All other pages that include SI views have both L and R sides showing? There is a setting in the menu options for each page view with SI that will allow you to isolate either side for viewing. You will have to access your menu, make sure that you have the SI "side" of your Sonar/SI page selected(You will see a small arrow next to the center split line pointing to the active side). With this side selected you can go through your second menu set and find the SI options and find the line that allows you to select which side is visible, "Left", "Both", or "Right". It will take some seat time navigating the menus, but once you see it and get comfortable with the menus you'll be a pro in no time! I found an image on google showing the menu you are looking for, I made a green box around the line you will want to change when you find it.
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