Well, they don't like anything I've got. It's August 22, 2019 right now. I've only gotten back to fishing the last two years. Maine, roughly May to October season, realistically, give or take. I've had a great summer on the lake I live on. Crappie, bass, an occasional trout. I fish nearly every other day from about 6 am to 9 am and sometimes at dusk. I mostly troll and sometimes cast in cover areas. Like I said a great summer. I've tried lots of new (to me) things, I moved from swim baits to a lot of crank baits with a lot of success. Then I tried wired spinner baits and chatter baits with some success. I moved to learn wacky and texas rigs. Fishing has been good to really good from May until about two weeks ago. All has stopped.
My lake is a flooded river valley. About 5 miles long and 1/4-1/2 mile wide. Deep spots are 60-80 ft with rolling ups and downs in some areas. It's not like a sediment filled natural river. It's like the regular rolling land but filled with water. Some rocky areas with some large shallow areas 10-25 feet with thick weeds reaching up towards the surface but just below the surface as you troll over them. The water temperature has only dropped 5 degrees from about 80 to 75. Regular rain, no floods, no droughts.
So, that's the lay of the land..er lake. The past few weeks the fish on the finder are pretty much still there but they won't look at anything I put before them. I've done light and dark, small and large swim and crank baits. The same for spinner and chatter baits. I spent a few days deciding to see if they're hiding in the weeded areas and tried jigging them. All this stuff worked great or to some extent all summer.
So, can anyone shed any light as to what might be up that I, with only a couple of summers fishing under my belt can remedy? Is there a usual lull this time of year in Maine lakes? If so will it pick up again in the fall or is this it for the season? Is there anything I'm missing or that I could try? I know it's hard to diagnose via a forum post but any ideas would be appreciated. Thnx.