With most other inflation/recessions everything goes down, market, jobs, wages. And prices of course go down as no one has money to buy anything. This one has wages and jobs up. Kinda new. Different circumstances with this one, pandemic and war. I think without the war we would have continued to see a recovery. The last recession was unusual too. I'd never seen one caused by a housing crash. Usually they follow a pattern. Good employment, wages rise a bit, high interest rates leading to manufacturing slowdowns then loss of jobs and the economy spirals down as no one buys anything. Can't get or afford credit. During a recession cash is king. Stuff gets cheap and if you've got cash savings you can do well, if not like most people you don't.
In the early 80's inflation reached 14%. Those with cash bought CD's at the bank with a 10% interest return. I was younger but relatives made a killing over a couple of years. That recession was pretty much bad for everyone. The 2008 recession was bad for a certain sector of the population. This one will affect a lot like the 80's one did.