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Everything posted by DanielG

  1. Maine here: We have no naturally poisonous animals here. And pretty much no dangerous ones. Ya a rare black bear or moose in rut but that is pretty unheard of. That being said, we're pretty much neophytes when it comes trekking in the south or west. First time I went to Yosemite camping I asked the ranger about the guy who was eaten there by a grizzly two weeks before. He said, "ya, that was unfortunate." Then you see signs on the trails that say, 'look out for rattle snakes.' Nothing like that here. I've traveled to all continental states with my camper. So far haven't encountered any dangers. Can't say it wouldn't happen but Maybe it's a lot rarer than we think.
  2. I just noticed that their 9.3.1 on Amazon is $69. The specs look very similar to this one, from what I can see anyway. If this one is about $60. What gives?? What am I missing here?
  3. Ya, they lost Mahomes for a coupla games but look how good they did without him! Same thing with the panthers
  4. I just got an email saying that I'll be sent notice on 10/22 with an offer to " lock one in for that $60. Wonder if it will be wiseto bite on it. Will I use it? Gotta think about this one.
  5. 1960ish J.C. Higgins bait caster (a Sears brand) and a trigger nylon pole. It was a fairly higher end setup back then. Belonged in the family and I used it as a kid. Was it "real"? It was at the time.
  6. I have a quiet platform electric outboard boat with a bimini top that covers the entire boat. I love it when it's balmy, the lake is like glass, and there is a slight breeze. I often fish as the sun is rising. Sometimes those conditions with an overcast or light sprinkle improves the bite. I'm not a fan of gale force winds and cold or hot weather fishing but I still do it. I live on the lake so I can pick my times. 5:30 am to about 8:00 am usually. Spoiled I guess....
  7. I've been looking on Amazon for one of these two. There are some nice free standing ones and some that attach to the wall. There are some interesting but simple ones that look like black plastic with slots in them to squeeze the rod into. Still don't know. I might end up making one. I do a lot of woodworking.
  8. I've got a 50 ft hose on mine. I've got a portable and an 80 gallon in the garage. It's also plumbed outside with quick connects. I use it whenever I can. I've also replaced a lot of my rotary tools with air. I've stopped burning out electric ROS sanders. Still. for a small job a hammer is nice. I just don't get that many small jobs away from the shop. And when I do the $7 yellow handle is just fine.
  9. I've got three different sized Porter Cable nail guns and a three gallon portable compressor. The rest of the time I use screws. I've got one of those $7 box store yellow handle hammers that I use to pull a nail out now and then or knock a piece of wood into place. I've hammered way to much all my life. It's compressed air for me.
  10. "she's my bucket list". I get that. Make the best of it with her. Nothing like a good woman with you. Can't imagine what thoughts you're dealing with. Be strong.
  11. Maybe not the most dangerous but certainly not good. In the early spring, wood, even logs have been soaking awhile and they are often submerged or just at the surface and not visible. Not an issue with my small slow boat now but when I had a ski boat they were.
  12. Agreed. Get quality stuff. It's older now but the best stuff I had was an Armstrong that wasn't a layer on top of a brown substrate. The material went through from top to bottom and it was fairly thick and stiff. A good linoleum looks good once put down.
  13. I hate trebles. Hooked myself in the belly once with a bass still attached. That was a fun time! The bass and the fat were flopping all over the place. ? The trebles I felt seemed to not get the fish into the boat as much as I would have liked. So, I changed some of my stuff over to singles. They worked but not as good as I thought they would. Plus, seeing my favorite perch crankbait with single hooks just looked sort of wrong. I eventually changed back to trebles but this time I upped them to a quality hook and a size larger. It didn't seem to affect the action of the lure much if at all and I kept a lot more of the fish. But, I still am super wary and careful around trebles. And unless just one hook is in the lip I always grab for the pliers to remove them.
  14. Well, if it is meniere's disease this is what happened to me over time. Just for info. You may not have this issue. Just thought you'd like to know. Maybe more info than you might need, but here goes. My equilibrium issues occurred off and on maybe 1-3 time a week sometimes less, like once every other week. Each one was as bad as the other. Over a period of about 6 months I slowly lost most of the hearing in one ear; the ear that was causing the equilibrium problems. They tracked it over time doing audiology tests. After a few months the bad bouts of dizziness became fewer. Then It settled to some random dizziness that would pass after a few minutes with a bad session a couple times each year. Today, 25 years later, no knock out drag out dizziness problems but I sometime wake up having to grab the walls till my inner ear steadies itself. Sometimes when I lay down and turn my head to one side it starts, turning it the other way will stop it. So, it's minimal now. I've heard that there are some ear/throat/nose doctors that can have you lie down and they turn your head back and forth to certain positions. Sort of like opening a combination lock. It moves the small grains in the inner ear to a settling point and 'parks' them so you're okay for awhile. When an episode happens lying on your back facing up, staying perfectly still and closing your eyes should help a bit. What causes this is unknown. It's thought to be a virus. The cochlea's semicircular canals have small fibers lining them. When we spin around the fibers get swirled around in the cochlea fluid and cause us to get dizzy till they stop. If we have a small grain of fiber that develops in the semi circular canals and it bounces around in there is makes us think we're dizzy till it settles down. I get cold sores. It's actually a form of herpes. My mother had them also. The virus is passed during delivery via the birth canal (sometimes). Some specialists think the virus that 'may' cause meniere's disease may be contracted this way also. A note: My mother had this issue long ago and lost the hearing in her left ear as a result. Coincidence?
  15. I battled this years ago. It was menier's disease. It's fairly common and causes these symptoms. It's an inner ear (cochlea) issue. The room starts vibrating up and down or side to side, you might vomit. Sometimes you get very sweaty and some people sleep for awhile after and wake up okay.... till the next time.
  16. Ditto that... BTW... I've toured (camped) Michigan and the upper pen. I've been through visiting all continental states. Michigan was a great surprise. One of the best. Love the western side. Touristy but great.
  17. Some boats have a built in charger that is permanently connected to the battery and the trolling motor is too. So it shouldn't be an issue. The trolling motor is off anyway (disconnected). If you did turn the motor on while the charger was running though it still would be okay.
  18. Here in Maine as fall returns and the colder weather seeps in the fishing just dried up. I tried things that were sitting in the bowels of my tackle box I hadn't touched in years. Little to no luck. On my way back to the ramp to take my boat out for the season I pulled up a tiny yellow perch on a lure about it's size. A final slap in the face for me. Ah well, on to spring...
  19. Even though I think Mahomes is the biggest phenom to come along in a long time in the NFL, and I love watching him play, I still found myself rooting for Rogers. Gotta love the seasoned guys with the experience and drive. There are a few now that will soon follow Manning's path to retirement. When that happens Mahomes will be one of the best if not the best around.
  20. Dimes... unless you're a collector. ?
  21. I never go fishing the first time during a new season. I only go the second time. Going the first time is a jinx thing waiting to happen. ?
  22. Three observations: I had a silverado z71. From 2003-2006 (mine was 2003) The frame rusted out to the point I couldn't get it inspected or repaired. It had 84,000 miles on it. I also had a tahoe, three years older, double the mileage, driven on the same roads and kept in the same garage. Nowhere near the same issues. My brother in law has a 2007 tundra. Negligible rust and 275,000 miles on it. Not many repairs to date. I went to buy one in 2015.... kinda ugly inside and out. Bad reason not to get one... but it was important. I bought a 2015 F-150 V8. Best vehicle I've ever owned. It's like driving my living room. No repairs, same brakes, same tires. 69,000 miles. Will have it inspected in Nov. and brakes and tires will go one more year. Maybe 80,000? I've been having Krown undercoating. No rust on the frame. The body is aluminum. I live in snow country. Maine. First non-GM vehicle I've had in 48 yrs. Maybe should have abandoned them earlier. All in all.... it's sort of a crap shoot each time you get one. Good years, bad years.
  23. I have the same disease but alas it manifests itself sporadically. Sometimes the fish tumor is there sometime it's not. I'm always looking for it but lots of the time I can't find it. I suppose I should be thankful but...
  24. Put it on 2 and loosen the tension knob and use your thumb. It will spin free if that's what you want. With mine I find that I put it on 2 (with braid) and loosen the knob until the lure just begins to fall when I shake it slightly. Then it casts nicely. Light stuff too it just needs the re-adjustment for weight. The directions that come with it about tightening the knob till the spool has no play in it is just dumb on Shimano's part. I've written them. They're passing it onto the engineers they said. As far as the hefty feeling of it. Well, yes I guess it does but that doesn't bother me much, but I can understand if it does some people. Hey, use what pleases you. If you really don't like it, maybe you can offload it to someone. It's fairly new right? So the return might be decent.
  25. I was in ny the past few days and saw this. Back in Maine now. The high temp was 10 degrees lower. Cooling off now. I've got the pellet stove lit.
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