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Everything posted by DanielG

  1. Outfitting the 10 ft pelican now.
  2. I recently purchased a bass raider. It's in my shop and I'm outfitting it now. I've already documented it with a couple of youtube vids. Lotsa fun.
  3. You're watching on the news about our blizzards and they make it look like we're shut in for a month with only wood stove to keep us going. In reality we're out after about 2 hrs and things are back to normal. WE on the other hand look at the news and they make it seem like entire states are destroyed by tornadoes and most of the country outside of our area is burning or flooded. It gets bad in some places but the news really tends to sensationalize things sometimes.
  4. Yup. I live at a lake. But half the people are snowbirds. They're leaving for Florida in a couple of weeks. I get the whole place to myself. Surrounded by trees and looking forward to some blizzards with a fire in the house. Nothing better. I think it's whatever you're used to that feels like home. Actually we've been warming up a lot over the years. The gulf of Maine is the fastest warming body of water in the world. We've gained about 1-2 months of non-winter weather. Kinda depressing without as many or lackluster blizzards. Used to be about 60/40 winter/non winter. Now it's more like 75/25. Other bad news is that lobsters require cold water. They're migrating to Canada.
  5. I had a boat with a standard electric motor on it a Southern Maine lake I live on. I'd just start from the dock and do a regular run along the edge trolling making a loop. About a half mile from home I caught a mid sized bass and when I pulled it in it flopped and caught the hook in my belly through my t-shirt. I couldn't get it out. That bass and I slow crawled at 2mph a half mile back home. He was flopping, hanging from my belly for awhile. That didn't feel very good. I'd look down at that big eye looking up at me and think... we'll make it buddy. Well he didn't. Dead by the time I arrived. I got some decent wire cutters and cut the hook. I've always done catch and release so he got an unceremonial burial. Felt kinda bad actually.
  6. The medications, probably metformin lets the glucose in the blood go into the cells like they're supposed to. The effect can be a weight loss. Diabetes is insidious because weight gain makes it worse but as diabetes increases it makes weight loss very difficult and weight gain easier.
  7. Finally the ice melted and I was able go to down to the water and cast a few of the lures I made this winter. Some of it was good and some of it just ain't pretty. But it's all good. Kept me busy during the cold months and cabin fever here in Maine. https://youtu.be/SshJaaQCRac
  8. Trying my hand at a reptilian multi segmented lure. I've never done more than three segments before. This is seven. https://youtu.be/xyXkO6DWzmI
  9. So, I made this bait using some holographic foil from a craft store. Been wanting to try it for some time now. It had it's challenges as it's not actually foil but a plastic. It forms with the use of a heat gun though. And no, I don't sell anything with my videos. I just like the process of filming and putting the thing together after.
  10. Unemployment hit 3% here in Maine last week. Lowest in history. Anyone wanting to work can work. All over the country, hardly anyplace that doesn't have 'hiring' signs up. It's an employee's market. If they don't want to work someplace because of conditions, pay, management or some other reason there are plenty of places wanting to poach them. Now, if this sounds like so spoiled worker talk wait until the worm turns as it always does and it's an employers market. Lower pay, take it or leave it there are plenty of people waiting to step in if you don't measure up. Leave, we've found someone better, bye.
  11. I spent the past couple of days making a 'mohawk lure'. Ya, I know, cabin fever up here in Maine is getting bad. Anyway, it was an interesting diversion into something a bit different. Check it out.
  12. Ya, I was just sitting there looking at it an stuff comes to me so I had to try. weird that way.
  13. I had an old hair clipper hanging around. My attempt at making an air brush cleaner from it. Time will tell if it works well. I did a video about it should you care to see how it was done. It's pretty short.
  14. A shot from my drone of Mousam lake in Southern Maine. 4.5 miles long. One in a string of 22 lakes in the immediate area. My avatar picture is a shot of it from my front door as I live on this lake. Bass, crappie, pickeral, And Salmon and trout in the spring after fall stocking.
  15. There was a ton of coverage on why it wasn't shot down. Here's the lowdown on what I heard toda on PBS. Every station, well almost every one, clearly outlined the reasons. 1. The pentagon couldn't guarantee no damage to property or the safety to people. 2. They decided to wait until it was traveled and crossed to the ocean. 3. The pentagon had successfully blocked all transmissions from the balloon's equipment. 4. It didn't have cameras, they have satellites for that, that can do a better job. 5. It likely had radiation sensors, atmospheric sensors (for some reason) and equipment to collect military radio traffic. 6. The decision had come from the Whitehouse with military recommendation to shoot it down on Wednesday. 7. Shooting it down over the ocean in about 50 ft of water would help to make an easy recovery and have more of it survive the fall. 8. It had to be hit with a rocket from a plane because it was 10,000 feet higher than the fighter could fly so bullets wouldn't work.
  16. Moxie used to be better. I had a very bitter taste. Coca Cola took it over and changed the formula to make it more amenable to the general public. Same taste but not nearly as good.
  17. You haven't had something so bad it's good until you've had Moxie. The official state drink of Maine.
  18. look into an EGO single stage... the make 2 of them. The one with the metal auger. i've got several of their tools and have ditched engines. You can see them in action on youtube in a number of videos. I live in Maine an have a 2 stage but for 3-6" of snow these things will work just fine. Up to a foot actually.
  19. Yes. I don't go out of my way for tacos but if I do it's beef.
  20. A waste of fish! Atlantic Haddock is my fish of choice but I wouldn't shred it in a taco. Maybe sardines.
  21. What's up with postal among other things. Take Fedex for example. If you wanted to send a Christmas card via Fedex it would cost around $15 They put it in one of thier little bubble wrap packages and ship it. They can charge what they want and don't have to take the little stuff. Parcel shipping pays. USPS will do this: They will pick a Christmas card up at my mailbox in Maine, and fly it 3000 miles to my nephew in California for the price of a postage stamp. And they are obligated to do this with billions of pieces of mail. There are shortages of carriers, they confiscated all the machine sorters and dismantled them recently and several other things but basically they're made to run a business that should break even when It's an impossibility with the pricing and obligations.
  22. ha... found on the internet... Philly! The Ocean City reel company of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania opened its doors for business in 1922 and in 1934 bought out the Montague Rod & Reel Company. Later acquisitions included the Edward vom Hofe Company in 1939.
  23. Thanks, I found this info... interesting.
  24. So as a kid, maybe 60 yrs ago I'd go out to the dock and cast for an hour with my jc higgins reel from Sears. I'd cast in a fan from left to right. No fish today. So I'd keep casting because I liked to cast. As an adult of 68 I go out on the exact same dock with my Curado and Dobyns and do the same thing. 1. I go out in the boat and troll because I like to. there's a little inlet that is such a nice place and looks like a fish hangout. Last time I caught a fish there was about twelve years ago. I still stop and cast for awhile. 2. After I've casted awhile with no luck there because there aren't any fish in that area I cast just one more time. I do that fifty times. 3. I make hard bates from scratch, like the one below. I make the ones that look good to me but maybe not the fish. I take them out and throw them knowing that it may not be the bait of the day for the fish I want, but it looks so good in the water and boy does this one have a great action. I do #2 above, twice. 4. Whoa! once and awhile a fish will hit on a bait, probably just because it's mad, and I'll pull one up. So exciting as I'm never expecting it and it doesn't happen that much really. When I get back home I tell the wife "I caught a fish today". She looks at me like I'm lying and says "prove it". I can't but it doesn't matter, I don't really care. Sometimes I feel like Jack O'neill in the TV show Stargate. He has a small pond in his back yard at the cabin and sits on the dock with a pole knowing that the lake has absolutely no fish in it.
  25. The older I get.... I realize that all those old men who were talking about what it's like to get old were right. At the time I thought... really? Sore muscles and joints, balance not as good, reduced muscle mass and strength, being able to think about Harrison Ford but not remember he was Indiana Jones but it's right there on the tip of your mind as something that you always knew... Ooops. Suddenly it's there and you blurt it out. Also, the older I get, you suddenly realize that thing that happend 8 yrs ago was actually 2 yrs ago.
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