This morning I headed out fishing and everything was fine, after a while my battery seemed to be drained but felt awfully quick for it to drain that quick. I took it in and charged it. Battery gauge said 100 so I went back out. As soon as I put my trolling motor in for 5 seconds it was back to 0. Went home put a new battery in and was fully charged went out and once again after using it for 5 seconds it was shot. Not sure what the problem is but battery 2 always seems to be 100 charged but the other battery seems to always get shot no matter even if you have a new battery in. Any ideas?
@J._Bricker filled in some small holes and sealed it up! Looks great, I think I might have over applied it a bit in some areas it’s a bit more shiny and I did have a little glob that I didn’t notice afterward but I grabbed a peice if cardboard and scraped it off and applied another tiny coat to the area. The red circle is an area I filled as you can see by the color difference compared the the rest of the filler. Turned out great in my opinion! UPDATE: Sanded parts that looked shiny with 320 grit sand paper and reapplied small coat and turned out great
Have a very small chip in my tip rod guide, have ran a q tip through it and ran my line through it and have not noticed the q tip sticking or any fraying in the line. Could I just put a dab of super glue over the chip too smoothen it out if there is any chance it does fray my line? And if you suggest that I do replace the guide does anybody know who Fenwick gets there guides from? It says it’s a titanium frame zirconium insert and would like to have the same guide if I do replace it because of my OCD...
Bought some cork seal for my rod as I’m noticing the filler cracking, bought some filler and am going to fill in the cracks and then apply the seal, would I apply to the left side of this grip on the darker side or leave that be?
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