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Everything posted by Phil77

  1. This is what they need to bring back. I had a chance at a used one years ago and still kick myself for not pulling the trigger on it.
  2. See Daiwa already has the patent and trademark for these, would it kill them to at least do a limited or test release? I would hand them my wallet if they would put out some non twing or zero adjuster versions of the older zillion, pixy, Sol, and Fuego. Guess they just don't think those older reels would catch the eye of the younger generation.
  3. Unless the wind is screaming like today I hardly rely on the brakes and run them very low on most my reels. Now when I'm doing that it's just wrist flicks, not putting elbows or shoulders into it and it's worked great for years. Well it's set how I like it and I'm sure I could tie on a 3/4 jig and six inch paddle tail and spool it if I wanted to.
  4. Jesus, I put the boost spool in my steez SV tw before even casting the zillion. The steez with it's stock spool would get hardly any distance maybe 80 feet with a casting plug. The boost spool in my steez was zipping with the dial on 2. Now swap over to the zillion and go to the lake first 10 casts work down from 10 on the dial to 4 and it starts fluffing. On 5 no problems but go down one and if fluffs not blowing up but close. Now at this point I've done what I've done with every other reel for the past 25 years and lightly increase spool tension to get it to stop looping/fluffing. I didn't lock it down but I couldn't go lower than a 4 without adding more tension which may stress may have made the handle bind on retrieve. So now that I've thoroughly explained it please tell me the right way because that way has worked for me just fine for a couple decades. It's worked on any other reel I've ever had but apparently I don't know what I'm doing.
  5. Hey I just pointed out the looks and the problems I had with the brakes not getting as low as I'd like. I thought the point of this board was to post about firsthand experience with these reels or is that only if it's a glowing non critical experience? My daughter is out here with me today using a stock SD with an 1/8 jig and bobby garland. This is her 5th one to my 0. The zillion is doing fine with the same jig and the brakes on 10. I run most of my spools loose or with wiggle however you want to define it. I couldn't cast the zillion without it fluffing on 4 with the factory setting. So enlighten me, what was I doing wrong? Are we not allowed to tighten spool tension anymore either? It wasn't locked down.
  6. Now yours has some style, blue is not my color but that is definitely an improvement. Jesus you'd think I called someone's kid or wife ugly. I never said it was a bad reel, it just doesn't do anything better than any of my other reels except the steez. Honestly I've got reels at half the price of this one that perform better based on my first seven hours with it. I'm sure that will cause a tsunami of butthurt amongst the daiwa diehards as well. I really like the spool but the rest of it is just bleh for me. I ordered a boost spool for my steez last night so that reel will finally leave the rod locker and join my lites on the deck. Hey if you like it fine, I just don't think its superior to any other reels at it's price point.
  7. Oh come on Phish how many times are other reels criticized on here? God forbid someone doesn't bow down to the alter of the almighty silver curado lol. I'll take the "cantankerous goofball" as a compliment. Anyhoo today will be the true test, weightless trick worm and 10+mph wind. Thank the fish gods I am armed with the almighty Hyperdrive Design, Hyperdrive Digigear, Hyper Tough Clutch, and not to forget HYPER ARMED HOUSING! All hail Zillion, may Hyper protect us.
  8. actually i can palm the zillion without feeling it either. Just dont like the location, the new pro ti and their premier have the dial in the same place so ill be skipping those as well.
  9. I can palm the lews without feeling the dial or plaque, not so much with the silver curado.
  10. Oh no, dad made me promise to never even spool line on it so it's going to stay that way. I've been tempted over the years but knowing my luck some rare bird with acidic poop would fly over and crap on it ruining the color or some other one in a million case of bad luck. It looks great behind my bar next to a bottle of Crown. I want to say there was a joe camel or maybe Marlboro themed baitcaster my uncle had years ago, I swear he had a Marlboro miles travel two piece spinning rod combo with a branded case or duffle.
  11. I learned how to use a baitcaster with the best brake system ever invented, the VBS. After using those for years most of the time with 5 off 1 on for pretty much everything except throwing into wind I don't rely much on brakes. With the brakes set low I can simply wrist flick or lightly roll cast with great distance and hardly any effort. I go out for eight to ten hours most times so in order to not get fatigued it works in my favor. I might crank the brakes up around trees and docks or other areas where precision is key. So needless to say I don't think the reel is set up wrong it just needs more spool tension to stop the free spool below four. The first thing most people do when told not to touch something is to immediately touch it, I'm one of those people. I've readjusted the zero adjuster on my steez many times and it still works.
  12. Just to be clear I don't hate Daiwa, hell I'd bet most of the die hard Daiwa fans don't even know these exist let alone own one. My dad won this one in an old b.a.s.s. or maybe FLW tournament. My proudest shelf queen, just wish he didn't lose the lure that came with it.
  13. Puts on my lews hoodie and goes to cry in the corner. Ohh the pain.
  14. I've been one of the top five boosters/donors for the kids bass club for over a decade way back when it was still hooked on fishing HOFNOD. I don't see how it's an insult to give it to an 18 year old who could very well go pro-Am if he had a boat and some sponsors behind him. If he doesn't want it which I highly doubt, I'll take 250 and you can pay the shipping.
  15. After seven hours and twenty two fish I can say for me personally the lite is definitely more comfortable. The zillion feels like a magnetic Curado 200K and I don't mean that in a bad way, that's just how the profile feels to me. It is a good caster but I cant get as good of control at lower settings as my ACB reels without it fluffing. This is the first SV reel I've had that doesn't feel over-braked, feels like the old TDZ/Zillions with magZ just have the fluffing issue on 4 and below. I can see why guys who have only had Tat SV's brag about the casting distance it is a major improvement to those and even my steez SV. I think I paid two hundred or maybe a bit more for the aluminum lite a few years ago so adjust for inflation and they are probably close in price so for me I'd choose the lews for ergonomics and a slight edge on casting for max distance without it blowing the spool up. The zillion does get a slight advantage in that the brake system is maintenance free, only takes a couple minutes to clean and re lube the ACB but most bass fishermen can barely check their outboard oil so I doubt they oil their centrifugal brakes as often as needed. Not the second coming of baitcasters for me but its a nice reel, I'm just spoiled to the LFS and SLP profile of the lews reels. Do any of you remember the 50th anniveresery Zillion? It was iron man red and a limited edition, now if daiwa blended the looks of that reel with this spool I would convert in a heartbeat. Hopefully they release a boost spool zillion with the classic porting on the hood and a more traditional zillion look and feel, I would probably have to have that too. Based on today I will most likely order a boost spool for my steez, just has a way more comfortable profile for me and give the zillion to a kid at the high school bass club. The kid graduates this year and is a natural with a jig and has outfished me in the back of my own boat. His home life is like a jerry springer show but he's a hardworker and hopefully getting an academic scholarship so this reel will make a good graduation present. I am going to use the spool in my steez till the other one gets here.
  16. Can confirm, I was bombing it like never before and the steez spool has nice Abec 7's on it. For comparison My chain link in the back is 127 feet before it turns to pasture and the steez on 2 would fall short of the fence with a 1/2oz casting plug, the boost spool in the steez clears the fence quite a bit. I cant get it to repeat in the zillion though even with the tension down its fluffing at 4 for some reason. The reel is not impressing me much but the spool on the other hand is going to be great in my steez.
  17. Got it dialed in, not going to lie it's a good caster at 4 now.
  18. They did fine in my steez, got down to 2 on the brakes with no problems. Starts fluffing on 4 in the zillion, might have to mess with the zero adjuster lol.
  19. Now that's a Zillion. I don't really have a need to skip and when I've tried it just knocks the plastic off the tex pose that I like to fish. Today is going to be bank pounding and just trying to find them, we had almost ten inches of rain in the last seven days so it's going to be like work today.
  20. After a year and a half of hype and not being able to go on a bass message board without hearing about the new zillion I decided to get one to see for myself. Ordered on Monday from asian portal and picked it up an hour ago on Friday, I know most of you use other jdm sites but I've been buying from AP for years and saw no reason to change. I paid $274 after tax and free shipping Zillion SV TW 1000. I have a steez SV tw that just feels neutered with the stock spool so wanted to mainly try a spool swap and man did it open the steez up. It's nothing special in the zillion though, nothing either of my lews lites can't do but just so I can say I did it I'm going to swap the zillion on my two most productive setups and see what it does. Today I'm swapping my aluminum lite which is normally for weightless to 1/4 T-rigs with the zillion, same rod, same line, and same bait strike king coffee tube with a 1/8 bullet weight. I would normally fish it weightless but the water is 50 and I want to get on the bottom fast. Both of the lites already beat the zillion in ergonomics for me and both weigh less with the aluminum one at 5.7 oz and the tanso at 4.9 with the zillion at 6.1 and some change. This zillion aint winning any beauty contest's either, my god this thing is ugly and is almost a sin to call it a zillion compared to how beautiful the older ones are but hey ugly girls need love too. The zillion is butter smooth like a curado, looks like a silver curado too, not a fan of the brake dial location but I'll make it work. Enough talking, I'm going to put at least seven hours on the water with it today taking only a few breaks for crappie when I can find them.
  21. Hey if someone is stupid enough to not notice the wrong spool in the picture how would that be my fault? If someone noticed and asked I'd probably knock a hundred off. Jesus you ever buy a used car or boat, those people are scammers. Anyways it was meant to be a joke and if it doesn't improve my steez I'll give both reels in original condition to a couple of kids at my local high school bass club. The idiots I've had the displeasure of meeting on FB marketplace couldn't tell if you turned the lights off and on in a room.
  22. In all honesty if the spool doesn't improve my steez then I'm going to give both reels in their factory configuration to a couple of kids at the high school bass club. I got the Facebook idea when selling a met20 and a bantam a few months ago. The idiot who bought them thought they were both DC reels an I told him that there wasn't even a DC bantam he still bought both thinking he got two DC reels. Who knows maybe it's truely the second coming like the daiwa loyalist say but I just don't think it will palm any better or cast any differently than my lite. I hate the way it looks, looks like the product of a one night stand between a curado and a tatula. It should be here just in time for prespawn so I'll catch a hundred or so with it and see for myself.
  23. If it doesn't make the steez any better both of them go up for sale in their original configuration. I paid less than a hundred more for the whole reel than just getting a spool, kinda seemed like a no brainier to spend the extra knowing I can flip the reel if it works to my advantage. As for the villainy, whatever there's a sucker born every minute and I'll laugh my you know what off if my plan works. I'll try the zillion out but I highly doubt it does anything better than any of my other reels.
  24. Got this for Christmas and took it out today for some crappie fishing. Spooled with 6lb Mr crappie throwing a 1/16 jig and bobby garland shad. Feels strained on the retrieve almost hard to reel. I can take a baitcaster apart no problems but have never messed with spinning reels. I know about the two bearings in the handle area and I'm assuming there are more on the shaft but it doesn't feel or sound like a bearing so what else should I be looking for?
  25. Ordered a 6.3 from asian portal this morning. I hate the looks of the zillion so I'm going to swap spools and see if it makes my steez usable. I'll throw the SV spool in the zillion and put it on Facebook. Lots of morons on there who won't know the difference and I'll hopefully get to enjoy my steez.
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