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Born 2 fish

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Everything posted by Born 2 fish

  1. I have this rod as my multi purpose it’s my bank beating rod it really does good with everything.
  2. Also the kicker is probably propped for trolling for slow speeds . I agree to just swap motors
  3. I’m ordering a 819 pro next week.
  4. A small rat wake bait like a spro 30 or 40.
  5. Southern wisconsin 55 degrees seems to be a good start for me
  6. 15 is more then enough.
  7. 4” chompers green/watermelon
  8. Got my custom painted bluegill bullshad back today.
  9. I’ll try the snap first I’m the idiot for buying so many before trying it out.
  10. Thanks I’ll try that.
  11. I bought 6 Matt lures u2 Hammer tail gills and 4 of them swim to one side. Maybe I should have got the full size version.
  12. That’s for sure I went through 35 dollars in swimjigs in about 10 minutes one day I hate pike. I won’t throw anything expensive in certain places here. Most of my Swimbait’s are for my Florida trips.
  13. A lot these 50-100 dollar bait’s add up. Note to all don’t fall in the Swimbait rabbit hole.
  14. I just got a 6” bullgill and a strong shad 6” both in slow sink
  15. One pro of triton is there is no wood to worry about rotting in the boat. They are all composite.
  16. Try a heavy duty toilet plunger. It might work otherwise just fish it.
  17. Daiwa Tatula 200h 6.3 is what I would use.
  18. 7’3 H bps crankin stick 3/8-2oz it’s cheap and works great. The money you saved you can get more crank baits
  19. You can find them all different ways. You can burn them stop and go steady retrieve with a couple quick bursts of the handle then a pause. That’s what I do with my bullshads any way.
  20. 1/2 oz black or white I like to cover as much water as I can. I throw them on a 7’6 rod with a high speed reel and 50 lb braid.
  21. Big game is good I like suffix siege better.
  22. That’s nice I can see that on the bass boat I’m going to order.
  23. Tough to beat the bps crankin stick.
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