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Everything posted by Hewhospeaksmuchbull

  1. https://www.google.com/search?q=jig+and+tube+combo+site:www.bassresource.com&newwindow=1&client=ubuntu&hs=pyx&channel=fs&sxsrf=ALeKk02uVuMNkPV5Dw-HQAztT6ROg1kZxw:1612187974736&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwis9a2c7MjuAhVOGDQIHTpRCwUQrQIoAnoECAgQAw&biw=1920&bih=910
  2. In fact when hunting smallmouth, the jerkbait is what I throw first. Period. There is no better catch than having a smallie follow your JB to within feet of you, ya kill it, she stares it down, you twitch, she strikes. I go full-goofball, absolutely love it. If you haven't yet read this, twice, https://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/108594-jerkbait-help-advice/ Next up, since where I fish is rocky. Is a crankbait that will get me on to the rocks and keep it there. Usually a craw pattern although a shad pattern slamming into rocks will also get them fired up also. If those two fail I'll breakout my secrete weapon the jig. But wait.. don't sleep on the blade bait!
  3. That guy! You know the one, he plays talk radio so that everyone on the lake can hear.
  4. Spitting in the wind, The simian will make sure of it!
  5. For the smiles,
  6. Here TN, this will help with the bad taste.
  7. Exactly enough of that cra..........
  8. What rod, reel and line, Same for your spinning set-up? What jerkbaits are you throwing? Do you want to stick with spinning?
  9. I hear ya, I have hundreds of jigs spread through every room of the house. In my glove box, center console, truck bed is littered with them also. The picture above is of some of my 3/4 and 1oz footballs, gonna need a couple more for 1/2 and Arkies. Not to mention I have a Poison tail mold on the way.
  10. Did you keep a close eye on temps? I believe heat stabilizer helps with discoloration when reheating multiple times. Some manufactures baits dont remelt well. Working with fresh plastisol is much easier.
  11. I started making my own jigs a few months ago, quickly filling five 360 boxes. This was too much to handle and bent the weed guards as I had stuffed so many jigs in them. Strolling though the Depot I found the box pictured below. Its not perfect but for ten dollars I'm pleased. 60 jigs shown and plenty of room for more.
  12. I suspect that you are spending too much time in Hobby lobby. Thinning shears, https://fishingblueprint.com/best-bass-jig-modifications/#Trimming_the_skirt%E2%80%A6
  13. Try the Lagoons, scrounger with a hot pink curly tail grub has been known to excite spotted bay bass.
  14. Jimmiejoe, I'm going to answer your questions here so others may read my thoughts also. First off I'm no computer guru, I came to use Linux because of the problems listed in this thread and many more. And Linux has its issues also, but you will have more choices as to how they will be handled. There is a learning curve but there is also a huge community that has the answers. Its this community that is the real plus with Linux. Linux is infinity configurable, tweakable. It can be feature loaded or cut down to the bare basics, Dont want an update you can skip it if you chose without being badgered into do so. There is a "store" for apps called repositories, most of the time you will find what you need there but commercial developers do not always code their programs for Linux. This is the single biggest problem with linux. The big pluses for me are, 1. Free OS / community support 2. More secure / increased Privacy. 3. Lite on system resources. Often Linux will be faster on older hardware especially if one picks a lite desktop environment. 4. An absolutely insane amount of free programs. 5. Configurable to my tastes, not Microsoft's. If you don't need programs that are windows only and are willing to use the command line then I see no reason to not switch to Linux. And there will be times when command line use will be needed. However most of the time simple copy and paste from the community can accomplish most fixes. The best distributions IMO for newbies are going to be Debian based such as Ubuntu/Linux mint, these also have the largest communities to help if needed. They will also have the best support for hardware, IE drivers, ect. These will also be the easiest to install and will be mostly automated needing basic answers such as user name, location, times zones, ect. Dual booting allows for you to maintain two operating systems, this provides a buffer between the two while you become comfortable with Linux. This is mostly automated upon a Linux installation if you chose, BUT IF THIS FAILS YOU COULD LOSE DATA, possibly the entire drive. Always backup data to a secure separate drive, usb. Once again, There is a learning curve. For me it was worth it to get out from under windows. You will have to put some time into Linux. IMO, its worth it!
  15. Linux, its easier than you think.
  16. Picture? Not sure what your asking.
  17. Been soaking jigs for the past two weeks getting a not a single fish. Switched it up today with a jerkbait worked at ludicrous speed. So much for slowing down.
  18. Had same problem, went with Dobyns Champion. Paired with a Diawa Fuego. I chose a 735c since I throw a lot of heavy jigs(3/4-1oz) and have a 704 for lighter weights(3/8-1/2).
  19. 3/4 jig/T-rig with worm or trailer gonna be over an once. 735 would be a better choice IMO.
  20. suggested baits, S704c Texas Rigs, Jigs, Carolina Rigs, Spinnerbaits, Horny Toads. S734c Spinnerbaits, Buzzbaits, Senkos, Horny Toads, Jigs, Small Swimbaits So there is some difference. Call Gary at Dobyns, seriously these guys love to talk about their product. And they answer the phone. Warning: call may be hard on wallet.
  21. champion is without a doubt a much more sensitive rod in my hands.
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