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Everything posted by Hewhospeaksmuchbull

  1. From the following I'm guessing that the fry I'm seeing are about three to six weeks old. "Fry will remain in the nest until their yolk sacs are absorbed (1 to 2 weeks) and disperse when they are about 0.5 to 1 inch long." https://fisheries.tamu.edu/pond-management/species/largemouth-bass/ Would it be safe to say that the spawn ended on this water about three weeks ago, approximately?
  2. How fast do fry grow? In my lake I'm seeing fry that are about as long as my pinky finger from tip to the second joint, so about 1.5 inches.
  3. Easy! I do what everybody else is doing, just cheaper.
  4. Ya, $25 isn't worth it. I'd move on also. Begs an obvious question, which manufacturers have a reasonable warranty/replacement? I'm a budget fisherman, so buying budget rods. I'm not spending more than $80 on a rod, not going to be making any claims that involve shipping or that come close to what my junk cost to begin with. But it would be nice to know what companies actually stick by their customers, when I do decide that I can spend more on quality equipment. Maybe I'll start a post doing so, compile a list of companies, their policies and then other members could comment on whether the companies have been willing to stick to their agreements with their customers, us!!
  5. I know what all Fishermen need that doesn't yet exist, but I'm not telling!! When the awesomeness of my idea hits the shelves, the Monkey will come calling on you all.
  6. I do fish alone, it's a time to reflect, to order my mind, And the fish I catch are fuel for my mood. Just doesn't work as well when others are around. I do enjoy watching someone catch a fish that I helped with though, makes me smile.
  7. Thanks, I just bought the white. Was a tough decision trout, black, white.
  8. Why summer? Is black a seasonal color?
  9. I don't, they stay in the front passenger seat of my truck. I only have two sticks right now, gonna need a bigger truck soon.
  10. My poor 6' lightning rod has gone to the rod heaven in the sky! My ole dumb fault, birdsnest ticked me off and I cast my rod to the side to grab another and bam snap! I just ordered a KastKing Royale Legend, 7ft 3in-MH Power-Fast, going to be my T-rig/jig/spinnerbait/deep crank rod. I ordered a MH, since I already have a 7' heavy, I'm wondering if anybody has fished both and can tell me will the KK rod fish MH compared to the Heavy 7' Lightning rod? Edit: I'm also considering a Daiwa Tatula 200 TWS, I like having the extra capacity as I can fish some local saltwater lagoons here. Would this reel be too much for the rod I am buying?
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  11. Hank Williams Jr, Bill Engvall This thread peaked my curiosity, https://www.fishingloft.com/celebrities-fishing.html Patrick Willis, Randy Moss, Clay Matthews, probably be fun to fish with these guy's.
  12. Amazing what a little rain fall will do, and it's down about three feet already. Fact is I haven't seen Henshaw looking this good in decades. The other area lakes are so pressured as to not really be worth it, at least until my skill set matches that water.
  13. I guess there is no better way to gain confidence in a bait then to fight two fish on a single cast. Gotta figure out how to get them both?
  14. So I have been fishing nothing but plastics the past couple of days, trying to gain some confidence in the baits. Started out today a nice cloudy day with a T-rigged creature(berkley craw fatty-green pumpkin red) on my third cast slammed, the fish fought me around some rocks and made for open water. I was stocked my first fish on a plastic bait and then he spit it, I was ticked and just let my line go slack, started to pull her in and stopped and let it sink again, while thinking that's it I'm going home, can't win for losing. As I am reeling the craw back up bam! The wretched came back. Now this fish hit on my light stickM/F, so I'm sure poor hook set. Going to have to remember to use my H/F for worms/plastics. How many times has that happened to you guys, a fish coming back for a spit bait? And here he is!
  15. Man, plastics I just have no confidence. I'm fishing them every time out but yet to catch a fish on one. A few new things in your video, thanks. I'll give these a shot.
  16. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone.
  17. Skip to get bait to drop right at reeds? I'm getting within 12" or so.
  18. Just back from Yuma, didn't manage any river bass. But Lake Mitry was off the hook, got my first buzz bait fish! What an awesome piece of water, looking forward to getting back. Lots of places to launch from, plenty of spots between reeds to park and fish. One could camp, party and fish without worry of being harassed by fish and game, which is a big difference from CA fishing, I.e. No forest adventure pass, no parking fees, no lake use fees. Meet some pretty cool people, fished with some, talked with others. The fishermans brotherhood is strong in AZ. The lake is made up of several little lakes(lagoons?) interconnected by channels, tunnels, pipes. These bass didn't seem to care that it was 98 and stupidly sunny. Topwater baits, spinners and cranks got'em for me all day (right up to about 12:30PM), my usual casts along the side and to cover were not necessary . Although effective, the fish were everywhere. Like right out in open water, I tried to drag a jig out there to see if some structure was holding these open water fish but seemed like a sand/mud bottom with some light aquatic plant materials coming along with my jig every third cast or so. No plastic bite, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Didn't care for Lake Martinez, but I didn't see much. Was a madhouse of half naked women and ski-boats. Lose the ski-boats and it would be a great Lake from what I saw. Anyhoo, would love if any Mitry Lake fisherman could give some further guidance? Next trip I'll be staying at the lake and will be bringing my new kayak, that is when I have found a suitable cheap one!
  19. US Army, 95- 2002 19E - 63W FT Knox FT Polk FT Irwin FT Campbell
  20. So I was out, finished! Completely done I say. From 96 to 18, I was done with this business of catching Bass. The Army, women, drinking and oh no it's 22 years later and I really don't have anything to show for the pathetic life I had been leading. Depression and isolation set in I, was done. A soon to be buddy(we'll call him Travis, since that's dudes name) kept pestering me to get out and do something, but I rejected dudes offers of friendship. Until one day dude said he had been fishing our local lake (Henshaw, CA) I went along and didn't catch a d**n thing, I knew it would suck and it DID! But back at the house a strange thing began to happen, an old familiar feeling came over me, a yearning, a itch. I found myself perusing the rods, reels and tackle on Amazon. I made a decision to go to my storage in the morning and break out my UL spincaster, I did this, gathered up some tackle and went back to Henshaw and put one on the beach in about 5 min. A nice little 2Lbs welcome back fish. That evening I went back to Amazon and started to gear up, bought a 7' h/f Lightning rod and a KK Rover 50, a 6' M/F and a KK RL, a couple of boxes of cranks and spinnerbaits and have been ripping the lips off these bass ever since. Upgrades planned when funds become available. Since that first trip back I have lost my business, the best friend I could ever hope to have, my pitbull of 12 years(stomach tumor). Oh and the woman I was dating started to see aliens (literally) She also taught me how to love another human being again. I am currently tucking my tail and probably moving from where I am to Yuma AZ. Not exactly a move up, but I am optimistic. Optimistic in large part Because I know that those AZ Bass are there waiting, growing bigger, stronger, hungrier, I shall slay these Bass and I will ride that feeling(y'all know what I'm referring too) to a better life all around. I don't know why I quit fishing when I did, but I'm grateful that the Bass have waited for me, I really need it. As I fish now I look to the ground around me and think what a shame my Dog isn't there with me, twelve years and not once did I fish with that Dog. In case you haven't picked up on it yet, I suffer from some pretty extreme depression, anxiety is my real problem. But something happens when I feel that first indication of a fish(a lightening of mood, a quickening of heart) and the hook set(elation) the battle to the beach(a satisfying concentration) and then lipping that beautiful fish, I feel as GOD intended. And it lasts, for a while anyway. Not once have the V.A and their quack Doctors helped me feel as good as Bass fishing has, imagine that, fishing the ultimate anti-depressant. I can't have my 22 years or my Dog back, but I am going to make a hell of a run on the next 22. I intend to catch at least one Bass for each week of those twenty two, so 1,144(might have to be a avg) And Yep as soon as I'm settled there will be a Dog at my side helping me land those Bass. P.S. I'm told that I am actually kinda fun to be around.
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