So I was out, finished! Completely done I say. From 96 to 18, I was done with this business of catching Bass. The Army, women, drinking and oh no it's 22 years later and I really don't have anything to show for the pathetic life I had been leading. Depression and isolation set in I, was done.
A soon to be buddy(we'll call him Travis, since that's dudes name) kept pestering me to get out and do something, but I rejected dudes offers of friendship. Until one day dude said he had been fishing our local lake (Henshaw, CA) I went along and didn't catch a d**n thing, I knew it would suck and it DID! But back at the house a strange thing began to happen, an old familiar feeling came over me, a yearning, a itch. I found myself perusing the rods, reels and tackle on Amazon. I made a decision to go to my storage in the morning and break out my UL spincaster, I did this, gathered up some tackle and went back to Henshaw and put one on the beach in about 5 min. A nice little 2Lbs welcome back fish.
That evening I went back to Amazon and started to gear up, bought a 7' h/f Lightning rod and a KK Rover 50, a 6' M/F and a KK RL, a couple of boxes of cranks and spinnerbaits and have been ripping the lips off these bass ever since. Upgrades planned when funds become available.
Since that first trip back I have lost my business, the best friend I could ever hope to have, my pitbull of 12 years(stomach tumor). Oh and the woman I was dating started to see aliens (literally) She also taught me how to love another human being again. I am currently tucking my tail and probably moving from where I am to Yuma AZ. Not exactly a move up, but I am optimistic. Optimistic in large part Because I know that those AZ Bass are there waiting, growing bigger, stronger, hungrier, I shall slay these Bass and I will ride that feeling(y'all know what I'm referring too) to a better life all around.
I don't know why I quit fishing when I did, but I'm grateful that the Bass have waited for me, I really need it.
As I fish now I look to the ground around me and think what a shame my Dog isn't there with me, twelve years and not once did I fish with that Dog.
In case you haven't picked up on it yet, I suffer from some pretty extreme depression, anxiety is my real problem. But something happens when I feel that first indication of a fish(a lightening of mood, a quickening of heart) and the hook set(elation) the battle to the beach(a satisfying concentration) and then lipping that beautiful fish, I feel as GOD intended. And it lasts, for a while anyway.
Not once have the V.A and their quack Doctors helped me feel as good as Bass fishing has, imagine that, fishing the ultimate anti-depressant.
I can't have my 22 years or my Dog back, but I am going to make a hell of a run on the next 22. I intend to catch at least one Bass for each week of those twenty two, so 1,144(might have to be a avg)
And Yep as soon as I'm settled there will be a Dog at my side helping me land those Bass.
P.S. I'm told that I am actually kinda fun to be around.