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About Hewhospeaksmuchbull

  • Birthday 07/22/1968

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  • Gender
  • My PB
    Between 4-5 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    All waters!

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  1. So looks like I will get my 701 tomorrow. So 9 days to my door, not terrible but not what I am used too from Dobyns. However it seems that a rod section I sent in for warranty didn't to go where I mailed it (CMH 100), supposedly someone from GSM has it and Dobyns knows nothing about it. And now they are telling me that my rod section has not been received. I mailed it on the 14th.
  2. Wish I had checked in here before my latest purchase, Ordered two rods, SA 703C and a SUF 701C, on June 11. So far have received the 703, the 701c is still processing. Neither were listed as out of stock, This is super slow compared to previous orders. I'm also waiting to get a replacement for a broken 704c. Its looking like I may not have my new rods for an upcoming tournament this weekend, this was never a concern in the past with a two week lead time. All of that aside I like buying from a small/family manufacturer I'll probably be going with Taipan rods in the future.
  3. The Road. A sunburned Country, hilarious
  4. Straight up Gansta.
  5. Top pic is bermuda, bottom crab. Runtz and sour diesel cures what ails ya.
  6. Imazapyr, Is persistent. So probably no need for another pre-emergent I.e Ronstar.
  7. I hate weed barriers with a passion. op, go to a pro landscape supply shop and get glyphosate in a concentration of 41%. For longer term weed control look into Ronstar pre-emergent.
  8. !!!$#@&^%f,ing%$#@*****!@%cheat$!!!!!!
  9. ↑ 8, can relate.
  10. Eggs any style with old ham, big fat biscuit and a heaping portion of crispy home fries.
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