I wouldn't do braid to floro as I don't think it will help your casting distance significantly. I also think you have a good setup as it is. You talked about using it for other light weight cranks (like the Shad Rap #5 I am assuming) so I would stick with the spinning rod you have. I love fishing the Shad Rap #5, I think it is the best crankbait of all time. I personally use 8lb mono over floro but the floro would work fine, I just wouldn't go 10lb straight floro or mono on a spinning reel though.
You could also use this setup for light swimbaits, small spinnerbaits, wacky rigs, and really a ton of things. I do agree the #9 is getting into baitcasting territory but it is still fishable on the rod you have. If you want a new setup a 7' St. Croix Triumph medium spinning rod might be a good option.