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Everything posted by rtb101

  1. My uncle was out fishing and on the way back to the ramp, the oil line to cylinder #2 broke with the outboard wide open and, well, you know what happened. Luckily, the trolling motor had enough juice left in it to get him back to the ramp. He had to buy a new 150 Mercury and that really hurt his wallet!!! So just a word of advice, if your boat has a 2-cycle outboard, always mix the oil with the gas. On a lot of outboards, there is a small plastic gear in the oil pump and if it ever strips, your outboard is ruined!!! Some outboard manufactors have replaced this with a brass gear, but not all of them. And plus oil runing through a rubber tube will eventually harden the tube and this will make it very vunerable to breakage. So from experience, I recomend mixing the oil & gas instead of depending on the oil pump, if you don't already. It may save you big bucks in the long run (and not to mention a good day fishing!!!)
  2. HawgHunter, You've got a couple of nice fish there. They look very healthy. Congrats! Tyler
  3. This man and his wife decides to take a vacation to the Holy Land (Isreal). The wife said, "I am not going unless my mother can go to." The man assured her that her mother would not be going, but finally gave in. When they got to the Holy Land, the man, his wife, and his mother-in-law stepped of the plane and began seeing all the sites. But unfortunatly (for his wife) while they were there, his mother-in-law passed away. The undertaker told the man "You can have her shipped back to the U.S. for $5,000 or have her buried here in the Holy Land for $150. "Oh no we want her shipped home" said the man. "Now what a minute, you are going to pay $5,000 to have her shipped back home when you can have her buried in this lovely land for only $150?" asked the undertaker "Well sir," the man said, "it's like this. I know that about 2,000 years ago, a man was buried here in Iseral and he ressurected from the dead 3 days later.....I just cannot take that risk."
  4. A good-sized muskie on a little crappie jig. I had him to the boat and he broke the 6 pound test line.
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