Yes, I came out ok. Fortunately, someone on shore heard my call for help (had two whistles but both in the tackle box). Wife bought me a new tackle box the day before. Lost it, four rods and reels, new battery. Three plastic cases came up and salvaged them. Boat has a seat on the rear portion of the boat; unfortunately it is set to the right side of the boat. I thought I had it balanced, but when I reached for something in the tackle box I must have leaned too far to the right.
Going to take the seat off and either leave it off or put it back on in the center of the seat area.
Back fishing after 15 year lay off due to severe back issues. Had a couple of surgeries and another on the way. Bad start to trying to get back to something I have missed for ever!
Leary of putting it back in the water. Might take a couple of weeks to get the courage to put it back in the water.