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Everything posted by SouthernJeepn06

  1. $250 two days ago at the BPS in Atl, Ga. Touney special for my abu garcia 5500c3 and another catfish combo. Bout everything i needed for my boat. Rod saver, live well airator, another anchor, line, sunglasses. Dang i was there for 3 hours and i still didnt want to leave. I wasnt finished! But hey its something i love, its worth the money
  2. My first baitcaster i bought was the Pflueger Element for 64 bucks at Dicks and I love the thing. 7 ball bearing and smooth casting. I just got a president but dont have a rod for it yet. Id go with the Pflueger
  3. I was going to use it for spinner, topwater, and cranks. I was looking at the bionic blade in M or MH or tourney special. Used one this weekend for Catfishing and it was great. Ive got a XPS bps 6.6 mh with the pflueger element. I wanna throw mono prob but dont know what pound test. When would a pistol grip rod be better than the longer corked ones? Others reels are pflueger spinner with 6' shimano coverge M and pflueger medalist on cherrywood M action. Thanls for the advice. Cant wait to try the reel out
  4. My favorite is the Hart Stopper. Its got a great design and I caught my biggest bass on it. Around 8-10 lbs around some Lilys. I since added a red trailer hook for better hook ups. I use it in clear water throughout the spring and summer. Red "Super needle-Point" Owner® Hook "Evil" Red 3-D Eye Red Silicone Twin-Tail Trailer Available in all skirt colors
  5. My Fav is Hart Stopper in white. Its got a great design. I caught my biggest bass on this lure. Right around some lily pads. Prob around 8-10 lbs. I since added a red 2/0 trailer hook. Red "Super needle-Point" Owner® Hook "Evil" Red 3-D Eye Red Silicone Twin-Tail Trailer Available in all skirt colors
  6. I just went to the Shakespeare sale here in Columbia, sc and picked up a brand-new in box Pflueger President for 100 bucks. Great deal but I got their to late to pick up a rod. I currently have a XPS bps on my Pflueger Element and i love the rod. Its a 6'6" MH. I was thinking about this one http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_58974_100002006_100000000_100002000_100-2-6. I really like the feel of the pistol grip. What would yall recommend. I fish from shore and from my tri-hull john boat. Mostly in ponds and sometimes on the lake so a super long rod isnt needed. What about line choice? I have spider-wire 20 lb braided on my Element and not sure if i wanna put mono on my President.
  7. Let it sink, usually takes a lil longer without the weight. slow twitches of the rod then reel in lil line, then repeat. Whenever i throw it over lillys usually just twitch it over the top and let it sit, once it hits a hole. U better be ready, or right after it falls of around the lillys back into the open water. Also had success letting it slowly sink but halfway done give a lil twitch.twitch and it'll give an action like its jerking from one side to the other. Hope this helps
  8. Fishing extremely slow would be a great way to start. One peice of advice along with Strike King's is just take a few peices of tackle with u. One is the best but 2 or 3 will be fine, keep the rest in your car! Just be patient and try different retreives (speed, presentation) and see if anything bites. If it doesnt work and you've covered the pond then switch to a different lure. Repeat this until you get a good idea of what the fish like. It was freezing this weekend at night and around 40-50 during the day when i fished we had luck on beetle spins and yesterday i had luck on a weightless white fluke. Fishing from shore 2
  9. Went pond fishing yesterday and had good success on weightless white fluke. Had 8 fish in the one area i fished. Nothing to big but they inhaled it. Another thing id recommend would be a topwater such as a super spook jr or a chug bug. I also had luck with a small watermelon seed with red tube with red 2/0 red hook. Good luck in the pond. We're going miss u in SC, lol but i used to live in NC so i cant say anything bad about it
  10. The weather has been perfect lately holding between 70-80 degrees but this weekend its dropping into freezing at nights and around 50 during the day. How is this going to affect the bass fishing and techniques of catching them? Were heading out there sat to fish all day and i havent had this happen to me before. Still learning how the weather will change things. Heres a pic from google earth. Deepest is around 10 ft on left side and the the right side of the pond about 1/4 of it is all stumps (very shallow). A lot of algae too, the lilys are gone right now. Thanks yall
  11. I fish with them on the lake this past weekend and good results throwing weightless on a 3/0 hook. I do like to rig mine with the hook offset of the "valley" in the middle of the fluke but you need to make sure u press it in far enough to get a good hookset. I like the action it seems to cause. very erratic. side to side with a sort of spiral. Twitch, pause, twitch twitch. Fishing over the pads in ponds is also a great way. I like to use pink and white as my two favorite.
  12. This is my buddies pond in swansea, sc. It is approx 6 football fields. Not quite sure but i was wonderng about different techniques on fishing the pond. The left side is mostly 5-10 ft deep while the right side (about 1/4) of the pond is all stumps and very shallow (1 to 3 ft). We mostly throw texas rigged worms and white spinnerbaits. I want to be more productive when i go next time. Ive been experiencing with topwaters, shaky jig head fishing. There is a lot of algae on the bottom and floating and it causes a lot of trouble with the bullet weights. Is there any crankbaits u would recomment, preferably shallow runners in the deep areas. I heard of using Zoom horny toads but i havent tried them yet. We usually throw flukes around the lily pads and stumps. any advice would be great.
  13. Sportman's Classic starts tomorrow here in Columbia, SC. One of the biggest outdoor shows/events in SC all year. I really got into fishing last year and this year im filling my tackle box with everything. Theres going to have everything there so im probably going be spending money. First question is what are some good spring lures to throw in ponds and lakes. Ive got 2 combos i use. Pflueger Medalist on 6 ft medium action Shimano rod and my new Pflueger element baitcaster on ....need a rod. hoping to get 6.6 ft median heavy Bionic blade. What are some great lures to be throwing this time of year. Ponds i fish are lilly pads and a lot of algae, the lake is Lake Murray in Lexington, SC. Need some Crankbaits, worm opinions, topwaters, and spinnerbaits opinions. What colors for spinnerbaits? i dont know anything about crankbaits? :-[ and worms i usually throw Zoom trick worms but want know what are some other good choices. Sunglasses? I have no clue what color lenses work best (polarized but what color?) The lake is mostly clear water, not stained or muddy. THe ponds i fish and the Saluda river are usually clear too. Any advice would be great. I love fishing now and want to learn everything i can 8-)
  14. Ive been using Triline XL smooth casting in 8lb test for about a year and half now. <--started fishing then. and i just got a new Flueger Element baitcaster, never owned one. What kinda of line should i be throwing. I fish ponds and Lake Murray in SC for largemouth and brim. I heard of using braided for throwing froads and around lily pads but im really clueless on everything. What color should i be using and what pound test? Going to BPS in Myrtle beach next weekend and with tax return im willing to spend a few hundred dollars on gear. I have two median sized spinners (flueger gold medalist and medalist), Also. Any suggestions?
  15. Link didnt work. hmmmm so heres a link http://img339.imageshack.us/slideshow/player.php?id=img339/4051/1172458929wqs.smil
  16. alright I tried to post earlier but didnt work. Its great having friends who's dad owns a logging business. The pond behind his house is pretty impressive. about 5 minutes from my house. I'm the only one to catch two big bass from this pond. Last weekend was an 8 lber but I cant upload the picture from my phone. However, his dad owns a peice of land in Swansea, SC, about 30 mins away. It has a 40 acre pond. Its our paradise in the spring and summer. We go camping and fishing all day for the weekends. From the deepest being 10 ft to 1 ft in the stumps. Heres some pictures for your enjoyment. <embed src="http://img339.imageshack.us/slideshow/smilplayer.swf" width="426" height="320" name="smilplayer" id="smilplayer" bgcolor="FFFFFF" menu="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" flashvars="id=img339/4051/1172458929wqs.smil"/> <br/><a href="http://imageshack.us/slideshow/index.php">Go to ImageShack® to Create your own Slideshow</a> We've caught fish as big as about 8 lbs in this pond. In both ponds, we usually catch around 1/2 lb to 2 lbers. Mostly weedless carolina rigged worms or lizards, spinnerbaits, and topwaters but no crankbaits. To much weeds and algae.
  17. I havent really been into fishing until last year or so when I got my Flueger Medalist, Flueger Gold Medalist and an ultra-light spinning combo. I live 15 minutes away from Lake Murray in Lexington, SC and its a great lake. I recently bought a Flueger Element baitcaster (first baitcaster) and now i want a rod. My friends dad, who loves fishing, uses only bionic blades and I was very happy with the one he let me use last weekend. I don't know which one to get though. Ill be fishing in ponds (40 acre to 5 acre) and on the lake. Maybe the Saluda River. Ill be using it for largemouth, panfish, anything i can catch really. I have two median action rods already. Berkley Cherrywood and Shimano Coverger (sp-from DICKS). What length and action would be the most sutable for me? Ill be using 6-12 lb test. Nothing probably over that. Any help? and since its Bass Pros rod, is there anywhere i can get one for cheaper? I dont mind spending 80 dollar but if i can find one cheaper, why not? Pic below is the bass I caught from my buddies 5 acre pond using a white buzzbait while wading about waist deep. Had to weigh at least 8. I lost the measurements but im 5'11 and that baby was big. Had to let her go to be caught another day. There a rule on posting pics like having a certain amount of post?
  18. I havent really been into fishing until last year or so when I got my Flueger Medalist, Flueger Gold Medalist and an ultra-light spinning combo. I live 15 minutes away from Lake Murray in Lexington, SC and its a great lake. I recently bought a Flueger Element baitcaster (first baitcaster) and now i want a rod. My friends dad, who loves fishing, uses only bionic blades and I was very happy with the one he let me use last weekend. I don't know which one to get though. Ill be fishing in ponds (40 acre to 5 acre) and on the lake. Maybe the Saluda River. Ill be using it for largemouth, panfish, anything i can catch really. I have two median action rods already. Berkley Cherrywood and Shimano Coverger (sp-from DICKS). What length and action would be the most sutable for me? Ill be using 6-12 lb test. Nothing probably over that. Any help? and since its Bass Pros rod, is there anywhere i can get one for cheaper? I dont mind spending 80 dollar but if i can find one cheaper, why not? Pic below is the bass I caught from my buddies 5 acre pond using a white buzzbait while wading about waist deep. Had to weigh at least 8. I lost the measurements but im 5'11 and that baby was big. Had to let her go to be caught another day. There a rule on posting pics like having a certain amount of post?
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