I havent really been into fishing until last year or so when I got my Flueger Medalist, Flueger Gold Medalist and an ultra-light spinning combo. I live 15 minutes away from Lake Murray in Lexington, SC and its a great lake. I recently bought a Flueger Element baitcaster (first baitcaster) and now i want a rod. My friends dad, who loves fishing, uses only bionic blades and I was very happy with the one he let me use last weekend. I don't know which one to get though. Ill be fishing in ponds (40 acre to 5 acre) and on the lake. Maybe the Saluda River. Ill be using it for largemouth, panfish, anything i can catch really. I have two median action rods already. Berkley Cherrywood and Shimano Coverger (sp-from DICKS). What length and action would be the most sutable for me? Ill be using 6-12 lb test. Nothing probably over that. Any help? and since its Bass Pros rod, is there anywhere i can get one for cheaper? I dont mind spending 80 dollar but if i can find one cheaper, why not?
Pic below is the bass I caught from my buddies 5 acre pond using a white buzzbait while wading about waist deep. Had to weigh at least 8. I lost the measurements but im 5'11 and that baby was big. Had to let her go to be caught another day. There a rule on posting pics like having a certain amount of post?