welcome from jacksonville ,fl. I recommend giving the fish some different looking shapes. I primarily fish Texas Rig from the start of may until September it's too hot here to rely on spinners and crank baits. my father prefers the zoom baby brush hog in green pumpkin blk flake. I believe this bait looks alot like a lizard or skink and draws hard strikes in multiple golf course retention ponds nearby. I prefer the gary yamamoto cowboy in baby bass color or crushed perch or fat ika in green pumpkin. remember the bass are hot just like you we believe this time of year the more midsize baits that have an interesting tail and arms do wonders the bass dont want to waste energy trying to grab a 10 inch worm when they are hot they want a quick bite. I highly recommend bass color baits because if there are bass in a pond then there are small bass in said pond that get eaten by the big bass. if you see bream or lots of lizards in the area the crushed perch and classic green pumpkin will work wonders as well. keep a pop r in foxy shad tied on or a silver ratl trap if your going early or late you might get lucky and get into some bait fish getting hit but it's rare this time of year.