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Jig Man

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  1. Jig Man's post in Your Favourite Mushroom Jig was marked as the answer   
    My favorite is the Midwest Finesse head.  I carry it in 5 sizes with #2, 1, and 1/0 hooks from various companies.
    What size head and hook do you like?
  2. Jig Man's post in Spinning Gear Line was marked as the answer   
    I use 15# with various leaders.
  3. Jig Man's post in Will my Garmin Striker 4 Plus overheat if I mount it with putty inside the hill of my kayak? was marked as the answer   
    My transducer has been in the hull of my Nitro for 8 years.  However, I have a temp probe that runs out and into the water at the stern.  You will know the temp of the inside of the hull.
  4. Jig Man's post in Missouri Trout Fishing was marked as the answer   
    There is a local site called Ozark Anglers.  It is from Branson and has several trout guys on it.
  5. Jig Man's post in Group 24 to group 27 Trolling motor batteries was marked as the answer   
    If you get agms you can put them anywhere you like because they don’t leak.
  6. Jig Man's post in De-kinking plastics was marked as the answer   
    I would do the hot water then lay them out on a towel to cool and dry.  I cannot in-vision any thing good with an iron and plastisol. 
  7. Jig Man's post in WTB: Custom jigheads was marked as the answer   
    Good luck with that project.  Custom cnc molds will run you hundreds for each style and you would have to do your own pouring.  Google spin casting and see what is involved in making them.
  8. Jig Man's post in MotorGuide TM Age? was marked as the answer   
  9. Jig Man's post in Humble Pie & Suspended Fish was marked as the answer   
    Suspended bass are what we are catching right now.  We had 40 last trip and 30 the trip before that.  They have been from 20’ and deeper over 50-70’ of water.   The most productive way for us has been using Keitech swim baits on 1/4 and 3/8 oz heads.  
    There is no rhyme or reason to just what will work.  Sometimes they want a 3.3 and sometimes a 3.8.  Typically a count down then slow retrieve, stop, count down, repeat until something works.  Early the other day a 1/4 and 3.3 down 10 seconds then retrieve worked with a white one.  Later it took  a 3.8 baby bass magic on  3/8 head and a 20 second countdown to get a bite.  You just need several setups and be willing to change your retrieve.
  10. Jig Man's post in Lead Acid vs AGM was marked as the answer   
    As soon as AGMs became available I switched and will never go back to lead acid.  AGMs don’t have to be placed like lead acid as they don’t leak.  You can get creative in the arrangement.
  11. Jig Man's post in Tire shine was marked as the answer   
    I just bought some Graphene tire shine.  I’ll see how it works.
  12. Jig Man's post in Electronics cover was marked as the answer   
    Have an upholstery shop make you one that will be a custom fit.
  13. Jig Man's post in Ultrex transducer use or separate? Fishfinder recommendations was marked as the answer   
    They can have two different types of transducers.  If it has the U2 universal sonar it will be 2d and should work with most brands of sonar units.  The other type is a Humminbird with 2d and down scan.
  14. Jig Man's post in How long does braid last on a reel? was marked as the answer   
    I have some Power Pro that’s been on for years.
  15. Jig Man's post in Cork Rod Protection was marked as the answer   
    Heat shrink tubing, put it on and forget it.
  16. Jig Man's post in Powder Paint Question was marked as the answer   
    It looks painted to me but if you think it isn’t then you could coat it with Devcon epoxy or you might just use clear Hard as Nails fingernail polish.  They even have it with glitter.  I sometimes coat spinner bait heads with it.
  17. Jig Man's post in Fish app identified this as largemouth bass was marked as the answer   
    You will find many variations in the same body of water, sometimes even in the same area.
  18. Jig Man's post in Power trim issue possibly fixed was marked as the answer   
    I have always been told that when you have a bad relay, replace both at the same time.
  19. Jig Man's post in Over Populated Bluegill Pond was marked as the answer   
    I looked into having one of my ponds stocked.  I was told by a fisheries biologist to harvest 20 bass per acre per year and never throw a gill back.
  20. Jig Man's post in Battery Help!!! was marked as the answer   
    So go get the Sears PM-1 and be done.
  21. Jig Man's post in Alabama Rig Rookie was marked as the answer   
    I throw the rig on a dedicated setup; a 6.5' H rod, a Curado 6.3:1 reel and 50# Power Pro braid.  I fish it in all clear to dingy water.  I fish it at various depths.  I like to crank, pause, let it drop and crank again.  Last time out I caught fish right on the bottom in 17 fow. 
    With the 50# braid I can wrap the line around a boat cleat and pull it loose if it is really hung up.
    Since we also can only have 3 baits with hooks. I run small blades on the other wires.  I make my own so I usually carry 10 different ones.  I use several different colors and shapes of blades depending on what gets a bite.
    Right now I'm iced in but hoping to get out and toss it in a very few days.  It is a lot of fun and sometimes the bite will nearly jerk the rod out of your hand.
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