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Jig Man

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Everything posted by Jig Man

  1. I normally use 12# and somewhere around 90 yards.
  2. I’m just now responding because I hadn’t used the weedless until yesterday. Mine are very similar to what Mike Siebert has. I used TRDs fishing an area where I lost 15 regular heads last fall. I lost 2 of the weedless jigs in that area. I caught 27 bass up to 4# on them. Every fish was hooked in the roof of the mouth. None were close to gut hooked. I even managed a grand slam (lmb, smb, spots and a mean mouth). My first impression is that they are good.
  3. I have closed the loop but I don’t recommend it.
  4. I can’t answer your question but I can offer you a possible solution. I have found the R wires to be fragile. It only takes a few fish before the wire breaks. I have come up with a way to prolong the life of my spinnerbaits and not change how they work. I either wrap braided line or floral wire around the R bend then seal it with shrink tubing. I haven’t had a wire break since and can use a snap if I choose.
  5. I did the upgrade once. I sent my Curados to a guy in Alabama for deep cleaning, super tuning, and ceramic bearings. That helped some, but not a lot. I also used to pull my bearings and soak them in naphtha or acetone to clean them, then put the latest greatest high speed oil on them. I finally went back to Shimano oil on my bearings. Now my regimen is when one is casting short I put a small amount of oil on the bearings and clean and oil the brake drum. I haven’t needed to soak them for a very long time.
  6. It is a pretty big lake like 50,000 acres and 1000 miles of shoreline. Usually there is more than one pattern and it differs from area to area. 10 days ago they were on points and bluff cuts way up the James River. Now I don’t know because I’m not fishing down there.
  7. Same here. I used to sell and buy new when they changed models until the E7.
  8. Try a different spool.
  9. I use McGuires Mirror Glaze on mine.
  10. I only have Shimano spinning reels. I take my line off the top just like with my bait casters. I don’t have line twist.
  11. Stockton has been about 50° give or take. I’m staying home until Monday and letting things warm up.
  12. Baits with salt if left on will rust the hooks. Have you tried them without the glue?
  13. When fishing bottom contact baits my rod tip is not lowered below the 10 O’clock position. Whether I drag or swim the bait, my rod stops at the 12 O’clock position. I crank up the slack back to 10 O’clock and repeat.
  14. I carry about as many as AJay. I use mono, fluoro, and braid. I know what # test of what line is on each of them.
  15. We have all ages in the neighborhood. I'm the only one who cuts the grass higher than 2". I used to be a stockman grass farmer. That means I learned as much as possible to grow as much grass as possible so that I could stock as many cattle per acre as it would hold. I ran more cattle on fewer acres than the neighbors and moved the stock before the grass got below 4 inches so that photo synthesis would cause regrowth instead of the root system having to do it and thus be weakened.
  16. I can’t recommend a grass type because I don’t know what grows best where you live. However, I recommend that you look into hydro seeding. When we built we had the front done with sod. To cut some expense we had the rest hydro seeded. It worked well and didn’t need as much initial water as the sod. In my neighborhood I am the only one who has more grass than weeds. I cut my grass when it is 6” tall and cut it to 4” where my neighbors cut theirs down to about 2” and wonder why it dies out and weeds take over.
  17. Wood and rocks eat Arigs unless I have strong line so I go with 50# on my Arig setups.
  18. Maybe it is regional. Around here I am catching more bass than ever, even with increased pressure.
  19. I don’t live on a lake but a couple of my friends do. They started out doing lots of fishing but started cutting back looking for the most productive times. It got to be early morning and late evenings. Then it had to be cloudy and/or breezy. They fished less and less. Personally, I have 5 good lakes within 100 miles of me and I don’t want to be tied to any of them.
  20. I doubt that your electronics draw that much though a larger battery with more ccas and rcs would help. I have had trouble getting any kind of time out of Interstate batteries for the last few years so I have switched brands.
  21. You can heat them in the oven but I have never been able to do more than 6 before they cool. The torch gets too hot too quick for me. I’ll stick to my heat gun.
  22. I think some guys are way beyond cabin fever.
  23. I’m an early riser. I’m usually up by 5 am. I go to bed when I am sleepy. I used to have trouble getting up until I ran a bread route that required me to get to work by 3 am. That broke me from sleeping in.
  24. So do you want my old single spins??
  25. What I have is the Stacey King Table Rock Pointer. The best that I have ever done was clear water with clouds and wind. On sunny days they won’t bite it for me.
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