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Jig Man

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Everything posted by Jig Man

  1. Not me. That’s why I have a water heater.
  2. Is there a point here somewhere?
  3. Have you checked Midway USA?
  4. I’ve tried several brands over the years but stopped when I bought my first Curado. I don’t even know how many reels I have, but they are all Shimanos.
  5. You can go to any depth you want with a jigging spoon. I’ve caught fishing to 70’ with them. I am getting ready for some off shore fishing at Table Rock. I will be sitting out off flats, points and roll offs in 30+ feet of water. I just rigged up 4 setups for this: 1/2 oz jig with a spring craw trailer, 1/2 oz bladed jig with a spring craw trailer, a swim bait with a 1/2 oz head and a Zman ZinkerZ watermelon red with 3/8 oz standup head.
  6. I had a couple of hand controlled trolling motors. PITA for me. I’ll quit before I have another one.
  7. I go down to 6# Yozuri hybrid on my Ned bc.
  8. I only have 1. I use it for Ned rigs and slider grubs with 6# line. 3/32 is the lightest head I can cast with a TRD. I haven’t tried anything else.
  9. Since I got beaten so badly with Elaztech, by one of my guests, several times in a row while I was using my custom homemade worms I started using them. They produce better for me than any other soft bait. I have gotten to the point that I don’t really use anything else. Therefore, I want an ample supply and good color choices.
  10. When I used to throw them, Rooster Tails, I had to use a swivel. Even then I would get line twist. A keel weight helped but wasn’t perfect so I quit using them.
  11. I don’t think that their hearing range goes high enough for them to pick up the sonar pinging sound. They may not even be able to hear the sound made by a rattling bait. https://www.bassresource.com/fish_biology/how-bass-hear.html#:~:text=possible food source.-,Dr.,t hear high frequency sounds.
  12. War Eagle is the only kind of spinnerbaits that I buy. You can make them last longer by wrapping the R part of the wire with wire or thread. I do that then cover it with shrink tubing like the one in the pic.
  13. Those are just replacements. That closet in the pic has two double rows of them. I get nervous when I get below 3 packs of a color.
  14. I throw them every trip. We caught 33 bass on them yesterday at Table Rock. It isn’t unusual to lose a half dozen each trip because of where I fish and the fact that I don’t go after a hung up bait. Any time I get a good deal I stock up. When our Lew’s store closed I bought their entire stock.
  15. I started getting it about 10 years ago. It was really bad for a while. I was told to drink at least 1/2 gallon of extra water daily. I have a prescribed med, Meclizine, which I am to take if it lasts over 10 minutes. Lately it comes an goes. When it hits it happens every day for several days in a row, then it’s gone for a while.
  16. Who was able to get me a deal on ZinkerZs. So I stocked up.
  17. There is a gasoline sub station a few miles from my house. I pass it on the way to the lake. There are always lots of tankers lined up to fill. The trucks are labeled with all kinds of brands.
  18. I like musicals. If you are ever near Amarillo TX in the summer you should see the musical that’s put on in the Palo Dura Canyon.
  19. For me Mustad has become the low end since they outsource to China now. Eagle Claw has made some major improvements in the last few years.
  20. If you are looking for a long range solution check out Milky Spore disease. I have it all over my yard and only get moles around the edges, that’s where I usr the Motomco.
  21. I’ve seen that more on Mustad than EC lately.
  22. I use Motomco poison worms. https://www.google.com/search?q=motomco+mole+killer&rlz=1C9BKJA_enUS855US855&oq=motomco&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j46i199i465i512j0i512l4.6195j0j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=EdXErZFOfeU40M
  23. Sometimes yes and sometimes no. That is why I carry several Ned setups and have a variety of baits tied on to see which works best today.
  24. I don’t have a kayak but I spent $3500 on power poles when I bought a new boat. About the only time I used them was to anchor for lunch in the back of a cove as I am seldom shallow enough for them to work. They now live in Houston Texas.
  25. Old Indian saying, “Keepum bait in water”.
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