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Jig Man

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Everything posted by Jig Man

  1. If you have a sonar/gps unit you can move around and watch your 2d or down scan to locate them then mark them with a waypoint. Otherwise a jig fished on the bottom can find them for you. https://www.google.com/search?q=pic+brush+pile+with+sonar&rlz=1C9BKJA_enUS855US855&oq=pic+brush+pile+with+sonar&aqs=chrome..69i57.16550j0j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#vhid=raZOMLBWiPnaOM&vssid=l
  2. I don’t know what makes a difference. All I know is that I got my butt waxed from the back of my boat using mono on shaky while the guest was using fluorocarbon. I got it twice before I was smart enough to buy fluorocarbon. The second lesson was fishing swim baits using a mono to braid leader in clear water while my partner was using fluoro to braid. Once of that was enough.
  3. Mount, fish, decide is the way I do it.
  4. Personally I would loosen the spool knob instead of using 1 brake.
  5. I used to but after forgetting to tighten them back and losing fish because of that I quit.
  6. The Bass Pro catalog outlet had a bunch of clearance fishing shirts the last time I was in there. I have bought them there from $11-30 depending on the brand. It might be worth checking them out. 1-417-887-7334 ask for catalog outlet
  7. I used to be the sales manager at a boat dealership. I only remember 2 cash buyers. The rest needed financing. I worked with many banks seeking financing for them. Their terms and conditions varied according to their credit history. The truly sad thing was a lot of them needed to include the sales tax as part of the loan and their primary concern was, HOW MUCH IS MY MONTHLY PAYMENT.
  8. I had the glx. I found it to be stiffer than I wanted so I sold it.
  9. It’s probably overkill but get it anyway.
  10. I’ve done it both ways. I prefer the truck, don’t get covered with dew and not as many bugs.
  11. I’ve always been partial to breasts instead of wings myself.?
  12. 5 minutes in ketchup wipe with paper towel
  13. I use a vmc 2/0 ewg. My partner uses a 1/0. I use it on a head instead of Trigged.
  14. Jig Man


    I don’t like water. My neurologist says 64 oz daily. I probably do 16. I’ll drink about anything else.
  15. I’m not sure that I like these enough to tie one on.
  16. Now they are brown green and orange. That is more what I have been making. I’ve been catching a few on purples. I just haven’t added any brown because they won’t touch my brown jigs right now.
  17. Thanks. It is only 75° in the garage and the lead furnace is on so I’m going to pour up heads and can make some extra for pb&j.
  18. I have everything I need to make them, even can make laminated twin tail grubs. I haven’t tried them yet because I rarely have much success with PJ and J shaky worms or Neds. I don’t want to waste time making and fishing something that doesn’t work. Do any of you guys have good luck with them?
  19. The local trolling motor shop has several good used ones that the have taken in on trade. You might give them a call and see if they have any that interest you. These guys are good and are in the second generation of ownership. If you call them you can tell them that Dayne recommended them. 417-833-9191 ask for Scott or Brad. You could sell yours to defray your expenses.
  20. If you know anything about golf and club head speed you can apply the same principal on the rod handle with your off hand. Speeding up the butt by pulling the handle toward you can really speed up the tip thus generating casting energy.
  21. So do you big eaters have any idea of the number of casts you miss while eating?
  22. I do not take food in the boat. Since my wife is diabetic we have those diabetic protein drinks around so I keep one in the boat and one in the truck incase I need something.
  23. Fishing skirts.com, Barlows, Janns Netcraft, Lure Parts on Line, just to name a few. There are guys on here who pour jigs. What type of heads, what weights and how many are you wanting? Are you wanting them painted or not?
  24. I’ve never used one. I made my own worms until I discovered Elaztech. That is the only worm I use.
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