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Jig Man

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Everything posted by Jig Man

  1. I spot clean with Tuff Stuff. For large areas I wet the carpet and brush with Oxyclean then rinse and wet vac.
  2. The battery is either bad or so far discharged that it won't respond to the charger. I have had batteries that would only accept initial charge from a two amp charger. If you have a hydrometer, you can check the cells. When you buy a replacement, I recommend that you get one with lots of reserve, not cranking, amps. You may not be able to get it at a place like Wally World.
  3. That all depends on just how "new" it is. Sometimes batteries set around for several months before they are sold and need a good charging. If you own a hydrometer, check the cells with it. If you don't own one, plug it back in and give it some more time and buy a hydrometer.
  4. I assume that you are talking about the skimmer and the puck transducers. The skimmer can be mounted on the inside as well as the outside (on the transom or the tmotor) I have one skimmer and 1 puck mounted inside my boat and a puck on the tmotor. I wouldn't ever want a skimmer mounted on the outside of my transom.
  5. I make my own molds. They are easy and cheap.
  6. Me thinks that would take the fun out of pouring baits. ;D
  7. It's no wonder you don't like the stuff. Give the sissors a try and you may really learn to like it.
  8. I hope this helps
  9. That is totally right. It's all about boat position.
  10. How do you separate the strands? I just pull the stuff tight and cut it with sissors. Almost all of the strands come apart.
  11. A few years ago the motor on my table saw died. I took it apart and have been using the copper windings. It is easy to do and stays on for ever. Two wraps Pull tight with 2 pairs of pliers Twist 1/2 turn and snip off excess Finished jig
  12. It is more a mood thing for me. I really like to catch fish on a jerk but don't like cranks very much. I did catch some fish in 49° to 51° water in Texas a month or so ago. As soon as my latest bite dies, (swim jigs in 48° water) I will be heading down lake for some jerkin'.
  13. I used to take only something to drink. Now I take a small lunch and a 15 minute lunch break. If I am fishing several days in a row, I keep a three Musketeer's bar in the lunch bag so I can get a quick sugar pickup late in the day if I need it.
  14. I just fished a lake in TX where the water temp was 48-50° every day. I could only find fish on points part of the time they were on main lake points and part of the time they were on secondary points, but at no time did I find fish on any bank between the points. Some days depending on the sun and wind I would find fish as shallow as 2 fow and real close to the bank. Other days, they would be in 15 fow a long ways from the bank. I generally start deep and work my way shallow so I won't run the boat over fish.
  15. I have a friend with lots of money and who fishes big tournaments for fun. He has fished with several of the top guys in the country. He says most of them have their sponsors stuff out when they are around the crowds before and after the tournaments. As soon as they get to where they want to fish, in goes the promo stuff and out comes the fishing stuff, including in many cases depth finders. The reverse is done before heading back.
  16. I have found that for my purposes 1 rain suit will not do. I fish all year and want to be dry whether it is hot or cold. I have frog toggs, regular gortex, 100 mph gortex, and insulated heavy gortex. If I were limited to only one it would be the 100 mph. That is the only suit I have ever worn that keeps me totally dry. Also, get bibs not pants.
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