Actually August is a good time to buy a boat. The dealers ordered them last summer and have been sitting on them for several months paying floor plan interest. Most bass boats sell from mid winter to early summer (boat show to hot weather). Boats in inventory during August-Dec are not moving. Many dealers will sell them close to cost to get rid of them before the new ones arrive. If they are new noncurrents they will sometimes sell them below cost because they have been paying interest on them for over a year.
Contrary to what many believe, cash won't get you the best deal. Dealerships arrange financing and get a kick back from the banks. So if you are buying and can get a financed deal with a no penalty payoff it is better to finance for a month or so then pay the bank off with no penalty. It could save you at least a new reel and a Gloomis rod. They also get as much as 50% kickback for extended warranty, so there is a barganing point if you know how to use it.