There are 3 different way that I know to get line twist: one way is to use inline spinners without a swivel, another way is putting the line on the wrong way, and last one which you can't control is some reels without a good roller bearing will twist the line themselves.
Around here boats quit selling after July 4. They pick up again for a few weeks in Oct. The next spurt is during the late winter boat shows. I personally, wouldn't want 2 boats unless I was willing to give someone a good deal on the one I wanted to unload.
Why don't you jus get a couple of battery cables and hook both of them together. That way you shouldn't have to do anything while you are out. Just hook + to + and - to - so they are parallel. I did that for a long time when only 12v was available.
The first thing you need to do is determine if it is a constant or intermitten alarm. Then check the manual to see what the problem might be. A friend of mine called about his and was totally wrong about which one it was. After another trip to the water and paying attention he determined that it was indeed a water pump problem even though it was still putting out a stream.
Teach your wife how to operate the boat and you won't have this problem ever again. She can drop you at the courtesy dock and load the boat when you have the trailer in the water. That way you won't hold anyone up more than 30 seconds. I have been doing this for years and it is by far and away the easiest on everybody concerned.
I just bought color and really like it. You might think about buying the Lowrance 520c w/o antenna. You should be able to save about $150 then you could add the antenna for a Christmas or BD present. You would have gps already there when you installed the antenna. If you can't find the unit that way. I know a guy who had some a few weeks ago cause I bought one that way myself.
Both of you could be wrong. If he butted in line he was wrong. You keeping the boat moored when it could have been back off the loading dock was wrong. Why didn't your wife take the boat back out of the way while you were getting the trailer?
That would make me pucker up for sure. My former bass has an 18' with a suped up 300 on it. It will top end at 105 and is supposed to have an unbelieveable hole shot. I have never seen it on the water cause I was afraid he would make me ride with him.
When that happens to me it is because I haven't opened it all the way to the lock position. If that is not your problem, then you better talk to the reel mechanic.
There is no better fishing platform than a Ranger, however, they don't have the best ride in the world. I have only been in 1 Triton and was totally unimpressed.
One of my buds has a 1994 Bass Cat Pantera II. He bought it new and after 13 years of hard use it still looks like a new boat. I have ridden hundreds of dry miles in it. It is the next best ride to my Champion 206 that I have ever had.
Totally aside from the boats. My Champion has a tandem axle trailer and I hate it. I can't move it around in the garage by hand and it no where near tracks behind the truck. My bud's single axle Bass Cat can be moved around anywhere he wants inside the garage.
If you can get a new Bass Cat for the same price of the used Ranger, I say grab it.
I have tried to powder paint fg12 on my football jigs (straws, metal tubes, alum. foil). Nothing was satisfactory so I decided to make some plugs. I tried every size nail and wire that I have in the shop. All were too large or too small. My wife came out to the shop and commented on the pile around the mold.
When I explained what I was doing, she said why not cut a toothpick in half and use it. My thought was ok this thing is going to burn and I'll have to drill them out. As it turns out she had a great idea. Every piece of tooth pick came out and when they wear out replacement plugs will be very cheap.
Go to and look under boats. You will find Rangers listed. Then go back to motors and you will find Merc. That will give you what the average retail price should be. Then you will have to decide how much to add to that considering the condition of the boat. I am sure he will want top dollar since most people are real proud of their stuff.
Good luck. I hope he takes your offer if you decide to make one.
I totally agree with rw. If it were mine, I would be looking at changing the gears to a higher speed. I bought a Curado with a 3:8 to 1 for cranking. It took all day to get a bait back so I went to BPS and bought 6:3 to 1 gears and am very happy.
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