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Jig Man

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Everything posted by Jig Man

  1. I just bought and installed MC7. I have printed the manual and looked it over a time or two. I am wanting to get my files from the head on the boat into the map in MC7. I am having no luck. Help anyone.
  2. You are looking at completely different types of boats. I recommend that you make a choice either alum or glass then look at lots of boats before you make a decision. If you decide alum. don't buy without looking at the GIII and Xpress boats. They are top of the line alum boats.
  3. I have been using Power Pro for several years. I only use the Hi Vis yellow because I want to see it. I use a leader for jigs and tubes but not for deep vertical jigging or spinnerbaits and buzzbaits.
  4. You won't actually see ledges and drop offs with a 20° cone angle. All you will see if depth. If you really want to be able to see drops you will need to have an 8° depth finder transducer built. I have on which I bought for walleye fishing.
  5. I don't use larger than 4/0 on my football heads. I am not familiar with the hook numbers you posted. My advice would be to make sure that these hooks will fit into his mold if he is pouring the heads. The wire size and bend has to be compatible.
  6. To prevent corrosion of cables on top post batteries use a small bead of silicon sealer at the base of the post and place a felt battery washer over it. Coat the washer with high temperature grease or petroleum jelly (Vaseline), then place cable on the post and tighten. Coat the exposed cable end with the grease. Most folks don't know that just the gases from the battery condensing on metal parts cause most corrosion. Check out your cable. I may also need to be replaced.
  7. There are lots of sources for lead. I have at least 300 pounds of it in the shed out back. Here are some of my sources: Hospitals--they get radioactive meds. in lead containers that weigh 10-20 lbs each. I have gotten lots of them. Remodlers--millions of shower stalls have a 40# pure lead liner in the floor. Hospitals being up dated--I got a 4X8 sheet of lead 1/8" thick from an XRay lab. Recycling centers--I have gotten lots of lead from them at $.25 per pound. Old newspapers--one guy gave me 70# of printer's lead from old type setting equipment. Look around and you will find all the lead you can ever use. I stay away from wheel weights because of the antimony in them. It makes the lead harder and a bit lighter and more difficult to work with. The wax mentioned above is a very good thing to do. Keep an old candle next to your lead pot and when the lead gets hot drop a bit in the lead and stir it with a metal object like an old spoon. BE ADVISED THAT THE POT WILL ERUPT IN FLAMES AND BURN FOR A FEW SECONDS WHILE YOU STIR IT. Don't get excited. It won't explode. Do this every time you heat the lead and you will get better pours. It FLUXES the lead. This process is especially necessary to avoid VOIDS when pouring lead with antimony such as wheel weights.
  8. They aren't hard to pour at all.
  9. On jigs I use 3 sizes of craws, single tail grubs, double tail grubs, hula grubs, beavers, and different sizes of chunks. On spinnerbaits I like a trailer hook.
  10. I have ridden in Xpress boats a lot. They are the best riding aluminum boats I have ever been in. Like most alum. they are light and tend to be a little hard to fish in windy conditions.
  11. I pour the Bakudan drop shot sinker and don't have any of the problems you have described.
  12. I make a lot of my reel choices by looking at the shelves in the Bass Pro Catalog outlet store. I am in there about 1 time each week. I walk by the "reconditioned" reels and see what is there. There are generally a few Daiwas, hundreds of Quantums and hundreds of the different house brands. In all the years I have been going there I have only seen 1 Shimano.
  13. Wow! Every rod I've ever shipped or had shipped (I build rods) has been in the $20 range for anything 6' and over. Who shipped a 7' rod for $9? I need to know so I can start using them! 7' Gloomis rod shipped USPS priority mail from MO to CA just about 6 weeks ago.
  14. I quit tournament fishing quite some time ago but everytime I hit the water it is like a tournament. I can't sleep the night before and it takes me at least 30 min. to get over the jitters when I get to a fishing spot. Every trip is competition even if I am the only one in the boat. I have never fished for relaxation. That is for when I get home and get all the equipment put away.
  15. I can only speak for the dealerships around here but this may be in your area also. They try to operate on a 25% profit basis. That is 25% after all the setup and rigging charges are factored into the retail price (usually around $800 per unit). With the market like it is you should have no problem keeping a healthy deal breaker in mind (electronics or tmotor upgrade for example). You should also be able to negotiate on price if you opt for an extended warranty as the dealership gets a substantial amount of that. Good luck on your search and purchase.
  16. The only time I have any line twist if when I fish tubes or drop shot. Both of those tend to roll over when retrieved with any speed. Line twist hasn't been an issue for me since I started using good quality Shimano reels. I think the roller bearing and assembly has a lot to do with it.
  17. I just bought 2 of them for $80 each at the Bass Pro Shop outlet in Spfld. MO. They had another one but I for sure didn't need it.
  18. I shipped a 7' gloomis from MO to CA for a little over $9. I called and asked before hand and they said it would have to be weighed and measured before they could determine the price.
  19. So are you saying that these are the same rods and one is a 2007 model and the other is a 2008? If that is the case then someone really screwed up big time.
  20. What is the difference in these two rods: Avid ASV66MF Avid AS66MF
  21. I'm getting ready to order some stuff and mostly use one of these three. I kind of like to check them against one another. After looking at the first item (round rubber) Jan's in way in the lead for my business. Jan's $15.04/lb Barlow's $19.95/lb Stamina $19.95/lb Since I am short on brown, red, white, chartruse, and black Jan's wins hands down and backing away.
  22. Our local supplier wanted $12.50/100 so I bought from Do-It. The have a price break at 500.
  23. Go for it. ;)
  24. You sure have picked both ends of the spectrum. Lund has been the best alum boat for many years while the Tracker is not in its class at all. There are lots of boats which will fit your needs. Do some searches and see what you really like as far as length, storage, fishability, etc.
  25. Golly GMAN I have never even seen a purple watermelon.
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