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Jig Man

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Everything posted by Jig Man

  1. Good luck on that Colorado. I rode one of them down a ditch because the driver couldn't get it to stop a 17' Tracker when a girl squatted her car in front of us.
  2. You can get by without them but they would be a nice addition. Your truck should be equipped with a 7 pin rv type recepticle. The backup light wire is what keeps the brakes from engaging when you back the trailer up an incline.
  3. I normally have them off. You don't need surface clarity if you are running upper and lower limits like 10-50'. I used to mess with noise rejection but haven't done anything with it lately. I am never on auto sens. sometimes on auto depth but never on auto sens. Much of the time I run sens in transparent mode so I can adjust immediately. The higher the sens the more you will pick up interference but the better you will see stuff below.
  4. In gas and diesel alone I spend $2500 or more.
  5. Jig Man


    If you want it to be versatile, then be sure it has a handle that will allow you to rotate the hook as well as being able to hold large hooks. I have an Orvis and have tied thousands of jigs with it although I don't use it for bass jigs with anything larger than a 1/0 hook. For the bigger hooks I use a small bench vise.
  6. As I posted the sens is in the 80s. You can run it up to 90s and see what it does for you. I don't use grayscale. I run the color in the 60s. Have you run the units not networked to see if there is a change?
  7. I noticed it when I tried to post a link I had copied. I also couldn't post a pic.
  8. I haven't used them flipping but have had good success swimming them around flooded bushes.
  9. I have a Champion 206 with 407 hours on the motor (225 Opti). It will run 73 mph at wot and has never done any chine walking on any lake at any time of the year.
  10. For what it's worth, I have 6'6" Gloomis IMX and St Croix Avids in the MF. The Gloomis is a bit lighter and maybe has a better feel but the Avids will handle heavier baits with a very good feel.
  11. I wear US Glove rain gloves. They help keep my hands warm and are very thin so I can feel the bites. I hate guys who start talking when they get in the truck, never take a breath all day long, and only quit talking (if they do) after I drive off at the end of the trip. They wear me slick and bother my concentration while I am fishing. I don't go fishing to visit or play around.
  12. I had a pair. I wore them 3 or 4 times and they gave me a headache every time. One of my buds borrowed them and wore them all day once. At the end of the day he said he loved them and was going to buy himself some. HE NOW OWNS MINE. ;D ;D
  13. The x510c is selling for $399 and the LMS 520c without the GPS is selling for $449 at Cabelas right now. There just weren't a lot of the lms 520c's left when I was there a week ago. The 520 is well worth the extra $50 for the convenience of having a gps at both places.
  14. I had one at the console for 2-3 years (LMS 480). I probably had 20 wpts marked on it. I put 2 520s on last year and now have 500 wpts. It is so convenient especially in the wind to go wpt wpt and have that thing marked without having to run to the console or ask someone who doesn't have a clue to mark it for me.
  15. ;D ;D ;D ;D The only vegetation we have is a little moss on the ramps. I have read that the 2.4 version of software upgrade was supposed to correct any of those kinds of problems. I haven't upgraded from the 2.3 because that is not a problem that I have. Mine do loose the bottom for a few seconds around ledges especially if the drop is over 5' like from 32-37'.
  16. I have 2 of them and they are networked and hooked up with an ethernet cable. They are not alike. Even though they are both looking at the same thing the screens are noticably different. Here are my settings (yours won't be identical but can be similar). Sonar Menu [ ] auto sens [ ] auto depth upper and lower limits set from about 10-20 below the deepest I expect to fish chart speed 100 % depth cursor visible overlay data on bow depth time temp overlay data on console depth enormous time sonar features [ ] amplitude scope ping speed on console unit 100% ping speed on bow unit when not etherneted 50% ping speed on both 75% when etherneted sounds off GPS setup [x] tracking smooth track up [x] auto zoom overlay data time (small) depth (enormous) Sensitivity is not a constant. It can be anywhere from 80-95% with color line in the 60s to low 70s. System setup [ ] popup help I hope this gives you a place to start.
  17. I don't know what any of those letters mean but if you are fishing grass then you will need some upmh in the rod. I use mostly good quality M F 6.5' rods but you may need a MH.
  18. Some of my braid has been on for over 5 years. If you want to freshen it up then take it off and turn it around.
  19. The 522 can not be tilted very much and still pick up sats. I think you should get a 520 for the bow.
  20. I can not speak for the MH. I had a Gloomis MH and traded it for a M. I do have the Gloomis M and Avid M rods. I find that the Avid will handle heavier baits than the Gloomis but the Gloomis is a bit more sensitive. I wouldn't give up either one of them.
  21. If you are buying them ready made use any paint you want. The fish don't care. I have caught many fish on unpainted heads, after all do you paint your sinkers on the front of Trigged worms? Color and paint is not nearly as important as presentation and type of retrieve. Paint is for the fisherman more than it is for the fish.
  22. You will get all kinds of responses about what jig heads work best in what situations like football in rocks and arke in wood. The best answer I can give you is to try them out in your areas and see what works. One if my fav banks is a long rip rap. We caught 56 bass off it one day last week. I plan to lose at least 1/2 dozen footballs on it every day, and usually do. I have had good luck with banana heads (better than football) on this rip rap. I had an arke tied on from a previous trip and was too lazy to change, thinking it would be gone in a cast or two. Well, it is still tied on and I caught several fish on it that day. For some reason it came through the rocks just fine. I am planning to go back with arkes and see if that was a fluke.
  23. I have carpal tunnel and have had to go to lighter rods and reels. I also have learned to cast with either hand so I alternate which way I fish to give my self a break every 20 minutes or so. I had tendonitus when I played golf and the arm bands did give me some relief.
  24. Jann's Barlows Stamina Ztackle just to name a few.
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