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Jig Man

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Everything posted by Jig Man

  1. In my boat 19. With another guy 5 (4 in my bac rac and 1 in my hand). Brands are Gloomis IMX, St. Croix Avid, and Fenwick HMG.
  2. I'd say with that setup, you have too stiff a rod and too thick line. Back off on the line and see if that helps. You might also have to switch to braid to improve distance.
  3. I'm happy for you. Like I stated if I were moving from my C 206 it would be to a 210. It should give you many many years of great service. On that Opti. Be sure to warm it up good before you take off. That has always been the number one killer of that motor. I never move my boat out of the no wake area until the engine temp is at least 120°.
  4. Since fish don't have hands, if I can feel them then the bait is in their mouth. I don't drop, reel up and set the hook. I keep my rod at or below 11:00 o'clock all the time and just set the hook when I feel a bite or extra weight.
  5. You are talking about 3 different types of maintenance: boat, motor, trailer. Boat maintenance-- I do myself including electronics, trolling motor, batteries, etc. except if I see a spider crack then I go to the glass shop and have it fixed Trailer maintenance-- I check my brakes, fluid, lights, tires, bearings, etc on a regular basis. My trailer is 7 years old with the original bearings in but I keep them maintained with marine grease. I have taken them out once, inspected them, put in new seals, and repacked them. Motor maintenance-- I pull the prop and check for mono behind it a couple of times each year. I change the lower unit lube every 6 months. I change plugs every 100 hours. I have the impellor changed every 3 years. Once a year I have a moonlighting tech come by the house and give everything a good looking over.
  6. I have only had one ride anywhere close to the Champion ride and that was in a Bass Cat. But they don't have the fishability of a Champion. I have only been in one Triton and was not impressed with that one.
  7. I would get the Champion 210 if I were trading my old 206 off.
  8. Also you can stick 1/2 an Alka Seltzer tablet in before the foam and add an extra aspect to the floating tube.
  9. Big fish baits for me around MO have always been spinnerbaits with #5 and 7 Colorado blades, Zara Spooks, and big bodied jigs with 7" craw trailers.
  10. There are a lot more variables than jig weight to consider in the fall rate like: line diameter and material, head shape, trailer shape, trailer size, amount of skirting material, etc. Your best bet would be to get the depth of water figured out and make casts with both and count them down.
  11. Learn this proceedure and you won't need the pliers. http://www.in-fisherman.com/magazine/articles/if2806_HookRemoval/index.html
  12. My rods don't leave the rod locker. The rod handles are supported on one end and the tips on the other end. They have been there for years and I have not noticed any crooked rods. If you are worried about that issue, store them with the reels dismounted.
  13. I buy mine in bulk and don't even know the brand. All I know is that with pumpkin seed, melon pepper, black neon, and smoke with a red flake and all of them fat and 4" long I don't need any other tubes. We caught 34 bass today and 33 of them were on m/p and p/s tubes. I get them from BPS and Ztackle.
  14. Get your schematics and take down the part number. Call Shimano America on Monday am with that info, your reel model and size number. Have your credit card handy and they will speed one to you. 1-877-577-0600
  15. I like a beaver as a trailer on my jigs.
  16. I swim twitch, slow roll, burn, hop, pop, and drag them depending on water temp and depth.
  17. I for one am always trying to give them something that they have never seen before that is why I have 96 possible color combinations for jigs.
  18. For your $600 you can pick up a good gps/sonar combo. You won't be sorry for the gps after learning to use it. I hate to go on the water in a boat that doesn't have one.
  19. A pocket? Swag, cut, nitch, nootch, notch depending on colloquiality
  20. I have about 20 or so boxes categorized and labeled.
  21. Daytime-white with nickle Colorado and willow Nightime-black with nickle Colorado with gob of solder
  22. I've fished a lot of tubes 50' deep. I use a 3/8 oz head because that is as large as my mold will make. If you can't find any, shoot me a pm and we will talk.
  23. As far as I know Eagles do not have the networking option. That has been left out to keep the prices lower than their Lowrance cousins.
  24. You need a cover that is specifically designed for your boat then you won't have that problem.
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