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Jig Man

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Everything posted by Jig Man

  1. My two most fav. ways to fish tubes are: let them go to the bottom and hop the off, then let the fall back (expect the strike on the fall) and toss them out, count down and slow roll it back with some stop and goes along with rod tip twitches. Just about any game fish as well as a occasional big old flat head will climb all over a tube. BTW: Your color choices are fine. Just keep on throwing them and you will connect.
  2. X2 Even a 20' F&S has very little room for storage and almost no front deck.
  3. Where I fish the life expectancy of a jig is one cast. That is why I make my own and carry hundreds in the boat. I don't even bother to try to get one back when it is hung up. I will give it a couple of bow and arrow tries then I break it off. I plan on losing from 5-10 jigs on each trip because I fish rock piles much of the time. That said, there are a few things which will lessen your chances of getting hung up: lighter weight jigs tend to hand up less than heavier ones, football heads work rocks better for me than most others, swimming the jig just off the bottom will catch fish and keep your bait on the line. I'm sure some of the other guys here can give you some more ideas. If all else fails, look for a cheap source for jigs.
  4. We have been using 1/2 oz brown swimjigs. Cast out count down and do a steady retrieve. Be sure to count like 1001, 1002, etc. Try different depth till you connect then repeat the successful countdown. We have been anywhere from a 5 to a 15 on the count and since they aren't tied up the count is subject to change.
  5. Yes it is a crappie, a white crappie.
  6. G those are good looking jigs. I told you Gman would do you a fine job on heads. Now that you have been exposed to the makin' disease, you better get a raise in your allowance or look for an after school job. ;D
  7. I have used 30# PP on spinner and buzz baits for quite a while. You can seem to feel a bass looking at the bait. ;D I'd way much rather have it for those applications than any other line I have ever used. The only drawback for me is the hook set. I have really had to watch that and have even gone to rods with less power to help keep from ripping their lips off.
  8. You never can tell just what will work at a particular time or place. You really should have a variety of sizes, colors, and styles if you plan to do well with the jig. For example, Tuesday night my pard was waxing my butt on a pbj football head with rootbeer trailer so bad that I finally switched over. About 2 am I broke the pbj off and was too lazy to retie. I picked up a black Arke with a smoke trailer and caught 4 keepers on one point while the pbj didn't even get a smell.
  9. 1) Texas and Carolina Rig-- 7' mh 10#line 6-1 reel 2) Spinnerbaits-- 6.5' mh 15#line 5-1 reel 3) Jigs-- 7' mh to h 30# braid 7-1 reel 4) Cranks-- 6.5' m 8-10# line 3.8-1 reel 4) Topwater-- 6' m 8-10# line 6-1 reel
  10. Breaking in a new motor slowly by factory recommendations and letting them warm up before take off goes a long way toward keeping a motor going. Around here some guys break a motor in from the ramp to the nowake bouy. Then it is wot and before long repower.
  11. My guess is 1979.
  12. The 12" tires will rotate faster and get warmer as you tow the boat. I don't run radial "car" tires because they have soft sidewalls and I don't like the way it makes my boat feel behind the truck. I get tires made for trailers with 8 ply sidewalls but I think they are still radials.
  13. You might be able to use a Bac Rac for some rods in the back of the boat but I doubt you can have a 30g. livewell and rod lockers.
  14. If I am not mistaken that is a portable unit. If it powers up $10 ought to be a steal. I think they were originally about $200.
  15. You will have to find out the weight of the motor, boat, trailer, batteries, gasoline, and gear. That boat weighs about 1200 so you are half way to max and you still have to add trailer, motor, etc. What size engine are you going to go with? A 115 will weigh about 350 and a 150 about 400. A trailer for that boat woud be 5-600 on average. So we have to figure gear, gas, and batteries.
  16. Salt Craws for me. This is the one I like best.
  17. There are lots of ways to add storage to a boat but without pics no one can give you much useful help.
  18. I have never been successful at painting with heat after the weedguard is in place. What I have done is to make inserts that fit into my molds that don't accept pins. I use finishing nails, round tooth picks and copper wire. My football mold takes fg12 and I have found that 12g romex stripped is a perfect fit. I have dozens of pieces so I can pour many at a time without removing the pins. After I remove the pins and paint them, I have to drill out the holes so the weedguard fits but it isn't a big deal.
  19. Jig Man

    Jig Skirts

    go to www.fishingskirts.com and look at their selection of skirts. Also check out the skirt tool which only costs $4. You can get the bands from them also. Then all you have to do is put the band on the tool, take the hook part and pull a couple of skirt tabs in the cylinder and roll the band off. You will need something to put the skirt on the jig head. I use snap ring pliers. When the skirt is on then trim it with scissors.
  20. On the starboard side of the transom there should either be a plate with a set of numbers or a set of numbers imprinted into the transom itself. On that will be the year of manufacture. The engine will also have a tag on it that gives its age.
  21. I use the 16/20 with all lines.
  22. Catt, I have the same weather and can't make myself hit the water when it is still above 90° and doesn't get below 80° until after midnight so my plan is a bit different. I will be leaving home about the time you get home. I'll hit the water as dawn makes it first itty bitty crack. I'll give spinnerbaits and buzzbaits about an hour since the lake is about 2' up and has a few bushes in the water. When bright light is on the water, I'll be throwing jigs, shaky worms, and tubes on and near points. As the heat builds, I'll start thinking about those 3 long bridges that are only a few miles away. When it gets hot, I'll be sitting in the shade of one of those bridges using a spinnerbait, wacky worm or swim jig. If the pier bite is good, I'll fish all three bridges before I fire up the AC in the truck and head home for lunch and a nap. Good luck tonight Catt.
  23. If you don't try to fish in the wind.
  24. First of all, just because you saw fish doesn't mean that they were bass. For me your depth is medium. If I am by myself, I fish that kind of stuff parallel to the bank so my bait stays in the strike zone longer. If the drops are steep, I'll move in shallow and fish deep to shallow. I use jigs and triggs for this type of fishing.
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