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Jig Man

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Everything posted by Jig Man

  1. It would for me. I have IMXs and Avids. Though the Avids are good rods I'll take the IMXs any day.
  2. It looks like you are in the get on the lake mode for sure. Congrats. A few maintainance things to think about: Lower unit fluid (should be changed yearly), spark plugs (should be changed yearly), and water pump impellor (should be changed every 3 years). On the power trim: trim it down all the way when you take off. Slowly raise the front of the boat until it runs smoothly. Trim back down as you slow the boat down. You will get the hang of it in short order.
  3. Jig Man

    jig tying

    If you want to get in cheaply and have any kind of vice, I suggest wire tying. To string tie you will need thread, bobbin, vice, and large whip. To wire tie you need any kind of vice wire and a couple of pairs of pliers.
  4. Typically the problem is some kind of debris in the intake hole. Get a 1/8 or smaller drill bit. Use your fingers not a drill or pliers. Slowly screw it into the water intake hole about 1/4" then pull it out. Keep going deeper until you have the hole cleaned out and see if that is a fix.
  5. I use the braid for its sensitivity. I use leaders on it for their invisibility. I fish clear water and need all the advantages I can get. I catch a lot more fish with a leader on braid than on just braid.
  6. I was on it this morning and just got off a few seconds ago. No problems.
  7. X2 I use 5 or 6 different ones depending on the jig.
  8. Yep that's what I use.
  9. I have 2 of Bears no cut tube molds and am planning to buy 2 more. If you buy them you will also need an injector.
  10. If you can only have one then 1/16 oz if two then 1/32 also.
  11. I use 3 or 4 brands and I paint using a fluid bed. If you want a good deal on some pm cadman. He was selling a bunch a while back. He may have some left.
  12. Molds are running around $40 right now. I think I am down to 14 as I just sold some I no longer use. You are going to need a mold, way to melt lead, lead supply, hooks, weedguard, skirts and paint. $40 $50 $2/lb $.25 each, $.10 each $25 $6 for 2 oz Figuring for your first 100 jigs you would have about $165 plus what ever shipping would cost. After that the cost goes down as volume goes up.
  13. Me too. I don't want to go there any more.
  14. It depends on when, where and how I am going to fish it. If I am just swimming it I'll use a Zoom swim chunk in white. If I am bumping bottom with it at night during the light of the moon I'll use a twin tail in white or blue. If I am using it around submerged brush I want a big old white chunk so I can stop it and let it drop slowly for a foot or so.
  15. Look the boat up in the nadaguides and it will give you a good ball park for the value.
  16. What effect will this have on marine battery warranties?
  17. If you are going to use 4-6 # line the 1000 will be just fine. If you are going larger like 10-12# then the 1000 won't hold enough line.
  18. I never trickle charge anything. I use a 3 bank 15 amp onboard and charge as soon as I get home. When they are charged I unplug them like the mfg (Dual Pro) told me to do. I top them off before I head to the lake or if not fishing because of weather, every 2 weeks.
  19. I always try something different. One of my best nights last summer was using a red jig with a white trailer. You never know what will trigger fish on any given trip.
  20. All I am going by is what I read on the Texas Fishing Forum. Those guys were all about Wally World until a month or so ago and now they are howling that there is no warranty. Personally, I have never owned one. I called all around here and no store had any deep cycles in stock.
  21. I use a leader in clear water with slow baits because I got a good butt waxin' one day by people I normally beat. They were using mono and I was using braid with no leader.
  22. That is a pretty good rod. I have several of them myself. I have Curados on mine. I'd put the Citica on it.
  23. Word is out that BS is hotter than a pistol right now (jerks and cranks).
  24. You better check out Wally World before you buy batteries from them. In lots of places they are selling their deep cycles with NO WARRANTYbecause so many people were bringing them back it became a losing proposition.
  25. More than brand look for reserve amps. Get 27 series with 200 reserve amps any where but Wally World.
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