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Jig Man

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Everything posted by Jig Man

  1. Try lacquer thinner before you go to sanding, etc.
  2. A friend of mine swears by trigged sticks but I haven't had much on them. For me they produce better wacky or shaky.
  3. Why are you adding grease? Do you have an indicator that shows a need for grease? It would behove you to check your seals. I haven't added any to mine since I redid them 4 years ago.
  4. I use the same weight rod with 8# but I go for a number 1 hook instead of a 2.
  5. I had the pic issue with one of my host sites. When I contacted Glenn he said that site had been banned. Maybe yours is too.
  6. I've tried all kinds of stuff and all sizes of boxes. I can never settle on just what works every time. However, for the last year or so I have been the 3600 size boxes and have a box for 1 oz and 3/4, a box for 1/2 oz, a box for 3/8 oz and a box for 1/4, 3/16, and 1/8 oz. That way all I have to do if pick up the box for the size of jig I want to throw then look for the color combo I want. I try to keep 4-6 of each color that I carry in the boxes and take along an emergency bag that is kept in the truck, just in case. As for trailers, when I get done with a jig I drop it on the deck. When I am back home and the jig is good and dry, I'll remove the trailer and put the jig back in its box if it isn't damaged. The trailer I normally deep six. I don't put trailers back in jig boxes due to moisture and salt.
  7. I used a lot of different Icons representing different things. One of my favorite was looking a the map and picking spots to fish at night and marking them with a STOP sign. Sadly, my new unit doesn't have an icon feature.
  8. A black bucktail jig with a #11 pork frog trailer slow rolled like a swimjig can be deadly for smallies around here.
  9. I like a good stiff breeze to bucking and bouncing if I am fishing swimjigs, spinnerbaits or cranks. Best of all is a wind that has blown from the same direction for at least 3 days. In that amount of time algae will be moved to the bank on the water currents, zooplankton will follow the algae, bait fish which feed on the zooplankton will follow the zooplankton and bait fish eaters will position themselves at attack points for easy meals. From early September until early December I wait for the weatherman to say 15 mph or higher then I pick my banks and hook up the boat.
  10. If you are not good with jigs, why not try swimming them. All you have to do is put on a trailer, cast it out and slow roll it back. When you feel a pickup don't set the hook. Just keep reeling unitl the fish has it and is putting a lot of pressure on. Most of the time you don't even have to set the hook. The fish will do that for you.
  11. I opted for the white. I have them in all the lockers and boxes in my boat as well as on both sides of the battery compartment.
  12. For what it's worth. I sold 2 old superfree Curados and 2 Citicas and took the money to buy 2 new E7 Curado's. I like them so well I sold 3 setups and some baits so I could buy 2 more on Monday.
  13. I've seen it done but the guy who did it was a troller instead of a caster.
  14. what reel did you put them in? Curado CU200s
  15. I throw 1/8 oz with gurbs on a hopped up Curado CU 200 and a 6'10" ML Btonze back.
  16. If you want to make it really go upgrade to boca ceramics and run them dry. I increased my casting distance 20 yds. Run dry they are noisy but that is ok with me.
  17. Check out Barlow's, Jann's Netcraft, Stamina, and Ztackle. Those are the places I have used. Before you dump a bunch of money into molds, powder paint, fluid beds, lead and lead pots you might want to buy some premade jigs, spinnerbaits, buzzbaits and the components to assemble them to see if you think you want to get into it. You are looking at probably a $200-300 initial investment to start pouring and assembling what you seem to have in mind and for a few bucks you can buy some prepoured stuff and assemble them.
  18. You guys might want to have a look at www.fishingskirts.com. They have a large variety of skirts and a very inexpensive and easy to use skirt and collar tool.
  19. You can also wire tie them.
  20. X2 The stronger the better and with a bit longer than normal shaft.
  21. Buy trailer tires not car tires.
  22. You better talk to someone at Wally world. They have had so many problems that many of the offer on warranty on deep cycle batteries.
  23. Bubblegum has been my best color this year, but every color has given me some fish.
  24. I have an 8 on my Champion. I for sure wouldn't want anything bigger. I fished with a guy who was using 2 of the biggest birds. It was over kill.
  25. I'm not a tech but have always been told that those older motors should have premium in them. My Optimax is the only motor I have ever had and run mid grade.
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