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Jig Man

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Everything posted by Jig Man

  1. I'd have to give the Xpress a #1 on tin boats. They have the lift and ride of a fiberglass boat. The only problem I have seen is the blow around in the wind. If I were going back to aluminum it would be without a doubt be an Xpress.
  2. I don't have a dog in this fight or am trying to pee high on the wall. What I know is if you keep either one you will have some repairs. Most of us don't have the stuff to repair welded boats. All of us have the ability to spend a few bucks on JB Weld and gom it around a leaky rivet head. With that said, one of my friends kept a welded jon going for 25 years with JB Weld and not trips to a $100 per hour shop.
  3. I think if you get the ML you will find that it is not a versatile as a M would be. I have tried from ML to MH for those applications and have gotten rid of all but the M rods. And like stated the drop shot is where I think you would use the ML most. I drop shot with the same rod that I use for small grubs.
  4. If you use lighter fluid it must contain naptha. That is the other substance besides acetone for soaking them. When you are done be sure to pat them dry and let the air dry for a few hours before reinstalling and/or reoiling.
  5. Some days it is slow and some days it is fine.
  6. Do you have a water pressure gauge? Like W2S I change every 3 years because that is cheap insurance. As far as water out the pee hole that happens in a few seconds, however, my duce and a quarter Opti needs 5 minutes or more to warm up the the 120° temp before taking off in these low temp waters that we now have.
  7. I have not. I get most of my skirt tabs from www.fishingskirts.com. They have a good selection and if you purchase by the 100 ct. The prices are great.
  8. I expect that since Yamaha owns G3 that they probably own Bears also. They are in Lebanon where the G3s are. What is your concern with them?
  9. Stay with Mustad.
  10. I live at 100 S. Main, Obsessed, MO. I hunt 1/2 day per year. I don't bowl. I don't golf. I fish 100 days per year most years.
  11. I live at 100 S. Main, Obsessed, MO. I hunt 1/2 day per year. I don't bowl. I don't golf. I fish 100 days per year most years.
  12. I live at 100 S. Main, Obsessed, MO. I hunt 1/2 day per year. I don't bowl. I don't golf. I fish 100 days per year most years.
  13. Yes it can. The price around here varies from about $300 to over $1000 depending on the shop that does the work.
  14. I'd quit, sell the boat and camper and go back to golf.
  15. I'd quit, sell the boat and camper and go back to golf.
  16. I'd quit, sell the boat and camper and go back to golf.
  17. I'll be doing the same old same old. Fishing when the weather allows and the water is not hard. This past year was the worst I have had in many a year. The fish were hard to find after the spawn and the smallies just disappeared. Even the best white bass lake had a die off and fall fishing for them was nonexistent. I'm looking forward to a better year in 2011.
  18. I'll be doing the same old same old. Fishing when the weather allows and the water is not hard. This past year was the worst I have had in many a year. The fish were hard to find after the spawn and the smallies just disappeared. Even the best white bass lake had a die off and fall fishing for them was nonexistent. I'm looking forward to a better year in 2011.
  19. I'll be doing the same old same old. Fishing when the weather allows and the water is not hard. This past year was the worst I have had in many a year. The fish were hard to find after the spawn and the smallies just disappeared. Even the best white bass lake had a die off and fall fishing for them was nonexistent. I'm looking forward to a better year in 2011.
  20. I don't run Birds but do run side imaging. I just sold my regualr gps units and have a new side imaging unit coming for the bow. I hate to sit up there and have the guy in the back using side or down scan and I have only 2d sonar. I think in a few years we may see 2d sonar go the way of the horse and buggy.
  21. I fished there on Tuesday. I had a short spinnerbait bite just as the line quit freezing. Then it stopped. I cound not get bit on a jig and wound up catching the rest of my fish on rocky banks without trees. Tubes were all I could get them to hit and that was not often.
  22. I only use the swim jig chunk from zoom. It looks like a swimmer with flippers.
  23. The last few years I have caught twice as many bass on tubes as on jigs. Jigs produce bigger fish for me but not as many.
  24. It sounds like it is a really good deal. That makes me wonder why they are willing to sell it that low and throw in new carpet. If I were buying it with winter coming on, I keep a deal braker until almost done with the trading then I spring a longer warranty on them. Them giving you longer warranty won't cost them anything if the motor is in good shape.
  25. I have lots of molds. I only have 2 store bought molds (tube and stick). The rest I have made myself. There are lots of ways to make molds. Pick some types of baits and research ways to build molds for them or buy one of the cheaper molds and some plastisol, dye, and glitter. Then make a few. You need to do this out of the house. I work in the garage with hot plates and a cheap microwave. My first ones were made in the kitchen with one of my wife's pans. That didn't last very long.
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