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Jig Man

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Everything posted by Jig Man

  1. I use a lot of hair jigs but I don't add any feathers to them. I use them for walleye and sandies mostly.
  2. I had a bow mount hand controlled tmotor once. I'll quit fishing before I put up with another one.
  3. I like to fish Trigged salt craws right smack in the middle of brush piles. I use a 3' mono or fluro leader and braid. When I am pulling the braid over a limb it feels like a hack saw on a dowel rod. When it gets smooth I know it is the leader. I also know that in 3' the bait will contact the limb. When the bait touches the limb, I gently wiggle it over the limb and let it fall. I repeat the process until I get a bite or work over the brush pile. Jigs I like to count down and swim over the top just barely nicking a limb or two. When I am fishing jigs down in the brush, I switch to my brush jigs which have a much smaller hook so they don't get hung up so often.
  4. Two piece rods used to be inferior to one piece but in today's world they are not that much different. I got a couple of 2 piece rods as gifts. I don't really know if I have one in my hands unless I inspect it.
  5. I use 30# Power Pro and have used 8, 10, 12, 15, and 17# mono and fluro leaders. I only use the Alberto's knot because it hasn't failed and all others have. I do a 6 wrap both ways (spit, no glue). 5 wraps won't hold and I have never tried more than 6.
  6. For me it is front drag because I can take them apart completely and clean everything if I so choose. Not so for the rear drags. I have never been comfortable trying to disassemble those so I have given all of them away.
  7. That is what I was told when I couldn't get their buzz baits from BPS last year. I called the number and the lady answered Rapala. When I said I must have dialed the wrong number she replied that they had been bought out.
  8. No I haven't. I had done quite a bit of babbett. It is good but you can't do it in a Lee pot because it melts at over 1000° so it has to be heated really hot and ladeled.
  9. I have never paid even 1penny for lead and I must have at least 300 # of it in the barn. Check around there are lots of free and or cheap sources.
  10. If he really is a kid and needs some baits, I'd send him some of my surplus. I have done it a few times when I was sure it was a kid and he wasn't asking for freebies. I guess there is no way to be sure though.
  11. I have used a lot of lead sources in the years of making jigs (wheel weights, printer's lead, plumbers lead, radio active medicine containers, X-ray room lead coated walls, etc.) The softer the lead the lower the melting point. One of the most important things you can do is learn how to flux your lead. If that is a new term, do a google search and find out about it.
  12. That is one truism for sure. Increased boat traffic makes the fish hide on the little lakes I mostly fish. Mon-Thurs are the best. Lock jaw sets in on Fri.
  13. So are you looking for free baits or is there something else here that I don't see? I have never seen anyone who turned down free baits.
  14. I clean my own but every now and then a good reel tech is worth the money. Look up reel mech's site and send him just one and you will see that he is way better than you are. I tried to provide the link but he must be out of favor. However, he is good.
  15. My motor didn't come with anything to keep it up but the trim motor so I use Lock n Haul to keep the pressure off it while in transit.
  16. What ever is in a 1/2 horse table saw motor. I've been using it for 10 years and probably have another 10 to go.
  17. I use them in 8 1/2' for FnF. I can easily handle a 12' leader with them. When I bought mine nothing else was available at BPS.
  18. When the water is clear and cold I want a leader on my braid. We tried an experiment one day with 6 of us fishing the same area. 2 of us fished braid and the other 4 fished leaders or mone. The two of us using braid got a good but waxing that day. Therefore, I use leaders now in cold water.
  19. The side imaging is the way of the future. Whether you get it now or not at least get a unit to which it can be added later so you won't be sorry.
  20. There is nothing wrong with fishing the north side of Lake Springfield any time of the year. I used to do that a lot when my in laws lived by the lake.
  21. Ah another good use for my little Dremel Tool. I havent used it since I supertuned my Curados. Thanks for the tip.
  22. If he is breaking that many off, maybe it is time for you to make some money with some side bets. When his mistakes start costing him money which will quickly relate to pride, I'll bet he makes some changes.
  23. If he is breaking that many off, maybe it is time for you to make some money with some side bets. When his mistakes start costing him money which will quickly relate to pride, I'll bet he makes some changes.
  24. If he is breaking that many off, maybe it is time for you to make some money with some side bets. When his mistakes start costing him money which will quickly relate to pride, I'll bet he makes some changes.
  25. I have the 100 mph and would buy it again. It is the driest I have ever worn. I drove 170 miles one way to buy the Cabela's. I'm glad I did instead of ordering it because it did not fit me at all.
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