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Jig Man

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Everything posted by Jig Man

  1. I was using digitals until one day mine showed me 3 different readings on the same fish. They were over a # and 1/2 apart. So I started buying digitals. I found every one of them to be erratic. (Thank you Bass Pro for your generous return policy.) I did some research and found Boga to be highly recommended. I bought one and decided I wanted to keep it so I have it tied to the boat with an 8' nylon cord. It is way too expensive to drop overboard. Mine did not have a warranty card in the box so I called Boga and asked about it. The guy on the phone said, "If you have any problem, give us a call. We have only had 30 out of the 1000s that have been sent back and most of them just needed to be cleaned." It is also very good for landing toothy fish and bass with a couple of trebles in their mouths. I'd buy another one in a heart beat.
  2. I have both. My Nav shows contours better but my LEI is way superior up creeks because it show channels a long ways after the nav cuts off.
  3. Sometimes the pedestal will jam and you have to use a pipe wrench.
  4. If you want it done well and done right for a very reasonable price then send them to the Reel Mechanic. John does a very good job.
  5. There is no bad trailer. I have used most every type out there. I prefer a twin tail grub for most applications but I'll use a beaver, brush hog, craw, even pork. They all work.
  6. I make all of my own plastics so I have an infinite amount of colors and color combinations. However, I mostly use green pumpkin, pumpkin seed, smoke/red flakes and black. All the rest is eye candy except for bubble gum during the prespawn.
  7. I've not seen the lawn mower conversion but I did see a jon with an IO made from a jet ski motor.
  8. 12.7v is fully charged. You are close to that right now. I leave it alone and check it again in a few weeks. Or top it off for a short charge then check it in a few weeks.
  9. I like the 90° best.
  10. You can use a torch like Jig Man does. I know several guys that use it. It's all personal preferance on what you like and what you are comfortable with. If you use a torch though, watch very carefully so you don't burn the paint on subsequent colors or melt the lead head. I only use the torch for the initial heat. For subsequent colors I heat in the toaster oven and apply paint with a makeup brush by tapping.
  11. Yes I spin the spool. Mostly because I like to see it go round and round. What you are seeing may be the viscosity of different oils in the bearings or different grades of bearings. When I used the older Curados the spools would spin a long time on the ones that had dry Boca Lightning ceramics in them. They would also cast a long ways.
  12. Keep 'um bait in water is the best advice I ever got in my life.
  13. Jig Man do you get paint on the hook tip when you take it in hook first or are you keeping the hook tip out of the paint and dipping it at an angle. When doing spinnerbaits or buzzbaits, I heat the head with a torch so the hook is not hot and doesn't get any paint on it.
  14. I have enough distraction without music in my boat. I don't even like anyone talking while I am concentrating on getting bit.
  15. You bet IB. It is supposed to global warm all the way to -13° here tonight.
  16. Have you tried taking them in hook first. That is how I do it.
  17. Last year I treated myself to a new MG TE82 to replace my nine year old one. It took my 520c unit out on slow speeds (turned the screen blue). It took me several trips to the lake trying all the things they wanted me to try, then they finally replaced the brush holders and put in an "internal grounding strap". That solved the problem. A couple of weeks ago I put an HDS8 with side and down on the trolling motor setup. I now get interference on the 800 kHz. I haven't tried the 455 yet nor have I contacted MG until I try other settings.
  18. Check some of the online order companies like: Jann's Netcraft Barlows Tackle Stamina Inc Ztackle Fishing skirts.com Do It
  19. 1. Weedguards can be any lenght you want. I use to cutt the off down to the height of the bend of the hook. I got hung up a lot so I quit cutting them off. I don't do anything to them except when in brush I spread them. 2. Starter kit for jig tying. I don't really think there is one. You have to decide what you want to make and then get it. If you don't want to make a big plunge then buy some precast jigheads (painted or unpainted) and skirts and then put them together. If you are going to go hole hog you will need a way to melt the lead, some lead, some hooks, and a mold. Do-It probably can fix you up with what you want. 3. Kit for powder painting. It can be as simple or as complicated as you want it to get. I started out with a candle and 1 2oz jar of white paint. I'd heat the head and swish it in the paint. Over time I have built a fluid bed, collected 20 some colors of paint and heat and cure the heads in a toaster oven. So what I think is you will have to decide what type of plunge you want to make and how much you want to spend getting into this venture. It can be for a few bucks buying precast heads or you can spend several hundred getting all the stuff for a first class operation. Good luck to you. It is a very fun pastime and way down the road you can save some money but that first jig sometimes costs you over $100.
  20. Jig Man

    Jig Tying

    Thread is way more time consuming than wire. I use the windings out of an old table saw motor.
  21. I have heard good and bad about both brands. What I do know is who has the most of the market share and therefore more techs in more places who know how to work on them. That alone would make me go for a Merc.
  22. I chose Low because I know how to use them and can barely turn a Bird on. Consider your placement. You are a lot closer to the console than you will be to the bow unit. A 5" screen on side scan from 4' away is not going to be very eye friendly when you are looking for specifics.
  23. Yes that would be worse. Wally world has some for around $80. The one I got at O'Reilly's was $84. I am not sure what the 3 year warranty one at Wally sells for but it is worth checking out.
  24. When you get that run in the paint you are getting too much paint on the head because the head is too hot. The powder should be like flour and very dull when it goes on the head. Then you are much less apt to have the run. And yes if you are going to paint very many a fluid bed would make life much easier.
  25. Randy don't be looking at reserve capacity. That is for deep cycles. You want to look at Cold Cranking Amps (CCA). IMO batteries are not the items to look for a good deal. Pay what you have to and get the best you can afford so you won't be paddling home some dark stormy night way up James trying to make it back to Aunt's Creek.
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