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Jig Man

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Everything posted by Jig Man

  1. All you need is a long hose clamp.
  2. I don't want to make the fish any more tired than necessary so I use at least 10 # mono and 30 # braid.
  3. Nova I use down scan more than side when fishing under 25 fow as I can see something and drop a bait right down the tmotor shaft to them. I use side to find stuff along banks and mark wpts so I can go back and fish over them if the water is deep enough.
  4. TEN I fish mostly with structure scan and look at limbs, logs and brush to see if there are any fish in or around them. That way I am not fishing blind. I use a Low hds8 with structure on the back and on the trolling motor. Here is a down scan pic of some sandbass hanging near some shad. I caught 6 of them after I saw them. I doubt I'd have gotten more than maybe one if not for the unit.
  5. There are several resorts scattered around the lake depending on where you are fishing. Just south of Rouark Bluff is one with a grocery and the Son Sac Marine next door. Over by State Park in the middle of the lake is a motel. State park has cabins for rent in their campground. BTW: Don't pass up Bongo's Bistro and try the eggplant parmesian. If you haven't been there before, pay attention to the weather. It can get rough in a heart beat. I'm going there today for a 3 week vacation.
  6. New batteries don't lose much fluid or do batteries that are not charged a lot. Older batteries or frequently used and charged batteries tend to need distilled water a lot more often. Most of the time you can pick an easy day like the First of the month and check them and do just fine. I have finally gotten tired of it and the mess that goes along with battery acid and made the plung to AGM batteries. Time will tell if that has been a good decision.
  7. I had Aurora Canvass build mine 9 years ago. It still looks good and works good.
  8. Yes it is. I went ahead and bought the double injectors with the adapter for doing lams. It works great. Now I can have any color tube that I want. My bubble gum sticks are working well but I am missing fish on the so I made up a bunch of bubble gum tubes. They worked very well Friday. I have never seen that color in a store.
  9. I make my own baits except for topwater, jerk, and crankbaits. I have a bunch of molds most of which are homemade out of Bondo fiberglass resin. These molds are 1 sided and cost about $5 each. I also have sticks, grubs, and tubes in 2 part molds. I used to dip rods to make tubes but had to cut the skirt so I bought injection molds and injectors. That runs about $300 for the stuff to do 2 tubes with double injectors but with tubes being $50/100 now and I use about 200 per year then it won't be long before I catch up.
  10. From 1/8 oz to 1 oz depending on how deep I am fishing and the cover.
  11. Cadman or Gman either one can probably fix you up. If it were me, I'd have them paint the heads while they were at it. For skirts and tools try www.fishingskirts.com
  12. One of the xducers that I have in my boat has a temp sensor on it. It measures the temp of the hull instead of the water. It is a few degrees off the one on the tmotor but that is inconsequential. You can also get something like they send with Lund boats for an outside mount. It is a mounting board that fits against your transom and is screwed in to the boat above the waterline. I used a piece of a cutting board to mount an xducer on the outside of my friend's Champion.
  13. I'm guessing the fluro is stiffer and in 10# that may be your culprit. I was throwing a 5" stick with a 1/8 head and 10# mono using a 2500 Stradic on a St. Croix Avid 6'6" M on Friday. I had to back the boat way out because my casts were too long.
  14. I've been dragging around a 21' for a long time with a 45" TE 82. When it can't do the job, I don't need to be out there.
  15. The only trailer I use on a spinnerbait is the hook.
  16. The number that means something in your list for trolling motors is the 180. That is the reserve capacity. You should be fine. I have been running 182 for the last 4 years and they are doing a good job for me. Before that I ran 200s but couldn't find any when I bought new ones. BTW: I'd stay away from Walmart batteries. Things have changed and a lot of stores don't warranty the deep cycles any longer.
  17. I have bought plastic making stuff from a lot of companies over the years but lately, Bear's has had all I need and at good prices.
  18. I like to keep it simple when I can but last spring if I didn't have a bubble gum senko before the spawn I might as well have been home. It didn't work after the spawn but before it was at least 5-1 on producing.
  19. Most of mine are rigged weedless like in the pic.
  20. If other wildlife tend toward bass in reproduction then the amount of sunlight is the biggest key out there. For example, I know a guy who raises "BOB WHITE" quail for their eggs. In the spring when they start laying eggs there is approximately 17 hours of sunlight. He collects the eggs every day and the hens keep laying trying to fill a nest. After a specified period of time the hens quit laying. He gives the a few weeks off and then pops on the flood lights around the pens. He has his timers set so there is 17 hours of light in the pens and the hens start laying again. With the flood lights he gets another couple of months of eggs. Maybe bass are similar.
  21. There are lots of guides on various parts of the lake. One of them is Bill Babler who also owns a bed and breakfast. You could get an all in one with him. For just an all around guide Buster Loving is very good as is Steve Dickey.
  22. Jig Man


    I make my own. I have tried the dipping and cutting but got tired of it so I bought some of Bear's injectors and molds. They are pricey to get into but easy to make.
  23. Almost all of our lakes here in MO have a smallmouth population. Table Rock, Bull Shoals, and Stockton have good amounts of quality smallies.
  24. I have used mono that was kept in the basement for over 10 years. The only way to tell is to tie some on and try to break it.
  25. I think Ranger has been into oil bath for a long time on their trailers. Most all that ezloader stuff is made my Unique Functional Products. Give them a call and they will tell you what to do and how to do it.
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