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Jig Man

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Everything posted by Jig Man

  1. When I am working a jig and craw in brush and get a bite it is generally on the fall down in the middle of the pile. All I can do is set the hook and keep pressure on the fish until it comes out and most of the time that is exactly what they do. I can't really say about standing timber as we don't have much of it around. But it might be worth a try for you.
  2. I was expecting you to expect that post Mike. Why change something if is isn't broke.
  3. When that happens to me I assume that there are more than one fish and for some reason the first one didn't take the bait. So I beat the heck out of that place to see how many I can catch.
  4. Cut the tab 1" longer than you need (1/2 inch on each end to hang on to).
  5. Any knot will work. An arbor knot is the simplest. http://www.animatedknots.com/arbor/index.php?Categ=fishing&LogoImage=LogoGrog.jpg&Website=www.animatedknots.com I always spool like a baitcaster and don't have any twisting issues with my Shimano spinning reels.
  6. Go to an auto parts place and buy you a cheap hydrometer. Check to see what it shows. Then charge them and see if they take a charge.
  7. I buy outdoor carpet at a carpet shop. I know it is a brand but I ask for astro turf so they know what I want. I glue it down and staple it on the bottom of the bunks.
  8. Way to pretty to bang off the rocks where I fish. NICE...
  9. Where it shows on the trim gauge is not important as it can be changed with a setting and has nothing to do with the actual angle of the motor. Rooster tails don't matter to me. I look at rpms and speed.
  10. Nasty out there. I had totally forgotten what holiday weekends are like. I only went to check out some emailed wpts but too rough to tell much about them.
  11. Friday didn't turn out for me so I am going to give it a try Sun. morning at dark thirty. I am putting in at Nemo.
  12. GMAN and CADMAN are on this site and sell what ever you want. Send them PMs and see how it goes.
  13. I am sure you can find all you want to know at tackle underground.
  14. OH contrare mi ami. Mine are used on the water and on the farm. There are no scratches on them.
  15. I bought the glass used them for a week and took them back. I couldn't see my gps with them on.
  16. I have not had the chance to get there this year. I noticed that it is at Power Pool. I don't have any work for Friday am and thought I give it a shot before the heat becomes too much for a fat boy to handle. Are the bass in the timber and brush piles yet?
  17. I have 2500 Stradics and Symmetrys. There is not that much difference in their performance but I like the Stradic just a bit more.
  18. I keep all of my plastics in boxes. I have a box for every type of plastic that I carry. Because of salt in some baits I keep the hooks and sinkers in their own boxes.
  19. It is only about 10 ft high. Stackey King won a T last week with a 3 day total of almost 60#. The jig bite has been good lately. If you are in Branson then you can go to State Park and fish the main lake or go up Long Creek. You will find any kind of banks or structure you want on that end of the lake.
  20. I make a lot of long casts so I put on 20 yds more than my long casts. I spool on the braid then the mono. I tie it to my boat and walk it off the reel then respool putting the mono on first. It is a little extra work but it gives me exactly how much line I want on the reel with no guess work.
  21. Yes they have a flat side. The fish don't care. Seal POP with a 50/50 elmer's glue and water. Use 3 coats.
  22. I recommend that you do some reading on pouring and mold making before you jump into the game. I'd also recommend that you pick out a mold and buy it, pour some baits, then decide about making molds. The best place to learn about all this is tackle underground. Check out Lure Craft, Jann's Netcraft, Bear's, Barlows Tackle, just to name a few to see what they have to offer. It is quite a hobby to get into. I make baits all the time and my own molds. It really gets addictive. Here is a link to the same topic here on BR.
  23. Like Dave said only go for one at a time. I have been into plastic for a lot of years and have a bunch of molds that I have made and several that I have bought. You can copy most anything, though if you try to sell something with a patent you'll likely find yourself in a big law suit. That being said I use Bondo from O'Reilly's to make my molds. I'll try to post some pics of what I do but some of my hosts can't post here. Here are some of my Bondo molds. I glue baits down in a pan. Spray everything with oil and pour in the bondo.
  24. I run an O2 Opti. It has over 500 hours. I use a water seperating fuel filter. I dump it after 6 months and replace it after 12 months. I am seeing no problems to date.
  25. I use a pair of snap ring pliers. I stick them inside the band and spread it as I put the hook through it. I push the band in place and remove the pliers. That is the way I make spinnerbait skirts and jigs.
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