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Jig Man

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Everything posted by Jig Man

  1. Check out some of the sites I listed. You can find starter kits that are mostly all inclusive.
  2. I need: a M 6.5' spinning rod for plastics a MH 6.5' bc for spinnerbaits and light jigs a MH 7' for 1/2 oz spinnerbaits and medium jigs a H 7' for 3.4 and 1 oz jigs.
  3. If you can heat them just to the point where the paint goes on and has a dull finish it will be a thin coat and not tend to run when you are baking them. I heat mine either with a propane torch or several at a time in a toaster oven if I am doing a bunch.
  4. Places to look are Barlow's, Jann's Netcraft, Lure Craft and Bears's just to name a few. Also you can go to tackleunderground and read all kinds of tips in the soft plastic forum. There are a few things you will need no matter where you buy: plastisol coloring glitter molds melting method holding containers gloves for hot items
  5. Just going to 24v won't double your speed. You can get 24v at about 67 # of thrust and that won't be enough. I seriously doubt if the biggest one can get you 6 mph. However, you will get better performance, more staying power, and more speed when you go larger. If your budget allows, go for the most thrust you can get and add some length to the shaft of the new one. If your tmotor battery has age on it then get 2 new ones. Get at least 27 series and as many reserve amps as possible (200 is ideal).
  6. I'd get a cheap pair of muffs hook them to a water hose, put stabilizer in the fuel and run it for a while. Write it down on a piece of paper and tape it to the motor. Then you'll know.
  7. Power Pro works for me.
  8. Bigfoot has a 30 # mushroom that he uses in the Bass Cat when he night fishes for crappie. I have been with him and it works pretty well.
  9. No that is not too shallow for drop shot, though you might not be able to do it vertically.
  10. I got them in my camper once and got rid of them with the ant traps. Once they got into the house and I sprayed with Home Defense from Lowe's I think.
  11. None of the above is my favorite. I like to use a jig with what ever as a trailer. Second is Trig, then wacky.
  12. The first thing I do is mark a wpt because the lake I fish mostly doesn't have houses or boat docks and lots of places look alike. Then I either use my memory or a map and look for more spots like JF.
  13. I suppose it would be Jack Rudnay when he was the center for the Kansas City Chiefs. We used to meet on Tuesdays which was his day off.
  14. I use it for visability so white and hi vis yellow are my colors with or without a leader.
  15. Two things I always have tied on: tubes (they find fish for me) and jigs (they catch bigger fish).
  16. I did not know gate shears were available at a place like Home Depot. You can dip them in the powderpaint jars. I did it for years. You can use any heat source to warm up the lead. I use a small propane torch when only doing a few. Some guys use a heat gun. I have used a candle. Be sure to paint them and put the skirts on before attaching the weedguard. I'm sure Cadman has some instructions that he might email you. Ted seems to have a file for most everything. Also you might contact him for paint. He had some cheap a while back. If you have a Harbor Freight Sales near you they have a few colors of powder.
  17. Mostly you can get by with some pliers and side cutters but a good pair of gate shears comes in real handy. You will need a way to paint the heads so when you order the gate shears get a few colors of powder paint. On a personal note if you are only going to make for yourself you can buy pre poured spinnerbait heads and not have the cost of a mold.
  18. Gloomis IMX 844c for 3/4 and 1 oz jigs Gloomis IMX 843c for 1/2 and 3/8 oz jigs
  19. For the money there is nothing wrong with the Bionic Blade rod. Like previously stated, get a mid grade mono till you get real familiar with the setup.
  20. MG and MK take different sizes of holes with the MK being much larger.
  21. Amber Costas for me.
  22. There are lots of good batteries out there. Brands don't make much difference because lots of them are made in the same plant and just carry a different label. For trolling motors you need to get deep cycle batteries with the highest reserve capacity (reserve amps) that you can find. I like 200 reserve amps on flooded cell batteries.
  23. Your 6 am charger is a slow charge. You should have a 10-15 amp charger for the batteries. There is a very good chance that you never got the batteries recharged completely after the first two trips. Get a hydrometer so you can check the specific gravity of the cells when you have charged them. At full charge they should be 12.7 volts.
  24. With a bit of ingenuity and some JB Weld you can fix that sucker back like it used to be. I've go a bunch of it on some of my molds that I "customized" and didn't like the outcome. Back to your original problem, are you sure you have the correct size of things for the mold? A hook that is too big won't let the mold close or if they have different sizes of screw locks is yours the right one. I really don't know about commercial screw locks as I make my own.
  25. I own 3 trailers and most of the problems I have had are bare wire or bad grounds. The first thing I'd do is check all the connections and sharp bends. It could be a simple ground problem and or a frayed wire. If you can isolate the problem it may be a fifty-cent fix instead of a $20 and 3 hour fix.
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