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Jig Man

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Everything posted by Jig Man

  1. I'm heading down there on Monday. Any of you guys been lately?
  2. If you do it yourself, lacquer thinner is the best thing I have found for getting the old off. Do it outside.
  3. I have been making my own with some stick epoxy and wire that I have on hand. They look very primitive but work and only cost me a bone or so to make. I decided to get the one on fishing skirts. With it and the resin to make the heads I have $50 tied up and it will only make 5. Here is the home made one.
  4. No I don't think there is but you are adding another link which can fail. I had some come open on homemade Arigs last week. I lost the fish and the bait so be sure to get good ones that lock well.
  5. At wot that EFI will drink the fuel. You should be able to keep it in the 4000 to 4500 range and get much better fuel efficiency. I run an Opti 225 I can't afford wot more than a little while as it uses 30 gph. Backed off I can get down to 10-15 and with the price of gasoline, oil, and carbon guard that is expensive enough for me.
  6. I have a pair of them. I can use 1/4 jig but it feels a bit light for me so I normally use the 843s on 3/8 and 1/2 oz. jigs and for 3/8 oz spinnerbaits and buzzbaits. I use my 844 for 3/4 and 1 oz jigs.
  7. My home made ones sometimes develop a weak spot after about 20 uses. When I see a color change in the material, I toss it in the trash and pull out a new one as they only cost a couple of bones to build.
  8. I have made several of them from cathetor injectors that I get from my vet. A compression fitting around the brass tube is necessary for a good job.
  9. I fish bridge piers quite a bit. One of them is a mile long. I fish the shady side and the sunny side as there is no telling where they will be on any given day. Some wind is a good thing as they bite more agressively with chop on the water.
  10. I buy by the 1000 on hooks so I rarely run out. My jigs and plastics I make by the 100 and have lots on hand so I pay little attention to what is out there.
  11. Your best bang for your buck is probably to stick with a flooded cell deep cycle. There are several good ones out there. Look for 180-200 reserve amps.
  12. Be sure that you get the loop closed completely or you'll throw your blade and swivel.
  13. Take a look at the NADA guides. You should be able to ball park it.
  14. I fish a version of it that I make myself. We are only allowed 3 baits so I have 2 willow leave blades on mine. I have been throwing it since Feb. It just started producing big time last week. I have caught black bass, white bass, walleye and crappie on it. I just came in from working on a few more. I'm going to carry 6 or so rigged differently.
  15. Color only matters to the human not the fish. When jigs first hit this part of the country no one painted the heads. You couldn't even buy them at shops or docks with painted heads. Now some jigs have multi colored heads so guess the target (man or fish).
  16. 1.) whats an affordable way to paint my baits [powder paint] 2.) What company has affordable bulk blades i can buy [Check places like Barlow's, Jann's, Lurecraft, Stamina Inc, Z tackle] 3.) does having a more flexible gauge in wire help catch more bass and produce a more quality lure? [not for me they bend out of shape with every fish] If you really want to get into all this and learn a whole bunch, take a stroll over to www.tackleunderground.com. Do a bit of research on painting, hooks, spinnerbaits, etc. There is a few months of info over there as all of us guys make baits not just a few.
  17. You could see ss from the bow hds unit via ethernet.
  18. Yes I do. You can do it in a pan with a hot plate. You can do it in a microwave with a pyrex measuring cup. You will need a mold to pour the plastic into. When you mix colors you normally get green or brown. Don't use scented baits like gulp. I suggest you go to www.tackleunderground.com and look up don'ts for newbies in the soft plastic forum.
  19. When I am fishing a tube in that kind of stuff I rig it weedless with a bell sinker inside or weedless like in the pic. Every once in a while I have to snap it to get it free of clinging stuff.
  20. I am quite surprised that you found digitals that accurate. About 4 years ago I went through every digital that Bass Pro carried. The thing that drove me nuts is they would give me 3 different weights on the same fish if I weighed it 3 times. I gave up and bought a Boca Grip. Maybe the mfgs have made improvements in the last 4 years.
  21. I always leave mine in the boat unless I go with someone else. I've got rods buried in the bottom of the rod locker that haven't seen daylight in a couple of years.
  22. I got bitten by the supertune bug a few years ago. I use Curados. I tooke them apart and used 600 grit wet dry sand paper cut into strips and put into split tooth picks. I put them in my dremel and polished the ends of the spool, the housing for the brakes and inside the pinon gear. Then I followed that with 1500 grit. Lastly, I used semi-chrome polish on a pad in my dremel. The first one took me 3 hours to do. Later it became easier and faster. I made lots of casts in the yard with casting plugs before and after the job. I averaged 34' distance gain. I later sent them in for new spool bearings and ceramic bearings which gave me another 30' when I ran the bearings dry.
  23. X2 But it still comes out kinda shiny.
  24. Did this happen before you replaced the impellor?
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