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Jig Man

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Everything posted by Jig Man

  1. If it is relatively dried out, you should be able to plug it in and heat it up. The moisture should evaoprate. Next time don't loan stuff to that guy.
  2. Not necessarily. It just means that it is what is currently in the cone. Like Wayne stated the cone angle on a 200 kHz unit is normally 20° which gives you a diameter at the bottom of roughly 1/3 of the depth. You also have the cone from the ducer to the bottom and stuff shows up in it not just on the bottom. Where it shows is how far from the ducer it is not where it is. We would all like to thing of it like a camera pic but it isn't.
  3. Just be sure to put some backing on the reel to keep the braid from slipping. You also don't need a full spool of braid just more than you can cast.
  4. Around here the spinnerbait is best in low light so I fish it early in the morning and late in the evening or at night. I can't buy a fish when the sun is high on a spinnerbait.
  5. Your startup could be several hundred dollars so like suggested I recommend that you buy some jigs and what ever trailer you choose and see it you like fishing them before you take a plunge to make them. Cadman and Gman on this site make and sell jigs.
  6. The cable can be lubed by a tech at a shop or you can build your own cable luber. If you go to American Anglers web site and do a search there is a full explanation of how to build it with pics.
  7. I have a gloomis rod that will only hold a curado 200 if the reel is shimmed with electrical tape.
  8. When a fish shows up say 20' on the screen it can be 20' in any direction as long as it is in the strong cone angle. Just because it looks like it is below you doesn't necessarily mean that is so. It may be suspended in any direction. You would be way better off locating cover or structure and fishing that instead of trying to catch something that shows up as a random arch.
  9. That will be during the full moon. Single spins and swim jigs are what I use mostly during the summer in the moon. Don't be afraid to use a white jig or spinnerbait with white trailer.
  10. I tried it a few times and like stated with the cleanup they cool way too fast. If you don't already have one, get a toaster oven or a heat guy. My toaster oven came from a garage sale for $2 and it has been going for over 10 years. Heating the heads just enough to get a powery coat instead of a shiny one gives you a very thin coat of paint that won't run when you bake on the finish.
  11. What are you going to hook it up to? I have one on my hds units. It does refresh faster then the others.
  12. You didn't say why you want to extend it. Unless you move your boat forward you run the risk of haveing too little tounue weight which could cause trailer whip lash when towing.
  13. Most of the time it is as expensive to make as it is to buy unless you use a lot of something. The thing about making is getting to control the product and have it the way you want it. I purchase from Bear's, Barlow's, Jann's, Lure Craft.
  14. You guys are telling it right. I sold off a bunch of molds and still have about 20 and I don't even sell jigs. A couple of years ago I decided to make tubes with injectors. My first tube cost me a little over $300. Now they are less than $1 but still twice as much as I can pay at the store.
  15. I like to fish piers when I go past a bridge. I normally start with a white buzz if they will hit it. If not, I try a white or chart. spinnerbait or a white/chart. 3/8 to 1/2 oz swim jig. When I use the swim jig I do a count down then swim. Sometimes it takes a count of 10 to get down to where the keepers are holding. Most of the time the fish are on the shady side.
  16. Try www.tackleunderground.com Maybe one of those guys makes them.
  17. That is all I use now.
  18. You can see lots of pics of unit installs and xducer installs as well as get a lot of good info here
  19. There are too many variables to even make a guess. The age of the batteries and the reserve capacity of them along with the age and amp draw of the trolling motor will make for a lot of variation in how much time you would get.
  20. You might get a really good older sonar/gps unit from someone trading up. Check out the for sale forum.
  21. I've been there.... PIPE WRENCH.
  22. Dangerous... The fumes may be but I haven't seen any ill effects except for the third eye in the middle of my forehead. Seriously, the danger comes from the plastisol which needs to be around 350° for good performance. I wear long pants because sometimes things go wrong. Ask a pair of my Levis with plastisol down the left leg. I wear glasses and heat resistant gloves from Bears. You should see some pics of guys hands and arms from plastisol accidents. Be advised that moisture around plastisol will cause blow ups like with lead. Keep things dry and drink your beer or other beverage after you are done and are admiring your new baits.
  23. It looks a lot like the Mustad 91768BLN that I use on my Poison Tail jigs.
  24. When by myself 18 with 10 out and 8 on standby.
  25. I have switched over to AGMs in my Champion. I am using the Optima D-31M batteries on my trolling motor and the Sears Die Hard AGM with 1150 CCA for my starting battery. I couldn't be happier with batteries than I am now. I bought my Optimas at an Auto Zone because they had the best price and an easy 3 year warranty. When I told the mgr I wanted 2 of them he cut me a better price.
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