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Jig Man

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Everything posted by Jig Man

  1. I use medium plastisol and add hardner or softner as needed. I remelt but haven't used softner in any of it. JUNE BUG 4 oz plastisol 1 drop purple maybe 2 1 drop black 1 drop red 2 drops blue green & purple flake
  2. I have the same situation with my A-Rig wire. I can't get it straight by hand and haven't found any other way.
  3. I have owned most of the digitals and found them to be inconsistant with readings so I bit the bullet and bought a Boga Grip.
  4. After last winter don't forget the A-Rig.
  5. I use the one small shop when I can. The nice thing about them is special orders. I can get a rod or a 300 yd spool of a particular line without any hassel. The last time I wanted to special order a rod from BPS the guy said I'd have to order 200 of them.
  6. I don't bleed my system. What I do is turn the wheel slowly all the way to the right then slowly all the way to the left (with the cap off). I add fluid then repeat the turning adding more fluid if necessary.
  7. I own several Curado E7s and decided to get a slower reel for cranks. I bought the E5 and that thing outcasts all of my E7s. It is the throwingest reel out of the box that I have ever seen. You must have a dud or wrong setup.
  8. I never change mine. I have never heard of a reason to change it out. It has a small leak that we have never been able to find so I add a couple of table spoons of fluid about 2 times each year. The brand I use is Sea Star hydraulic steering fluid.
  9. Being just east of you I probably have similar weather. I fish all winter long except when the water gets hard then I can always go to upper Bull Shoals where it doesn't freeze. I have a Merc Optimax and run Quick Kleen in it all the time. I have been told that I don't need a stabilizer with it so I do nothing to the gasoline. I change my lower unit fluid in the fall to make sure there is no water in it. Then when I leave the lake I lower the motor and let it drain. I raise it up and lower it again and let it drain. I repeate this a third time so that all of the water gets out. That is my winter routine. I have been doing it for a very long time and have never had a problem.
  10. I have kept meticulous records for years and the phase of the moon is one of the items that I log after each trip. The phase of the moon is most important to me when I am night fishing. I like the week before and up to 3 nights after the full moon. Frontal conditions, wind speed and wind direction play a much bigger role for me than moon phase.
  11. I am a firm believer in matching the equipment. That way I don't have to adjust to the feel of a different rod every time I change especially at night. The only non matching setup for me is cranking. All of the other bc rods are from the same mfg and have Shimano Curado E7s mounted on them.
  12. Your losing bottom should be a transducer problem not a head unit problem. Since you have moved the head around, I assume that the ducer stayed put. If so then it has to be a head problem and I'd be calling Lowrance asap.
  13. Either or but not both JMO.
  14. If you are going to tie by hand get you a large rotating whip finisher. It will cut your time way down and do a lot better job. Then finish off with clear nail polish. http://www.jsflyfishing.com/cgi-bin/item/OF-900440-0000?source=google_base&kw=OF-900440-0000&gclid=CKWercnjt7MCFRBgMgodun8A9Q
  15. If you don't want it to move with boat bouncing on waves get the 2" ball. I have an 8 on the bow with one and it stays put. Be advised that the bracket holes won't align with the gimble mount holes on your hds 8. Line up the two you want bolt it down, mark where you need the new ones and drill them.
  16. The first several years I didn't even paint jig heads. So I don't think the fish care one way or another. That being said I paint eyes on everything because I like the way they look.
  17. Your application will be just fine. I have several Shamano 1000 size reels that I use for white bass and crappie fishing. They are just the right size for me with 4-6# mono or 8/1 braid. The stradic is a great reel but the symmetry or sahara will do you a good job and cost less bones.
  18. I have had mine for about 5 years. I would never go back.
  19. I use all of the above. I've even used zip ties but don't like them at all. My wire is the windings out of an old table saw motor. My thread is flat waxed. The collars are from fishing skirts. I don't see a lot of difference in which I use except when using round rubber I have to tie or wire them. I think it is more in the eye of the beholder than the eye of the fish. Collars don't rot like they used to. I have some that have been on for over 3 years and are stil just fine.
  20. I don't see any reason why you can't "get by" as you say with a 24v system. I am running one on a 20.5' boat and do a lot of fishing into the wind. I always have lots of power left at the end of a long day of windy fishing. I have run most flooded cells that are out there and not found much difference in them. I have been using AGM batteries for the last two years and like them a lot because they are cleaner to use.
  21. The poison tail is my jig of choice for swim jigs. For all sizes you'll need two molds.
  22. If you buy a boat from a good dealer they will go over everything you need to know about the boat and all of its functions as well as take you to the lake and teach you how to operate it and teach you ramp and lot etiquette.
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