I have always been a MG guy. I can't get used to the look of the gynormous MK foot control and they put the power button on the wrong side of it anyway.
Yep and after lots of years using the metal pins I switched to the teflon ones. I mold with them in, leave them in to paint, leave them in to bake then take them out to finish the jig.
Cadman is absolutely correct. Follow his instructions and you will be alright. I have been pouring lead for several decades and haven't had problems with it. Just be careful and save.
I've been using a Bac Rac for at least 3 years. I always take it with me when I'm in another guy's boat and let anyone fishing with me use it if they so choose.
I have a rotary vise like smalljaw. I use it for all of my maribous and bucktails. When I wire tie living rubber I use a bench vise so I can pull against it. It is a lot sturdier than my rotary. When I use tabs and collars I don't need a vise.
Every time a new product comes on to the market lots of guys sell their current models and buy the latest toys. You can get really good buys on some very good used items if you look around.
I really have no idea of what you have done but I'd really like to see some pics. Find a photo hosting site, put your pics on it and them copy them to this one.
Color--- red/black, chart/blue, chart/white, chart, lime greeen, black, golden shiner but mostly white
Blades---Single willow, colorado, indiana
Double willow, colorado, willow/colorado
More than 2 willow
Sizes----1/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2 and 1 oz but mostly 3/8
They are better than they used to be. A couple of my friends are now running the Z8s with 225 Optimax Mercs. They seem well built.
They used to be very low quality and didn't hold up well. They also were completely under powered like they were designed for a first buyer who didn't know much. That also made them the fastest depreciating boat on the market. I haven't checked that lately and hope they are doing better.
Taking off the old isn't hard to do. Get some lacquer thinner, pour it over a place, give it a few seconds then lift the old carpet off. Take a spackling knife and remove the glue residue. Let it dry then put on glue and carpet.
Don't do this indoors unless you have a death wish.
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